Friday, December 13, 2013

aluminum anthill castings

Examining closely how the other half lives. And killing them. Skip to 1:00 if you choose.


No wait, a very well-insulated garbage can, did I hear him say, "We're gonna try to do the full crucible?" I know what that means. I read that book in High School and I am very interested in kilns besides. He seems to have made a kiln right there outside. With a garbage can! 

He has me at full crucible with a garbage can. See, now that right there is clever.

Gravely: "Don't try this on your own. And that is exactly what this guy does to get his own casting. (Apparently. There is another voice, "Yer good.") 

It is beautiful. It makes me feel great to get rid of ants anyway and do that in high numbers like this because they come on in great numbers. It makes me feel creepy too all at once. It takes my own inherent observable creepiness to a new level. It goes way farther than I would think of myself. I already question my qualification for dominion by allowing it reduced to whim like this and curiosity and to nefarious imagination if not outright meanness. 

That comes with dominion. Like a god, take out the whole civilization at once, with tiny bitch Noah-rummaging-ants running all around suddenly homeless. And mount their whole city as trophy. Oh, the catastrophe, oh the ant-ity, the great gnashing of ant-teeth.  For ARTS!


Unknown said...

I was listening to Michael Brown rattle off some gun stats the other day.

Chicago. ZERO guns stores

Houston: 1600 places to buy a gun

Houston gun deaths: 216.

Chicago gun deaths: 1862.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It should be called antsubs or antweunder ... antdownunder

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I'm surprised the aluminum stays molten long enough to reach the bottom.

Chip Ahoy said...

Yes, me too. And it make you wonder if it does actually reach the bottom.

bagoh20 said...


deborah said...

I have a sadz.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is this a school for ANTS?!!