Thursday, October 17, 2019

Happy Belated Columbus Day

This is the most memorable Columbus Day that I ever attended. The ILA rounded up all of us to go to the rally in 1970. The first protest rally. Or least they tried to in the second rally in '71 because the word had went out not to go there when Joe Colombo was going to get shot. Carlo Gambino had decided that he didn't want anyone to go so they backed off. Some of the rank and file didn't get the word but most of the clued in guys stayed away. Not because they knew what was going to happen but because the little man said to stay away.

The Gambinos controlled the ILA through Tony Scotto. He was the son in law of Anthony Anastasio who was the brother of Albert Anastasia famous for being the head of Murder Inc. and getting shot in a barbershop. Tough Tony had slightly changed his name and he had lost a lot of juice when his brother got clipped. Scotto took over and was hot political shit. He was heavily involved in the Carter run for President and for Koch. He hated Cuomo who was hooked up with the Lucheses. So he had everyone vote for the Homo and not for Cuomo even though he was a paisan.

Everyone said it was Crazy Joe Gallo from President Street who was behind it because a black dude named Jerome Johnson was the trigger man. Supposedly Gallo had befriended black gangster in the can but I think that was probably bullshit. Gambino had plenty of juice with the moolies and could have set it up. Crazy Joe took the credit because he was a fame whore. Just like he always said he was one of the shooters when the Lord High Executioner got it in the barber chair. I think it was bullshit to tell you the truth. Just the way wily old Carlo would play it.

I hear that Sebastian Maniscalco is going to play Ubatz in the new Scorsese film about Jimmy Hoffa. That should be interesting.

Sorry I missed Columbus Day here at Lem's Levity. I did celebrate.

I dropped off a blanket covered in smallpox to some Guatemalans.

We all celebrate in our own way.


ricpic said...

Lindsay was the mayor then. I always felt that all the ethnics agreed that what they wanted as mayor wasn't one of their own, no, they wanted a WASP with class! Under whom the city went to hell, but still.....the guy had class. And if I heard him called Lindsley instead of Lindsay once I heard it a thousand times.

The Dude said...

When I want to study how to communicate without using words I watch Sebastian Maniscalco - he moves, gesticulates and uses facial expressions to make his point, not to mention using his hands - he is Italian, after all.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, Seinfeld compares Sebastian to Michael Richards[Kramer]. Both use their faces and body as great comedic tools.

The Dude said...

Michael Richards is a great physical comedian. He should have used a bit more discernment in his choice of words, and he himself admitted that his material was weak, hence him resorting to using the one word that non-blacks are forevermore forbidden to use. Other than that, he was good.