Thursday, August 31, 2017

NYT: Men and Women aren't the same

In research published in 2002 in the journal Nature Neuroscience, Pamela Dalton of the Monell Chemical Senses Center and her colleagues exposed men and women to smells in the laboratory. Not just once, but over and over again. Dr. Dalton and her team found that with repeated exposure, the women’s ability to detect the odors improved 100,000-fold: the women were able to detect the odor at a concentration 1/100,000th of the concentration they needed at the beginning of the study.

But the male subjects, on average, showed no improvement at all in their ability to detect the odor.

How is that possible? What’s going on in the anatomy of the olfactory system – the system we use to smell – that can account for such huge differences between female and male?

(Link to more)


ndspinelli said...

It is basic anthropology. Women developed much keener olfactory senses going back to the caves when it was important for them to not mate w/ family members, and their sense of smell assisted that effort. Men developed have better spatial skills because they needed them to hunt.

edutcher said...

Well, we all know women are weird about stuff like that,

The Blonde can tell you, "You smell sick. Lay down".

Methadras said...

It's basic biology and genetics for fuck's sake. Gender fluidity after you've been indoctrinated and inculcated into the radical Marxist progressive collectivist church of mental instability and derangement.