Saturday, March 10, 2018


I learned this from a box of bowls on eBay.

These are actually a very good deal on eBay. The best, I think. So I drew it on a cell phone app and that said the kanji means bowl, vessel, container, and gave a bunch of variations. Then I looked up "bowl" in kanji online and they show 1/4 of this, just one box with a horizontal line over it and one connecting slanted roof. With a bunch of combinations, like porcelain bowl, rice bowl, etc. And that made me think maybe the four-squares version means a set of 4 bowls, but the app does not confirm that. Confusing innit.

All these things come in fancy-pants boxes and I have no need for those. It's a bummer throwing them away and a bummer storing them. Knives, and bowls, and dishes and such. I think they're intended for storage, and as gifts, and shipping. Or to make you think, "hey man, I'm really getting something." 

1 comment:

The Dude said...

I like it. That makes me wonder about other things, like how they dreamed that up, what "bowl" is in Hiragana or Katakana, or what it looks like in Chinese.

But most of all whose rice bowl is being protected by all of this, but that's a question for Trooper.