Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What innocent item gets weird if you own too much of it?

Reddit top voted comments...

Urns filled with the ashes of cremated people on your fireplace mantle.

Furbies. Then and especially now.

pictures of a specific person

VHS copies of Speed

Air Freshener 1-2 You got one and maybe another for backup 3-4 Take your trash out more often 5-6 You're dirty but try to hide it 7-28 You are hiding the smell of your meth lab.. or trying

Cell phones. 1- Completely normal 2- Maybe one is for work 3- getting weird 4+ - definitely drug dealer

Cough syrup


Edit. Okay, y'all, I get it. They're action figures.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I worked for some clients who were obsessed with family photos. They were obsessed with placement of family photos throughout their home. Walls, shelves - family photos all over the place.
There is not a room in that home where you can venture without a family photo staring you in the face. It's nice to be proud of and love your own family, - I get it.
I was hoping that the powder room would be the one room without a family photo. I was wrong.

Rabel said...

My wife grew up with a love of reading and writing and language in a place with few of the tools to engage in her passion. Lincolnesque.

So we've got stationary. Lots and lots of stationary. And stationary supplies. Steno pads, notebooks, pens and pencils, paper products of all shapes and sizes stored in drawers and cabinets and garages here there and yonder.

I don't complain because I understand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


The Dude said...

Wooden bowls. One or two you are cool, hip, happening, in touch with you peasant ancestors. If you have more than a thousand - you are obsessed. Well, that's one of the more polite things I have been called.

Bowls with cats in them, however, that's totally cool.

AllenS said...

You can never have enough stuff.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I did not see your cat post AA/DickinBimbos!

Okay, monkey. Just one monkey is enough.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - one monkey