Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My little sister is Nana


At first I thought, eh, baby-blob. They're always ugly little pink prunes at first. 

And then I looked closer and my heart melted.

He's in that horrible incubator thing because he's a week early. That ghastly thing taped on his head will soon be taken off.


So eager to be alive.

And I marvel that another soul made it through the gauntlet of preventative medicine and procedures against their chances of making it out alive and now he's taken up into the gauntlet of modern medicine to promote him. I stare into the picture of his face and find myself asking, who are you? 

He's lucky. That's who he is. He is born into a fantastic steady environment. A wonderful loving family. He landed in the best country on earth in one of its best states. His opportunities are spelled out for him while also unlimited. 

He could just as well be named Hotep. Satisfied. At peace.

Both of my sisters were living dolls. They had dolls their own size and if they stood still you couldn't tell them apart.

So are their daughters.

Amanda, this child's mother, I used to call "Baby Doll Face" instead of her name. Her face is flawless. 

Oliver, guess what. 

Guess I said. 

     "Okay, what?"

You're going to be fat.


edutcher said...

Fat is a relative term.

And she's a sweetie. And so's the boy.

Chip Ahoy said...

I know. Everyone in Iowa is big.

(Except for the people who aren't. )

ndspinelli said...

Great Uncle Chip. Congrats. What perfect skin.

ricpic said...

Who was Hotep?

Amartel said...

I'm Hotep

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

who are the people in the photo?

ricpic said...

They look like Gramma and Grampa to me.

Trooper York said...

What a cute baby!

Nice and chubby as every baby should be.

You never ever saw a Grandma say "What a wonderful skinny baby!"

Congrats Chip.

AllenS said...


Chip Ahoy said...

That's my sister and brother-in-law.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

who are the parents?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm being nosy. sorry

Chip Ahoy said...

This sister's daughter and her husband both not pictured.

Amanda is a sweetheart. Her husband is a big honking stud. He owns the farm where their reception was held. And where oddly most people were not huge. It was a bit strange, traveling through Nebraska to Iowa. Everywhere people were universally outsized. That's on the road and in restaurants. Also in the Iowa hotel. Both Amanda and her husband are larger than usual. But not all the people at their reception.

The Real Illuminati Temple said...
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