Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Democrats offer the new normal in a future Hillary Administration

Anthony Weiner accused of sexting relationship with 15-year-old girl

  New York Post

Disgraced former lawmaker Anthony Weiner had a months-long online relationship with a 15-year-old girl, whom he asked to dress up in school uniforms and be part of “rape fantasies,” according to an explosive report Wednesday.
The unidentified high school student claimed she was a sophomore in January when she first connected with the “Carlos Danger” politician, reported.
Weiner knew the girl was a minor, she and her dad told the news site.
“I thought of you this am,” Weiner reportedly wrote to her on the instant messaging app Kik, using the handle “T Dog.” “Hard.”
He sent bare-chested pictures of himself to the girl and creepily boasted about his prowess.
“I would bust that tight p–sy so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week,” Weiner reportedly wrote.
The two texted and spoke over Skype, the girl said.
Weiner would ask her to dress up in plaid skirts for roleplaying with him as a teacher.

“He had some rape fantasies. It would just be him showing up at my house when my dad was out of town,” the girl said. “And just start undressing me, being forceful, asking me if I want to be dominated, strange questions.”
Weiner’s political career and marriage were destroyed by his online sexual dalliances.
The Post reported last month that Weiner was still sexting, prompting his wife — Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin — to dump him.
After months of freaky online chitchat with Weiner, the girl said, she told her teacher about it in April.
“I was scared. I felt bad for talking to [Weiner],” the girl said. “I felt a little guilty and I wrote [my dad] a letter telling him.”
Still, the girl said, she kept up with Weiner until July, with him asking her to write letters saying their relationship wasn’t as pervy as text messages showed.
“After I told my teacher about the relationship, [Weiner] wanted me to email my dad and my teacher and tell them (what) I said was false,” the girl said. “That the conversations were appropriate and were never inappropriate, and he was very helpful.”
The teen said she wrote letters to satisfy Weiner, but sent them to fake email addresses.
In the faux note, she wrote of Weiner: “Our online chats were never inappropriate, he was always very helpful and kind.”
The girl said she came forward after seeing reports in The Post that showed Weiner using his own toddler son as a prop for relationships with women.
“After seeing what he did with his son having him in the picture that was released, I think that he’s very disgusting and he needs help,” she said.
Weiner was an up-and-coming member of Congress in 2011 when pictures of his bulging manhood emerged, leading to initial claims he was hacked.
He soon came clean, admitted he sent pervy pictures and resigned from office.
Despite that humiliating episode, Weiner had a chance to revive his career and was a frontrunner in the 2013 New York mayoral race.
But again, Weiner’s sexting compulsion got the better of him as 22-year-old Sydney Leathers came forward with her online relationship with him.
Despite having the most recognizable name in the crowded Democratic field, Weiner finished fifth in his party’s primary with less that 5 percent of the vote — as then-Public Advocate Bill de Blasio skated into Gracie Mansion.
And as if that Leathers humiliation wasn’t enough, Weiner was back at it in 2015 — sending an underwear picture of himself to a woman. Weiner’s creepy factor went off the charts when he posed his young son alongside him for the picture.
Weiner’s teen sexting partner claimed she reached out to him first, via Twitter on Jan. 23. The girl said she did it out of curiosity about his past scandals.
In one Kik exchange, she asked him about his online persona “Carlos Danger” — and Weiner jumped on that chance for a cheesy come-on.
“You can call me anything,” he wrote. “I’d like that.”
“Would you like to call me something?” the girl responded.
“Mine,” Weiner allegedly wrote back.
The 51-year-old Weiner declined to comment specifically on the flirtatious chitchats but admitted to making bad decisions.
“I have repeatedly demonstrated terrible judgment about the people I have communicated with online and the things I have sent,” he told “I am filled with regret and heartbroken for those I have hurt.”
The dad said he was particularly freaked out that his little girl and Weiner had Skyped.
“I couldn’t stomach that,” he said. “That really was the worst part I think was knowing that inappropriate behavior was available to my daughter by this man.”
While the teen usually chatted about high school activities and her learner’s permit, Weiner usually steered conversations toward ice hockey, working out and his sex drive, she said.
She recalled one particularly weird Skype rendezvous when Weiner hit on her as his son bathed nearby.
“(Weiner’s) son was in the bathtub at the time just downstairs,” she said. “So he would yell at his son to check on him, and then he asked me to take my clothes off, and just started saying these really sexual things.”
The girl said she never saw Weiner naked.
“He would tell me to say his name as I was touching myself,” the girl said. “He would ask me to take my clothes off.”
“He would just have his shirt off,” she added. “Sometimes he would grab his lower region, but that was about it.”
(Now you say why follow this story? It sort of interests me but for a different reason than you think. One of my favorite comedians Anthony Cumia has a similar problem. He lost his job because of Twitter and is infamous for dating very, very young girls. You can go to Youtube and hear some hilarious radio shows from back in the day where they busted his balls about it. I remember on in particular when his then girlfriend had an asthma attack and when she went to the hospital they took her to the pediatric unit. Man did he get roasted. Now he is smart to make sure the girls are of legal age. Barely. Then he got in trouble for physically restraining his sometimes girlfriend. When you look at her you realize that he is into her because she looks like a young teen even though she is in her twenties with an adults drug and alcohol abuse problems. He had to cop a plea and go into rehab. Lost his guns. Bummer.
So what does that have to do with anything? I have to check my outrage at Weiner because I just laugh off Anthony because he is a racist right wing gun nut like me. When Anthony does it I laugh. So why get outraged at Weiner? We know that Weiner and his pal Bill Clinton love the underage poon tang because they were regulars at Pedophile Island. It is all well know and nobody cares a whit.
These guys are really just pathetic. They can't stand up with a real woman so they have to have little girls. I mean seriously that is just stupid. They have both really messed up their lives beyond repair. I feel bad for Anthony but I laugh at him. I also laugh at Weiner. Just in a different way.
It's sick out there and getting sicker.)


Methadras said...

Well at least he isn't a fag. The LGBTQIIXYZ's are triggered.

MamaM said...

I couldn't read more. It sickens me to see women who wish to believe they are powerful, who attempt to portray strength, and act as though they are qualified to speak and make choices for others and represent what is best about being a competent person who is female, make such foolish life choices and accept such brokenness and deviancy in the men they live with and use as support, as though the behavior repeatedly revealed by those men is healthy, mature and close to normal, when it's twisted, deviant, and truly deplorable.

Pertaining to an earlier discussion on euthanasia and being forced to live, this quote by Rilke:

Murders are easy to understand. But this: that one can contain death, the whole of death, even before life has begun, can hold it to one’s heart gently, and not refuse to go on living, this is inexpressible.

For me to keep holding onto hope in the face of such foolishness and inability on the part of people who hold power and desire more to make wise choices, sometimes feels inexpressibly difficult.

edutcher said...

"They can't stand up with a real woman so they have to have little girls."

Hoo boy, is that the truth.

And probably always has been.

"Alpha male", "ladies' man", "charming rogue" "good ol' boy" Willie had to rape them back when he was a mid-size fish in the Arkinsaw pond because a real woman would have seen through him.

He settled for a power-hungry harridan like Hillary because she would not only look the other way, but she would be all too happy to play Hera to his Zeus because she was her ticket to Olympus.

Funny how people like him, Weiner, Teddy Kennedy, Christopher Dodd all gravitate toward each other.

Good little Lefties, concerned about people and what they can do to help, all of them.

Leland said...

Wife's a muslim, what's the big deal. Sex with children is something their prophet does. We're judging him with Christian values, which means we are racists. Indeed, his actions are the new normal.

MamaM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Olson Johnson is right! said...

I'm about 50% suspicious of this story. Pics or it didn't happen.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Wait.. strike that, I don't want to see any wiener pics, I just mean that there is no proof other than allegations in a newspaper. If it really happened then the cops need to investigate.