Thursday, August 31, 2017

"Grassley, Graham say records show Comey concluded Clinton case prematurely"

Via my web home page:  Fired FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement to announce the conclusion in the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server before the FBI interviewed key witnesses, including Hillary Clinton herself, top Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee claim.

Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, reached that conclusion from transcripts of interviews with people close to Comey and provided by the Department of Justice's Office of Special Counsel (OSC). Those transcripts, the Republicans said in a Thursday letter to current FBI Director Chris Wray, show Comey had already drafted a conclusion for his investigation before interviewing 17 key witnesses, including Clinton, and before the DOJ had reached immunity agreements with former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson.

Comey's sudden July 5 announcement that there would be no charges in the Clinton investigation -- despite his sharp criticisms of the former presidential candidate -- threw a wrench in an already-tumultuous election cycle.

"Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that's no way to run an investigation," the senators said in their letter to Wray. "The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy."

(Link to more)


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Comey is a dirty whore.

Rabel said...

I'm shocked.

Leland said...

Seems like something Sessions should start investigating, no?

edutcher said...

I imagine he is.

Trump is not a man who shows all his cards.

The Dude said...

I heard a barred owl last night.

The outlying rain bands of the hurricane are here - it was cool recently, but hot humid Gulf air has pushed into the area with some much-needed rain.

After watching Gangs of New York another DD-L movie was recommended to me - There Will Be Blood. I can only guess what what socialist Upton Sinclair was after in his book, I haven't read it, but the movie seems to show his hatred of capitalism and religion. Nice. Socialists are horrible people, without exception.

But there was some good sign language in that movie. I liked that part, and I wish I had learned ASL prior to growing old and deaf. Say la vee.

The Dude said...

Please ignore the extra what. What?

Amartel said...

Comey's going to be the sacrificial lamb.

The rule of Lemnity said...

How incompetent do GOP appear to be when they apparently missed asking Comey about this when he appeared before them under oath?

Or did Comey commit perjury?

Methadras said...

indictment for negligence? anyone?

AllenS said...

The swamp is bigger than anyone realizes.

Leland said...

with some much-needed rain

As they say, careful what you wish for...

The next week of weather in Houston looks decent. Some rain within 7 days has a lot of people worried, as well what could become a tropical depression in the Bay of Campeche. But all the forecasters are giddy about lows in the 50's starting next week. As Trump would say, it's yuuuge.


I imagine he is.

Well in that case, I'll start looking out my window for unicorns shitting rainbows.

Trump is not a man who shows all his cards.

WTF, did you miss this card? It was left on the table over a month ago.

ndspinelli said...

Much Ado about Nothing. Two Deep State Republicans pipsqueaks make a little squeak into the vacuum. Didn't Trump encourage the "LOCK HER UP" chants at his rallies? A paper tiger if ever there was one. The NYC big shot went to DC and got his ass handed to him.

deborah said...

Comey is a complete douche. To me, the BIGGEST story of the year was him getting caught out leaking the Trump meeting, then recanting that Trump asked him to call off the Russia investigation. And now this. And you just know that dumbbell had presidential aspirations.

deborah said...

Sixty, it's a brisk 57 degrees in NE Ohio. Love it. Have had cool nights in the 60s for weeks.

rcocean said...

"Comey is a complete douche."

Exactly. Its funny how Comey was portrayed by MSM as the Non-partisan Dudley Do Right. And now we know he's a leaker and in the tank for Hillary. Not to mention an egomaniac.

I wonder if his boy, Mueller, will be outed as the same kind.

deborah said...

rc, I've read that Mueller is a good friend of Comey, and if so should recuse himself.