Saturday, September 17, 2016

Explosion in New York .......Developing

There was an explosion on 23rd St between Sixth and Seventh Avenue in New York City tonight. Facts are sketchy but it seems it was from a dumpster near the Business Integrity Offices and the Guild for the Blind. It is also a very gay area and it is quite possible that that was the reason for this place to be targeted. Now the news is peddling the story that it is construction debris. Right. De Blasio is making a press conference and you can almost guarantee that he will lie.

Of course there were the pipe bombs at the race in Jersey today. They can't explain that one away. You know the media and the commie Mayor will try and spin this that there is nothing to see. But it is a new world.

I did not watch this on cable TV because I gave it up. I followed it on WPIX face book live. It is amazing. A reporter had his phone and was broadcasting and giving some great information. He was right there with the rest of the reporters. It was like I was standing there. In fact it was kind of funny to see the byplay with the cops controlling the scene. One guy is going to regret some of the shit he said. He didn't realize that it was going out live over the internet. Everybody is a reporter these days. It that guy didn't film Hillary falling on his phone they would have covered it up. As Instanerd says it is an Army of Davids.

I await the spin and the lies from Red Bill De Blasio.

Update: De Blasio says there is no proof that it is terrorism and there is no credible threat to NYC.
I wonder if this turns out that this was the Muslims bombing the gays?

I have been at that exact location many times. It is right near the F train stop. I had several tax clients there. Including a bar a block away. Now there are reports of a second device. They say there were 29 injuries but thank God none of them are life threatening.

Now De Blasio said it was an "intentional act" but does not want to admit it is terrorism. "At this moment there is no specific link to terrorism." What a lying sack of shit!

I remember when the towel heads tried to put a bomb in Times Square Bloomberg said it was white supremacists. Yeah that's the ticket! I bet it was Pepe the Frog!


edutcher said...

Another possibility is something to divert us from Frumpty's collapse.

Or a Rally 'Round The Bam.

Or an excuse for that smirking simpleton, Jeh, to put the country under martial law.

(paranoid, I know, but what's paranoid and what's realistic has been getting closer for the last 50 years)

Trooper York said...

The simple explanation is best ed. The terrorists that Obama and Hillary let into this country either set it or had radicalized knuckleheads that they riled up who did it.

The conspiracy is the lies they will tell to cover it up or minimize it.

I repeat I must have walked past that location a hundred and fifty times.

Trooper York said...

My employee went into the city with her boyfriend tonight. Thank God she went to the San Genaro Festival and not the Comedy Club over there which she went to last week.

Trooper York said...

23rd St is one of the major cross streets in Manhattan. 14th. 23rd. 34th. 42nd. They are all stops on the F train line. They are all cross streets to drive down to the West Side Highway.

This was put there to do damage. To kill.

Trooper York said...

I just saw Hillary sleep walking through a response. "We have to wait for the facts. We have to support the first responders. You know. The cops that kill innocent black children just because they have a gun. What? Leave me alone. I have pneumonia. Wheres Ubu with my needle?"

Trooper York said...

Breitbart is a good site for up to minute reporting.

Trooper York said...

But Facebook live is killing it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Baghdad in NY?

Trooper York said...

Jerusalem in Minnesota?

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

The simple explanation is best ed. The terrorists that Obama and Hillary let into this country either set it or had radicalized knuckleheads that they riled up who did it.

I know, but since the Demos seem to be sinking by the bow at this point, we might as well hit all the angles.

This is more of the IS playbook - small, easily set up attacks by an individual or a very small group. Just dumb luck the casualties were relatively few.

edutcher said...

OK, Fox says there's a second bomb, likely a pressure cooker.

Looks like Joker has some friends.

PS The comments in this piece has links to the Beast and her response. Love to know what drugs she's on. Absolutely no animation, no concern, totally apathetic, Dukakian.

William said...

Hell of a damned coincidence-- these two bombs and those others in NJ on the same day........My keen deductive powers lead me to believe that this might be a coordinated attack, and it might have something to do with terrorism......Here's another keen observation. If they don't catch the bomber ASAP, everyone who lives in NYC is going to be on tenterhooks waiting for the next bomb.......DeBlasio will undoubtedly redouble his efforts to make sure that this bomb and the next few ones don't inspire any incidents of Islamophobia. You've got to keep your eye on the ball and set your priorities in order in crisis situations.

Methadras said...

The religion of peace strikes again.

edutcher said...

That's what Dubya wanted to do.

Meantime, we ought to start deporting all the ones that have been imported the last 8 years.