Monday, September 26, 2016

From outside the Trump Hillary debate hall at Hofstra today

Trigger Warning:  The event conducted just beyond this sign may contain triggering and/or sensitive material, sexual violence, sexual assault, and abuse are some topics mentioned within this event. If you feel triggered, please know there are resources to support you.


edutcher said...

My God, what do these kids do in the real world?

PS Sounds like a James Bond movie.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now a Twitter claims it was MTV that put it up.

Shouting Thomas said...

You've got to be kidding.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Those who are triggered should be *triggered* - if you know what I mean. Buncha undesirables.

Amartel said...

I'm feeling triggered right now. I gotta lie down.
Seriously, if debate and/or sexual content makes you triggered then maybe you should just stay at home under the covers in your safe place. Clearly, other people are just too much for you.

Amartel said...

Sexual violence at the presidential debate? Is Trump going to whip it out? Write his name on the carpet in gold? Is Clinton going to hump Trump's leg? Have an inadvertent prolapse?
I feel violated just thinking about it.
Hold me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clintons rape us just by being there.

ampersand said...

You call that a trigger warning? Here's a Trigger Warning

Amartel said...

So is the audience going to be filled with millenial college snowflakes clapping like seals for Hillary?

bagoh20 said...

Like I said, it's wishful thinking.

If it was MTV that put it up, that's really complete lack of self-awareness. MTV is the source of some of the most offensive stuff in media today or ever. If any material needs a warning it's MTV's regular programming.

The only question I have is: if Hillary passes out, does The Donald just pin her down and wait for the count, pick her up and deliver the piledriver, or turn his back and risk her getting up and grabbing a chair? You never know who's gonna make the dramatic comeback at the end of these things.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok debate is starting... Is Hillary coughing yet?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hillary started Christmas list while Donald started on the realistic picture of the American economy.

Leland said...

All this is justifying the violent reaction that lead to shooting of Giffords in Arizona. The left has decided to make it a thing that if the right says something, and someone becomes literally trigger happy, then it is the right's speech that's like pulling the trigger. Since their isn't enough real world events to prove this; they point to the manic depressives that get more upset (at anything hence the diagnosis) because somebody on the right (could have been anything, but the progressive will still claim someone on the right) said something.

Exception to trigger warnings is if the trigger is pulled by someone with blog posts featuring the head of ISIS, or calls 911 to talk about their support of ISIS; in that case, the motives of the shooter is unknown. Perhaps they were anti-gay, in which case they should be tried under hate crime laws. Until it becomes obvious that perhaps they really are terrorist, considering the multiple trips to terrorist supporting countries (though the left pretends they don't really exist); in which case hate laws only apply to those that called them a terrorist before federal law enforcement decided months or years later to call them a terrorist.

ndspinelli said...

She's doing her aloof, smug act and she is reminding me of Al Gore debating. Her base loves it, the MSM loves it, regular folk don't.

ricpic said...

She's telling lies of course but she's doing it very well. I have a sinking feeling.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trump promises to release his tax returns as soon as Hillary releases 33,000 emails she deleted

john said...

"Implicit bias" question sure seemed like it was pitched to Clinton right when she was ready to hit. Way too convenient question, seems like she knew it was coming.

Cam someone check her earpiece?

ricpic said...

Implicit bias means she just called the police racist and the police the cause of inner city lawlessness. It is a complete inversion of the truth and Trump should have but didn't call her out on it. I'm afraid she's winning this debate. He's letting her get away with lie after lie.

john said...

Donald needs a medical emergency, in the next 12 minutes.

john said...

Donald just major lost me with his Nato remarks.

Chip Ahoy said...

Trump never challenged her and her campaign for putting out the birther thing.

And he never seized on the opportunity for for saying explicitly that is was Obama himself who trolled the entire nation. By spending upwards of 8 million dollars to keep his birth certificate private. The public wanted proof Obama hid the truth. For an overly long time. Disgusting. Hillary startedit, Obama played it. Their party sucks.

Thirdly, Obama has kept concealed his College records where a very large portion of the American public has strong reason to suspect that lied about an exotic African birth for admission to Ivy league school. A publication author's profile says so. This was written by HIM.

So three things right there that Trump didn't use.

Just looking at her disgusting corrupted face makes me puke. And hearing her awful fucking voice is well beyond intolerable. Eight years of Obama's hissing Slytherin sibilants, no to Madame Mao's voice. No to the voice. Mute for the arrogant smirking cuxxxxx woman. If that's what she is.

john said...

Donald doesn't know anything about first strike. He could have come down hard on Obama on this and didn't. Just bloviating.

edutcher said...

Chip, the birther thing is nothing. Nobody cares now except a few Lefties.

I thought the line about releasing his tax returns when she releases her emails was a lot more effective.

Not to mention Frumpty saying, “I Get Blamed for Everything” and Trump answering, “Why Not?” was also pretty good. Often, that's the stuff people remember.

ricpic said...

People don't remember the specifics. They remember who was the puncher and who was the counterpuncher. Doesn't matter that most of us hate her, she was the commanding figure tonight. She won the debate and maybe the presidency with her performance.

john said...

1-1/2 minutes for a medical emergency. Not likely.

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

Doesn't matter that most of us hate her, she was the commanding figure tonight. She won the debate and maybe the presidency with her performance.

The analogy may be flawed.

If it weren't, we'd be talking about President Romney's second term.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

NeverTrumpers are saying Hillary won.

What's the verdict?

I couldn't watch the debate. I pretty much followed via Twitter.

john said...

For me, skip the theatrics, I don't care about Clinton. Trump's MAJOR LEAGUE fuck-up was endorsing NATO's role in fighting Isis, obviously not thinking that he was also endorsing the NATO/Obama/Clinton war in Libya, Him earlier linking the Obama White House to the formation of Isis was wasted, and now he is caught in his contradiction.

I think he also caught Hillary's pneumonia.

XRay said...

Trump lost.

Adamsunderground said...

Hillary looked animatronic with that frozen, open-mouthed smile and head swiveling back & forth

bagoh20 said...

They were both crappy. There are a number of Republicans that would have done a much better job and destroyed her effortlessly (Fiorina, Cruz, Paul, etc). There are also Democrats that would have done much better than her on him, but she did pretty well by comparison. I think the stuff about his less than admirable business practices as well as his withholding his tax returns was pretty damaging in the eyes of people not yet committed to him. His points against her were mostly old news, while her attacks probably got some people asking: really,he did that?"

They are both target rich environments, but Trump didn't aim and fire as effectively as he should and could have. He was easily pulled off the attack by her attacks which he couldn't resist defending, but then again they needed to be defended, because they were effective points that will hurt. It was the exact opposite of what I was hoping for, and even expecting. She looked smarter than him. That's not as important to me as it is to some, but it is important to many.

bagoh20 said...

The kind of thing Trump needed to say but has no depth that could ever find it.

Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog

"When the Founders wrote the 2nd Amendment, they clearly meant that the government can take it away by writing a name on a list #Debates2016"

6:56 PM - 26 Sep 2016

ndspinelli said...

Trump did pretty good at the outset but not so well toward the end. But, he didn't implode or scare people. I know how to work people, schmooze them, motivate them, agitate them, etc. Trump is easy to agitate and she got under his skin. He got in a few shots. And, as I said in a comment early in the debate, her smugness will not play well w/ anyone other than her base. That faux regal attitude will hurt her in polling about this debate. I bet when you eliminate the MSM bias, people think Trump won. That split screen may have won it for him. Lester didn't want to be savaged like Matt Lauer and was much tougher on Trump. That was predictable.

TrooperYork said...

Based on the comments here and elsewhere on the internet it seems that this debate did not move the dial very much. People generally feel the same way they did going into the debate.

Trump had a chance for a knockout here and he did not get it. He didn't really come out looking for the knockout because he didn't hit her with a lot of stuff that would have drawn blood. Was that be accident or design? The Trump haters will say it is because he is not competent enough to do it. The Trump apologists will say he did it by design. I would split the difference. He was arrogant and not disciplined enough to fit in his points. He thought he could sort of wing it the way he does in rallies which has got him to this point. On the other hand he did not come off as a bully threatening an old lady which the media would have hung on him. So it is a mixed bag.

Remember the debates last time. Obama looked horrible. But he came strong. There are two more debates to go. It was a holding action. Great fights usually have three contests. Ali Frazier. Duran Leonard.

There is a long way to go.

Methadras said...

Oh how I wish it was me on that stage. He didn't get baited too much, but he clearly missed a few good opportunities to walk off the map and nail her on a few things. The amount of money her foreign donors that she's beholdened to from her crime syndicate foundation, the text of her speeches that she refuses to release, her lies about benghazi, etc. He did nail her on the I'll release my tax statements if you release your deleted emails. You could see on the side by side that it triggered her.

Methadras said...

I will say this however now that I think about it more. Trump clearly looked unprepared. He was cavalier. He got away with it this time, but he better rethink his strategy and start doing real debate prep to shake the cobwebs of nervousness he put on display. You could clearly see he was a little out of his element because he knew he was unprepared. I could see it in his eyes and him thinking to himself, "Fuck, I should have prepared more and better."

Hopefully he won't make that same mistake again.

Methadras said...

And he really needs to stop talking in circles in that NYC style. You could see he rendered himself breathless on a couple of occasions. I would have attacked her, her ideology, her past, present, and future. I wouldn't have stopped. Even if Lester Holt tried to interrupt, I would have shut his shit down in a second, "Lester, less debate from you, just sit there and moderate." I would have pounded her and dumped the entire concrete truck filled with her lies and corruption she's conducted all of her life, right on top of her head and drowned her in them. Drop the mic, wait for her to seizure.

ndspinelli said...

Meth, He does get bogged down and talk in circles. He's easy to bait and get him to do that. He also needs to stop talking about her "negative ads." He did that in the primaries. Very few people feel sorry for a politician who whines about shit like that. Trump is genuinely a tough guy but that whining diminishes him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meth - I concur. Please debate her and rip her a new one. or land a house on her!

I worry that Trump is surrounded by yes-men and sycophants. If so, they are all telling him how great he did.(facepalm) Everyone else is saying "he got his ass kicked a bit, so he'll do better next time." More wishful thinking. Especially if he is indeed only surrounded by yes-men and sycophants.
He better get out of the yes-man loop, or Hillary will cream him.

It's also long past time for the GOP to chose the debate moderators. It's Lucy and the Football every time with these debates.

We all hope the bias backfires, but I think it does real damage. Especially with a candidate who doesn't prepare.

ndspinelli said...

I don't know what has changed, but it seems it is now possible to criticize Trump w/o being pounced upon. That's a positive change.

Methadras said...

April, I do not know what the FUCK the RNC is thinking in these debates and they always get a fucking leftist to moderate them. Holt was basically a black, thinner version of Candy Crowley. Jesus, these milquetoast white-bred Wisconsin goobers do not know what the FUCK THEY ARE DOING?

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

I don't know what has changed, but it seems it is now possible to criticize Trump w/o being pounced upon. That's a positive change.

What has changed is that there is no more room for wishfulfillment. For example, I read a story that said Trump was going to sneak in a Lewinski reference but didn't because Chelsie Clinton was in the audience and he was being nice. What. The. Fuck. Are you joking? Dude, now is not the time to be soft handed. Clinton will smear you if you aren't paying attention. She is a pro at this shit, but she's utterly weak and vulnerable and you were unprepared, didn't practice and it showed. Knock it off. Go for the kill.

rcocean said...

"April, I do not know what the FUCK the RNC is thinking in these debates and they always get a fucking leftist to moderate them"

Exactly. Get rid of the fucking left-wing "Moderators".