Monday, October 24, 2016

Whose that burka?

She had rhythm. She had music. She got her man. And a burka. Who could ask for anything more.

She has become weirder than her brother and sister who were two of weirdest people to ever walk the face of the earth.

Who is the former babe in the burka?  And no she is not a Teletubby.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She borrowed that outfit from Hillary.

Trooper York said...

It's just a wardrobe malfunction.

Trooper York said...

She is a trend setter. She married a Muzzi.

Amartel said...

Not by her, of course.

ricpic said...

So what did the uber-wealthy Muslim see in her?

I wonder what American Blacks' infatuation with Islam is all about?

Amartel said...

Yeah, you'd think the whole slavery and exploitation of Africa by Arabs - pre-dating European exploitation and slavery of African people and ongoing to date - would be a major deterrent. But it's not. Weird. See also, the African American vote is overwhelmingly for Democrats even and despite the barely concealed contempt with which that party treats them. You can still buy peace with tokens, apparently.

Leland said...

Are you sure Troop? It looks like a Teletubby to me. Real Muslim woman go the full burka and hide their face in public without their husbands; less some guy lose control and start raping her on the street.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

“American Blacks' infatuation with Islam”

I also find that topic fascinating. The foundation myth of the NOI is so far from anything authentically Islamic. It is frankly absurd and pretty obvious that it was made up. But ordinary NOI members (at least the ones that I know) live quite moral lives below the fraud. They are some of the nicest people I know. Hard workers who value family and being honest. You cannot get a NOI person to lie. They practice self-sufficiency, and they try to live an ethical, moral life with their neighbors. The hate whitey doctrine is there (officially and unofficially) but in our neighborhood it does not seem to be a real hatred. Sure their religion is nutty, but I’m more likely to be hated for being white by liberal non-religious persons.

So compare with the Mormons. Again the founders were obvious con-men making up crazy stories that only very gullible people would believe. But with the LDS church something amazing happened, Joseph Smith died and the number 2 founding con-man was ready to step in as The Prophet, but the elders threw him out (for being dishonest and immoral) and Bingham Young took over. And again below the fraud the actual members of the LDS church are the most moral, and kindhearted, and decent people you would want to meet. Sure their religion is nutty- but they are super nice.

So how does this work? How does a fake, made up, lie that pretends to have the mandate from heaven get to produce decent and ethical people? Take another example of Shite Islamic nuttiness, Mohamed was an obvious fraud who invented a religion out of half borrowed Jewish and Christian myths, along with a little moon god worship. How come this fraud of a sham of a religion has NOT created god-fearing, and nice people? How come we can’t say – Those Shiites have a nutty religion, but they sure are nice people? Huh? How come?

edutcher said...

She had a baby at 50.

Man, she went downhill in a hot hurry.