Friday, October 18, 2019

I don't know but I've been told

I don't know but I have been told that a change in the comments moderation policy has led a lot of people to stop commenting at some place we used to know. I got a couple of emails from people bitching about it and all I can say is suck it up buttercup. The control freaks had always wanted to control the comment section and the so called devotion to free speech was always bullshit.

I am sorry that we don't get as many comments here as we used to back in the day. I think we get sampled but we don't put up enough controversial content. There is a lot less rancor and hate. Which is a good thing. A very good thing.

All in all its for the best.

Thanks to Chip and Sixty for carrying the ball. I don't think a lot of the lurkers comment but I think they appreciate all you do. I know I do.


ricpic said...

Those toes curling up were the best special effects ever. A lot better than computer animation or whatever it's called. But then I'm a primitive.

ampersand said...

Photo is from November 8, 2016.

edutcher said...

I don't know but I have been told that a change in the comments moderation policy has led a lot of people to stop commenting at some place we used to know. .

So there's another purge?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ding Dong...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip and Sixty have great posts. Thank you.

The rest of you have great posts too, just not nearly as frequently.

XRay said...

Much agree, Troop.

MamaM said...

I don't know but I have been told...

Sound off, One, Two, Three, Four...
Things have recently changed again over there at the other place, and here as well.

With these as the two big questions that need to be considered:
--What is the purpose of the blog?
--What does the owner or person running it (or co-contributing to it in post or comments added), most value and desire to communicate and invite through the use of a public forum?

Stirring up controversy involves the stirring up of Energy, the E-motion that vibrates alongside and stimulates thought, driving reaction and response. Fear and Anger, when stirred and activated, both do a bang-up job of opening the door to Drama behavior which involves reacting to others from the role/position of Victim, Persecutor or Rescuer. While releasing energy, and directing it toward others from one of those three defensive, coping positions may allow for a temporary sense of place and safety to be had, it does little in the long run,to encourage, support and nurture, our health and growth.

In order to shift away from the circuitous and never-ending drama that often accompanies controversy, the following is needed:

If you’ve been playing the Victim (fearful, defensive,) you must become a Creator (focused on a vision, working toward a goal). You can do this by asking “What do I want?” and by moving from reacting to choosing.
If you’ve been playing the Persecutor (exerting power over others) you must become a Challenger (gently pushing others to acquire new knowledge or skills and strive to be their best). You can do this by asking “What is my intention?” and by shifting your focus from putting others down to building them up.
If you’ve been playing the Rescuer (overly protective, making decisions for others) you must become a Coach (supporting, assisting, facilitating). You can do this by asking “How am I seeing the other?” and by shifting from telling to asking.

What do you value about this blog? And those who devote energy to posting and commenting?

To my way of thinking, the Appetizer, Main Course (even if presented as partially eaten with a more than healthy amount of salt) and Dessert Sequence posted here in TY's pics, replicates the enjoyment and appreciation I experience when I partake of Something to Simulate, Something to Sustain, and Something Sweet to imbibe, savor and respond to here at this blog.

Same with the Tartufo: Semi-rough outside coat providing crunch, surrounding a ball of smooth cool goodness, with the surprise of difference, in texture, color, taste and sweetness in the center.

Thanks for the visuals, TY. They validate what I am looking for. Using a place for the sole purpose of stirring up controversy or venting personal anger and outrage is not enough to keep it going. There also needs to be a sense of freedom and community invited and formed through open, honest and somewhat mutual communication. Hidden control that isn't clean and clearly stated won't work. The community I look for is that kind that can happen when we sit down at the "table set before us", in the presence of difficulty and enemies, and realize goodness and mercy along with our need for safety, provision, and accompaniment as we walk through the valleys and shadows of life.

Hard to find, hard to maintain, but worth striving for.

ricpic said...

"What do you value about this blog."

A little history. When I first discovered the Althouse blog the thing that blew me away was the number of adult commenters. All I can say about an "adult" comment is you know it when you read it. Also it was a catholic blog: not just politics but a whole slew of topics discussed. If she hadn't gotten so huffy......

The same is true here: many adult comments; many topics.

Do I have to add that adult doesn't mean pompous?