Sunday, October 20, 2019

Jude the Obscure Theater

She ain't dead yet but it looks good.

Youse guys figure it out.

Hee, hee.


ricpic said...

Those shorties had round the clock orgies.

Dad Bones said...

Thanks to Tulsi?

The Dude said...

When did they colorize that movie?

chickelit said...

@Sixty: That happened in a remake.

The Dude said...


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Power-mongering and desperate corruption for personal riches has rotter HER-> brain.

I love it.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

We are all Russian agents, now. LOL

Known Unknown said...

I thought this was about Althouse.

Known Unknown said...

The greatest weapon against speech you don't like is a down arrow on your keyboard.

Trooper York said...

Very perceptive Known Unknown.

Haven't seen you around much.

The Dude said...

So that's what this is about. Thanks, KU, for the clue - I truly didn't have one.

MamaM said...

The current swirl that's curling toes has to do with the lights going out in the overnight Cafes following a major storm, with martial law in effect during the daylight hours, and no comments going through after nightfall.

The storm moved in on the heels of years of noxious pestilence relentlessly nibbling away at the foundations of free speech. When a situation involving a good faith commenter arose in which an apology was perceived to have been necessary on both ends and wasn't delivered by either, hail rained down, followed by a flood of rapid-fire, repetitive comments that royally jammed things up. Constant moderation was implemented in order to halt the damage, secure the scene and stop the looters.

Now that fix is starting to chaff some of the commenters who previously enjoyed the dynamics of back and forth commenting, and mistakenly assumed they were part of a forum in which they were free to disagree, dissent or poke the owner of the house with the same stick the owner kept on the front porch platform and used to poke others. Platforms are different from forums and the rules of engagement are not the same.

Everything eventually changes. Nothing stays the same, even if it takes 96 years as it did with my mom who attempted to control life and stave off death. Control worked for her until it didn't. And then something More, and Good and Unexpected happened, good enough for me to believe I can trust the process, even when I can't control outcome.

When I stop by the old house these days, I often find something worth considering. I don't however, take my eye off the dog, chat with the owner, or presume it to be a forum, and that works for me.

Known Unknown said...

I have been lured back here. I don't really go there other than to glance at headlines. It's boring AF now. Her analyses of news aren't all that interesting. Outside of her language curiosity, there is very little originality in her own commentary.

I'm a big boy who can either use Blog Comment Kill File or scroll to avoid the petty insults. However, even petty insults can be worthwhile if they are pithy or cleverly written.

Deep down, she's a teacher, a professor. They long for obedience and compliance, whether they admit to it or not.

Her devotion to free speech was as empty as her comments section has become.

I do recall how she stressed commenters to "not be boring." Irony, thy name is Althouse.