Monday, October 31, 2016
Tim Kaine to rally AZ in Spanish
And JEB! must be thinking "that could be me!"
James Otis
Things that happen everyday in shopping districts but are never reported.
Gangs of Teen Girls Attacking, Robbing Shoppers in Chicago’s Famed Loop
Chicago police have warned residents about several groups of up to eight girls which are assaulting and robbing female shoppers who are walking city’s famed Loop shopping district.
The only good thing the NFL has done in ten years!
How Bills fan launched ‘Tom Brady’s dildo’ onto the field New York Post By Mark W. Sanchez October 31, 2016
"Fart sparks fire during surgery in Japan"
A patient's fart during a surgical procedure allegedly sparked a fire which caused her to be seriously burnt, the Tokyo Medical University Hospital in Shinjuku Ward said.
The incident was reported in Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.
The fire occurred at the university hospital in Tokyo on April 15. The patient, in her 30s, was undergoing an operation which involved applying a laser to her cervix, the lower part of the uterus.
"When the patient's intestinal gas leaked into the space of the operation (room), it ignited with the irradiation of the laser, and the burning spread, eventually reaching the surgical drape and causing the fire," the report said.
Via Reddit:
The Southern Poverty and Law Center, what would we ever do without them?
I am born to Muslim parents in a Muslim family. I have a Muslim son. The “Muslim experience” of liberal, reforming and dissenting Muslim and ex-Muslim voices is every bit as valid, every bit as relevant, and every bit as authentic as anyone else that is touched by this debate. We exist. Allow us to speak. Stop erasing our experiences.Beyond that, just as one does not need to be brown to discuss racism, one does not need to be Muslim to discuss Islam.If there was anything we liberals should have learnt from McCarthyism, it is that compiling lists of our political foes is a malevolent, nefarious, and incredibly dangerous thing to do. (...) Denunciations of traitors, heresy and blasphemy are the last resort of diminutive, insecure power-craving fascists of all stripes. Compiling lists is their modus operandi.In today’s climate of vigilante violence, far-right and Islamist terrorism, being included on such lists can forever change the lives of any one unlucky enough to be deemed from high above as “anti-Muslim.” Unaccountable—but never mind for they are righteous—leftists are conferring upon themselves the power to irrevocably alter people’s lives at the click of a mouse button, at the expense of we who live this struggle.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Pop Quiz! S vocabulary.
* sacralising: imbue with or treat as having a sacred character or quality.
"rural images that sacralize country life"
* Salafism: 1. Salafism - a militant group of extremist Sunnis who believe themselves the only correct interpreters of the Koran and consider moderate Muslims to be infidels; seek to convert all Muslims and to insure that its own fundamentalist version of Islam will dominate the world
* Salus populi suprema lex esto: (Latin "The health of the people should be the supreme law," "Let the good of the people be the supreme law" or "The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law")
* Samite: was a luxurious and heavy silk fabric worn in the Middle Ages, of a twill-type weave, often including gold or silver thread. The word was derived from Old French samit, from medieval Latin samitum, examitum deriving from the Byzantine Greek ἑξάμιτον hexamiton "six threads", usually interpreted as indicating the use of six yarns in the warp.Samite is still used in ecclesiastical robes, vestments, ornamental fabrics, and interior decoration.Structurally, samite is a weft-faced compound twill, plain or figured (patterned), in which the main warp threads are hidden on both sides of the fabric by the the floats of the ground and patterning wefts, with only the binding warps visible.By the later medieval period, the term samite was applied to any rich, heavy silk material which had a satin-like gloss,indeed "satin" began as a term for lustrous samite.
* Samizdat: a key form of dissident activity across the Soviet bloc in which individuals reproduced censored publications by hand and passed the documents from reader to reader. This grassroots practice to evade officially-imposed censorship was fraught with danger as harsh punishments were meted out to people caught possessing or copying censored materials. Vladimir Bukovsky defined it as follows:
"(...) I myself create it,
edit it,
censor it,
publish it,
distribute it, and ...
get imprisoned for it. (...)"[1]
* Sans Souci: The Sanssouci Palace (German: Schloss Sanssouci) is the former summer palace of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, in Potsdam, near Berlin. It is often
* sas: Special Air Service (SAS) is a special forces regiment within the British Army which has served as a model for the special forces of other countries.[2][3] The SAS forms a significant section of United Kingdom Special Forces alongside the Special Boat Service (SBS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), and the Special Forces Support Group (SFSG). The SAS gained fame and recognition world wide after the Iranian Embassy Storming (or Operation Nimrod) in 1980 which was one of the first of its kind and was broadcast live all over the globe.[4]The Special Air Service is divided into two distinct parts: the 22 Regiment Special Air Service, the regular regiment of the SAS, which is the unit associated with most well-known SAS operations; and two Territorial Army units: the 21 Regiment Special Air Service and 23 Regiment Special Air Service.
* satori: Satori (悟り ?) (Chinese: 悟; pinyin: wù; Korean: 오 o; Vietnamese: ngộ) is a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding". It is derived from the Japanese verb satoru. In the Zen Buddhist tradition, satori refers to the experience of kenshō, "seeing into one's true nature".
* saturnine: (of a person or their manner) slow and gloomy."a saturnine temperament"
* sauve qui peut: every man for himself or we’re doomed
That's it for the "Sa... " words.
WKRLEM: One Of The Greatest Roast Battles Ever? Scott Chaplain vs. Evan Williams
I have been enjoying comedy on Youtube these days. This is one of the nastiest and funniest roast battles I have ever seen.
This is what a debate should be like. Just sayn'
Poop Art!
Pablo Picasso used daughter’s feces as paint New York Post Page Six by Richard Johnson October 30, 2016
There’s pop art, and then there’s poop art.
An Interesting Theory posted on the American Thinker!
What if Hillary and the Establishment can't steal the election?
they will never do that
Has America become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, even after Friday's FBI announcement that it had reopened an investigation of her emails while secretary of state?
We'll find out soon enough.
Via Drudge:
magic picture
I used to see peoples' auras all the time. I practiced. I tried to read them but never could. Just seeing them was enough. I dropped the activity. And it was only possible if the background was a plain wall. I noticed when they moved there was a delayed reaction as if you moved a lit candle the flame drags behind. But that's it.
I shouldn't have told you. I might get fired. And if I am fired then it will be because I am weird. I accept that. Here's how to do it. You stop looking directly at them and instead let your eyes go out of focus. The exact same way as those old magic pictures. Exactly. It frees your eyeballs and lets your brain take over and do whatever it does.
I noticed the lawyers I knew back then couldn't do this. They couldn't see what's inside the magic pictures. It was most frustrating for them. They insisted the whole thing is fake. For us too because their frustration is contagious. They simply could not let their eyes go out of focus and allow them to drift back and forth until an edge caught, then follow the edge and another picture appears. Didn't they ever touch their index fingers in front of their face, relax their eyes and allow their focus to turn off and drift until a third finger appeared between them even though their fingers are touching? Didn't they ever just idly mind fuck themselves? What's wrong with them? Must they be sharply focused all the time. Gawl!
Then that made me look up magic pictures in images. And they are the stupidest things. Honestly, they're the worst magic pictures I've ever seen. The whole lot of them are. A page full of bad examples.
My dentist had a great one. It was an entire scene of a port town. His doped up patients had the best chance of seeing the picture. The little houses along the shore, boats, fishermen, people all around, the whole bit. But these in Google images are all crap. Just stupid words spelled out going back in perspective then returning to front. A sphere with smaller spheres like Jupiter and its moons, but with a disc shoved through the large sphere. Things that don't make sense and aren't worth the trouble. No satisfaction at all. Just infantile novelty.
And then this one. I allowed my eyes to drift in front of the picture and then behind the picture. You really don't know where to focus, so just let your eyes relax and let the whole thing go until an edge appears and latch onto that.
As soon as the bird appeared I actually heard the sound "ah" in my ears. A physical sound that is not there. It is a bird in the Egyptian style. It is an hieroglyphic bird, Egyptian eagle exactly. It stands for "A." Except that its layers are cut imperfectly so that it appears as much like a crow. The wing in front, the head and breast and first leg second middle layer, the second leg bottom portion of its body the third and bottom of the stack of layers forming the bird. It is a stack of three layers forming a bird in the same printed pattern as the background. The eye is too big, a hole made with a hole puncher and that's what makes it look like a crow, plus the beak is wrong. Still, it is clearly in the Egyptian style. Yes, this is trying to be an Egyptian eagle but rendered as much like a crow.
Finally, something worthwhile. Except still particularly simple, as all of them are. ALL of them.
Where did this come from anyway? Oh! Ha ha ha, back on the search page it says Neferchichi's Tomb at There you go, I was right. It is Egyptian. How about that? I chanced upon an interest of mine.
I think the original one here might work better. I don't know. And it helps if you fill the screen to eliminate white border. You can scroll up and down and still hold onto the eagle.
Huma Abedin has told people she doesn't know how her emails ended up on her estranged husband's computer.
Fact check, -- skip
A guide to Clinton's emails -- -- skip
Hillary Clinton's infamous email server -- -- ding This might do.
1) What happened?
a) used multiple private email servers
b) never had .gov email address
c) aides did not preserve emails
2) Why does it matter?
a) over 30,000 emails, 110 contained classified information
b) said that none were classified
c) possible enemies have them
d) Federal Records Act requires certain branches use government servers for government business. unless they are copied and archived. ding ding ding. This is it.
e) evidence other officials violated the Act.
f) Clinton tried to avoid Freedom of Information Act
3) When did it start? Eh, who cares?
4) What tech was used? Who cares?
5) Will she be prosecuted? No. Well, yes. In a way.
6) What can business and IT learn? Irrelevant to our question.
So, there you have it. Her own private server violates Federal Records Act. For whatever that's worth.
Here's the thing Huma Abedin. This is how your emails ended up on your computer. You instructed your computer to get them. In your email client program on your computer you opened an account for each server that Hillary used to communicate with you. Say, if she used Gmail, then you opened an account for Gmail within your computer's mail program, and so on for Hotmail, for Comcast, for Yahoo, and so forth, for her own private server, what have you. You did this for your own convenience at home. Your emails also appeared on your Android phone the same way. By you instructing your phone to get them in the same manner by the same means. You have to tell these machines and devices every little thing. They don't read your mind.
So then, when you separated from Anthony Weiner and stopped checking those emails on that computer then they accumulated in those accounts on the mail program. They don't stop just because you left Anthony and you stopped reading them on that computer. Although they may disappear within a predetermined period of time depending on settings in your computer's mail program. Mine do. Too bad for you that yours did not. Outlook mail client on my PC using Windows did not. They just kept adding up until I physically deleted them, even then they go into another file named "deleted mail." With Outlook if you want them really off the computer then you must delete them twice.
That is, when you separated from Anthony Weiner then it was your duty to cancel those accounts on whatever email client program you were using. The ones you set up yourself. It's easy enough to do. Just open the program, go to accounts and cancel each account on that computer.
But you know all this. Because you did it.
Married people share too much. They share everything. They share joys, dislikes, pet peeves, conversations, humor, feelings and thoughts.
For example, one time I dropped an ice cube on a spotless kitchen floor and in humor whispered to my older brother standing nearby, "Five second rule," patently ridiculous. A little joke just for him. Without hesitation, without even thinking, he automatically, autonomically actually, yelled to his wife in the distance, three full rooms away, large room, through the kitchen, through the informal dining room, through to the den where she was at the end by the fireplace, "HEY, BEVERLY, GUESS WHAT BO JUST SAID. HE DROPPED AN ICE CUBE ON THE FLOOR AND HE SAID FIVE SECOND RULE! HA HA HA HA"
It's not that funny. It's barely amusing. It certainly is not share-worthy. But there you go, married people do that. It's weird. They're like conjoined twins. It's sick.
It's like that. Huma, you did that by sharing your computer carelessly and containing sensitive State information and shared that with an unworthy agency. And you failed to cancel the accounts that you set up yourself for your convenience and when you separated physically from Anthony Weiner. the emails continued to arrive even though you are not there to read them, and reading them elsewhere. They're also accumulated on the servers. That's how the mail accumulated on your / then his computer. Your claim of not knowing how this happened is disingenuous. In short, Huma, you're a dope. And you expecting computer users and smart phone users across the land who all went through this same process to accept your claim of not knowing is insulting. Except to Democrats. They'll still believe you. They're only insulted by things Republicans do that they do themselves. Like talk dirty.
A Scandal Unlit
Shorter Hillary: It's over for horny males; Huma and I are the new paradigm. Deal with it, America!
Saturday, October 29, 2016
ESPN Silent Night Lights
NFL might be diminishing but it's still quite strong elsewhere.
A few nights ago ESPN devoted the whole evening to a football team at California School for the Deaf in Fremont. This is in northern California. It has a little over 500 students. The other one is at Riverside. Their show is excellent. They had it on repeat all night long. There are aspects of the ESPN E-60 broadcast that are not present in this video. Their program had a newscaster set up describing the school and the school's athletic program along with other things going on there, accompanied by an ASL interpreter for deaf viewers. This video is different.
I tried to find videos but nothing matches so well as the original program. Their trailer for the show is worse. It is not informative, plays to emotion and it is cheezy with Simon & Garfunkle's "Sound of Silence as background.
Come on!
I watched a dozen or so. Most have to do with ESPN filming on site, on the football field, their practice and their games. This video is the best of the whole lot. This video introduces the players and the coaches. It describes their first five shutout games that perplexed their opponents and infuriated them. Nonplussed, they wondered, how could this be? Shut out like this and by such large spreads, and the players are deaf!
Their team is called the Eagles, (strangely, I haven't figured this out, other videos say "Talons) and these first five wins caused the players to believe they just have a chance at the playoffs. Then they took a few losses and their confidence sank. The players were forced to reconsider their inevitability, forced to reassess their whole team and to regroup. They had to rebuild their confidence.
This video has no sound. For the most part. This is not intended to submerge viewers into the deaf experience, rather, the reason is more prosaic. Copyrights. The video is 15 minutes. The song "Wishing Well" by DJ Nobody kicks in abruptly at 8:39 for just a few bars then ends again just as you begin to accept it. It's a rather good song. I listened to it elsewhere. Good choice.
I like this video quite a lot. The coach is the most difficult for me to understand. He signs rapidly in slapdash chopping fashion and in front of his face, not at his chest, fingers all over the place. But man, does he ever put up a great team. He is a very real coach. It's touching.
My favorite part of this whole video is not their wining streak, not their individual statements, their life stories, their brief descriptions of their experiences with hearing people, no, it's at the 9:50 mark where Zane Pedersen, the quarterback this year, says, "I didn't want to end my High School career like that." I burst out laughing. For some reason I found that insanely funny. While there is nothing actually funny about it. It still cracks me up.
Is the NFL in a Death Spiral and going the way of big time boxing?
NFL’s Blah Season may Foreshadow a Long Decline
The thrill is gone from the NFL this season. Too many games -- and teams -- are boring and inconsequential. Few players stand out. Injuries determine outcomes more often than not. Games are sloppily played and marred by penalties, replays and endless commercial breaks. Add in suspensions, concussions and bad behavior on and off the field and you have a league in crisis.
Reports of long-term brain trauma have interjected a moral component into viewing, accentuating the violence and making games hard to watch for many. Now some players feel it’s their right to use NFL games to promote racial politics. Must-see TV it isn’t.
i am sorry you are sorry
“I’m very, very sorry. It was never meant to ever happen this way to you,” Wenner told Nicole Eramo in taped testimony played at the
$7.85 million defamation trial.
“And believe me, I’ve suffered as much as you have,” he said. “And I know what it’s like. I hope that this whole thing hadn’t happened but it is, and it’s what we live with.”
Eramo claims the November 2014 story “A Rape on Campus” portrayed her as the “chief villain” who was cruelly indifferent to gang-rape allegations made by a former UVA student identified as “Jackie.”
Via Drudge:
What real sexual harrassment looks like....not the nonsense they are hanging on Trump to cover for that Criminal.
Tippi Hedren: Alfred Hitchcock sexually assaulted me
New York Post By Raquel Laneri October 29, 2016

I was fired because I am a Witch
I was fired from a job for being a witch
New York Post By Jane Ridley and Liz Pressman October 29, 2016
Bitch gotz to get paid!
Mariah Carey ‘wants millions’ from James Packer
New York Post Page Six Emily Smith and Carlos Greer October 28, 2016
lynching the fifth
flamingo morning
Friday, October 28, 2016
Carlos Danger to the Rescue!
New York Post October 28, 2016 by Daniel Halper