Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Collin's Halloween candy haul (last year)

I'm looking for the candy that kids like best so I can buy it for them. For candy bars full size is best. Duh.

But what other things do they like that I don't know about?

I swear I saw Collin in 1930's Little Rascals. He's older, almost too old for Halloween, and he's very good with his video, yet he's still a boy and it shows. If you stick with it to end you'll see his top rated candy.

Amazon white candy corn. Good Lord. It's $36.00 for a box of 24 bags.

It's white chocolate.  Seventeen reviews. 4.5 stars.

Let's read the worst reviews.

★ Box was wet. Bags were okay and candy was okay.

★★★ Too sweet even for kids.

★★★★ Rich in sugar.


Candy that's rich in sugar? Tell me it isn't so.

Man, sometimes reviewers sure can be dopes.

Nobody complained that $1.50 a bag is too expensive.


MamaM said...

At the Mhouse, before we became forest dwellers, I'd buy something chocolate and something not in two varieties and tell them to pick two, which slowed the process some, but most would make a selection of what they wanted and not just grab.

To my taste the M&M Candy Corn White Chocolate is awful, but the new (to me) M&M Darks are good!

ndspinelli said...

Candy corn should be banned.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Candy corn is great for glue-on.

ricpic said...

After such excess I don't think Collin will settle for the simple Quaker life. :^(

Chip Ahoy said...

Between kindergarten and first grade by older brother pulled the best joke on me using candy corn.

He bit off the white tip and pretended it was his tooth.

"Hey look, a tooth came out of my mouth. Here. See?"

He showed me the candy corn tip and it looked like a tooth.

"Oh man, lemme see your mouth. Show me the hole. Why isn't there any blood. Come on. Open your mouth. Show me were it was."

He totally got me.

I'm so easy to fake out.

Methadras said...

Candy has become super expensive.