Thursday, October 10, 2019

Get Shorty...or get EPIX and watch one of the best shows on television

Season three of "Get Shorty" has dropped and I highly recommend

Loosely based on the Elmore Leonard novel this show is the shit. It's about a couple of hit men who steal a movie script from one of the people they kill and start to produce movies with drug cartel money It is hilarious and it stars Ray Romano in a surprisingly well acted turn as a sleazy movie director. Irish comedian Chris O'Dowd is great as the protagonist and you have to see how he worms his way through the miasma that is Hollywierd.

It is on EPIX which might be on your cable package. I am watching it on the Firestick which is one of the best investments I ever made since I cut the cord and don't have cable anymore.

Check it out. Highly recommended.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

iGet Shorty has great writing and acting. I am catching up on Seaon 2 before I go to Season 3.

ndspinelli said...

Been a fan since it came out a few seasons ago. I almost took a detour to Pahrump driving thru Nevada last year.

ndspinelli said...

Sean Bridges played Johnny in Deadwood. He is the sidekick Mormon hit man in this series.

Amartel said...

Thanks! Added to the queue.