Saturday, March 24, 2018

That day has passed....the band is no more....the few are none

The Neocons and the globalist are working overtime to promote a war with Russia. The pretext has already been set up with the nonsense about a spy being poisoned in England. Supposedly by the Russians. The British Prime Minister has expelled diplomats and rallied the child molesters of the EU to sanction Russia. She is trying to drag us into the conflict with the aid of the media and the opposition. Who dare the God Emperor to prove that he is not a Russian stooge. Despite everything he has already done. They will not be satisfied until there is a war.

Listen to the panel discussion on NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN. Even Fox has a war party. They sound exactly like the British aristocrats before the beginning of the First World War. The venom and hatred toward Russia is off the charts. These Democrats/journalists  could never muster this disdain for the Communists. Instead they celebrate them as they do now with Cuba. But now that Russia is just another country they want to promote conflict. With a nuclear power. With no thought as to the potential consequences.

The British are another thing. They are not the British we knew. They have become something else. They have arrested and detained conservative journalists who tried to come into their country for thought crimes. They arrested a guy for a video he made of his dog. While Muslims run wild raping children as the Police stand by. The Muslim  terrorist Mayor of London delights in attacking our President and claims that he stopped him from coming to England on a State visit. Millions signed a petition and their media is in lockstep demanding that the President be banned from England. These English faggots just go along with this. Our former alliance means nothing to them. Why do we bother with them? They are not our true allies anymore. They are lost to us. Their country is over. They are in the beginning stages of the total destruction of their nation.

The English of St Crispians day are long gone. The English of Dunkirk. Even the English of the Falkland Islands time. Our country was born in defiance of Perfidious Albion and we should go back to basics.


The Dude said...

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that Trump is being unduly influenced by his commie children and SiL. He used to act more like an American, now he is just another flaming globalist. So it goes.

edutcher said...


Tariffs on China, no more stereosexuals in the Army, he's building the wall, firing McMaster, and that means he's acting like a globalist?

As I kept saying 2 years ago, some people give up awfully easy.

Or did you think this was going to be quick and easy?

ricpic said...

The best and the brightest want war with Russia? They're that desperate for catastrophe? Your view of a nation is formed very early and for me it was watching the WW II documentaries, the best of them British IMO, The World At War in particular, watching those segments on the titanic struggle between Germany and Russia. The savagery! The suffering! The surviving. Please God let us never have to take on the Russians for any reason, never-mind the fantastical reasons concocted by our elites.

edutcher said...

Trump has better sense. His fight isn't with Poot unless Poot works real hard to pick one.

Hoc dictu, a couple of observations. Apparently, the country is going nuts about the continuing resolution. One wonders if that's the God Emperor's plan.


The (Tide) pod people have had their little rally and no mention of numbers. Yesterday, "Millions" were going to be there. This morning, it was "hundreds of thousands". Now they just say thousands. A cold March weekend and school kids are expected to show up?

The Chinless Chipmunk's 15 minutes may have just run out. Text and photos from Neuremburg have him looking like Geli Raubal's uncle and sounding, if not like him, then certainly Tom Hayden.

Anybody who remember 50 years ago, heard it all before.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I wander if the mc apprentice firing had anything to do with this war on Putin drum beat everybody is on.

Remember Iraq.

Good post Troops.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Holy shit.

Muller is just a pretext to attack Russia!

That is the only thing that makes any sense in that sham investigation.

chickelit said...

My impression is that the DC neocons are just sinecured Poot-watchers worried about being "relevant." Trump threatens their rice bowels.

edutcher said...

Bowls, but he probably also does lots to their bowels, as well.

Lem said...

Muller is just a pretext to attack Russia!

Attacking Russia only (only) makes sense if you intend to nuke much of the country. The Russkies are best defeated when they're out of their own place (WWI, Bonaparte).

Granted, we outnumber the 225%, but fighting in Mother Russia is no fun.

Ever wonder why everybody starts so late to begin their campaigns in Russia (6/22 - 1941, 1812; 6/26, 1942; 7/1, 1943)? Cold Russian winter lasts December to April, soggy Russian spring lasts April to June, even soggier Russian autumn lasts October to December.

The country is a swamp 4 months out of the year and a polar bear's paradise another 4.

If the Lefties want to fight a war with Russia, they're going to need all their Gay Raiders and Furry Feminuts. They're also going to wish the Johnny Rebs had won the Civil War and seized the Golden Circle because they'll need a lot of cannon fodder.