Sunday, October 13, 2019

Will Franken: climate change trans counseling

Franken is an absurdist comedian. His humor involves inhabiting personalities and acting out ridiculous interactions. He uses a lot of made up voices. He is American.

It might be helpful to know he went through a trans period himself as Sarah Franken. Much of his act in this phase is about his experience as trans, some of the videos are serious, but like Andy Kaufman one isn't quite sure how much of this was real, so far as that can be considered real, and how much of it was for his act. I still don't know. But I haven't watched any of that material either. I have no idea how long that went on. I watched only this one video and looked at a few others.

He's interesting for his counter-counter culture approach. He inhabits gay personalities then tells his audience they changed the name of the Pride parade to Arrogance parade. I think I have the right word. This was last night and I didn't review it. Thereafter his personalities prepare for the Arrogance parade.

His audience dies laughing.

Near the end he inhabits Greta Thunberg. As a hand-puppet, a mouth-puppet made from his hand. Then he inhabits Greta's sister and they have a perverse sisterly discussion of who is more disturbed.

I think his act might be mostly ad-lib.

The thing that made me stick with this video is the camera shots to the audience, all young, and they're cracking up at seeing the untouchable icons of their age abused by having their inconsistencies and internal ironies acted out as if absurdity is normal. Franken points out throughout that you have to accept a lot of ridiculous nonsense to go along with liberal conceits one after another.

Where another comedian will say, Greta is bi-polar, Greta is dyslexic, Greta has specific psychological issues, instead Franken acts them out as Greta. Then having done all that he painfully pulls off his imaginary rubber mask to reveal who he really is, the same face doing another personality. Possibly his real self. But like Kaufman, you can never be sure if his stated real self is real.


ricpic said...

Sorry trans wannabes, your plumbing is non-negotiable.

The Dude said...

That was a very funny bit, well written, well acted. Sadly, his career will never go anywhere.

Mumpsimus said...

That's some of the funniest stuff I've seen in years.

Takes me back to the far-off days of my youth, when anti-establishment comedians were a common sight, and could even be seen on mass media, if you can believe that.