Monday, October 24, 2016


Real rockers for Trump:



Amartel said...

A lot of music and other celebs won't shut up about politics! The difference from the 60s is that now they're part of and programmed by the establishment. Mere mouthpieces for whatever lefty cause that requires government intervention and control and taxation strikes their fancy. I think he's projected no his own wariness about speaking favorably about the nonestablishment candidate. No Ligetime Achievemnet Award for YOU, sir! Audit in 3 2 1.

AllenS said...

Got my computer back yesterday from the fix up owners idiocy about computers shop. One week without the computer was ruining my life. Have you ever gotten up in the morning and tried to watch tv?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

That's what the Weather Channel is for, apparently.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all Katy Perry - mega money U2 corporate rock. Buncha spoiled ivory tower a-holes who cheat on their taxes.

AllenS said...

Eric, I did watch a lot of the weather channel, but air-heads are there also.

edutcher said...

Put me in, coach, I'm ready to play...

bagoh20 said...

Always loved his vocals, and that band.

I was expecting the usual from an artist: the blindness to what Democrats are and the easy poke at Trump, but he didn't do that. It's amazing how reliving that is. It overwhelms me with delight when an artist turns out to not be a leftist mouthpiece that handles their own affairs like a conservative or a libertarian

Fogerty's comment was no endorsement, but also not the typical attack. I can respect what he said. The Trump phenomenon for me is, as he implied, a good thing in that so many people were willing to give a non-politician a chance and get excited by him. The unfortunate part is that it had to be such a flawed personality, which even you Trumpers admit. It would be so much better if the anti-PC, anti-GOPe outsider was smart, articulate, and at least a little bit cunning. The moral of the story is: don't use fireworks to hunt a sitting duck.

Trooper York said...

Of course we know that he is a flawed personality. But a fighter often is flawed. Nice people don't get down and dirty. Trump is a fighter. Yes he might swing wildly and in the wrong direction sometimes. But he is going after Hillary in a way that no other Republican will do. Who would have attacked her the way Trump did?

The next step on the road to taking our country back will not be someone as "nice" as Trump. He might be slicker or more polished. He might have fewer skeletons in his closet. The movement of the deplorables will not end with Trump. If Trump loses and there is substantial evidence of voter fraud the base will be even more radicalized.

The Dude said...

While I am not 100% certain, I am pretty sure there are no bayous in El Cerrito.