Sunday, October 23, 2016

China’s plan to organize its society relies on ‘big data’ to rate everyone

 Imagine a world where an authoritarian government monitors everything you do, amasses huge amounts of data on almost every interaction you make, and awards you a single score that measures how “trustworthy” you are. 

In this world, anything from defaulting on a loan to criticizing the ruling party, from running a red light to failing to care for your parents properly, could cause you to lose points. 

And in this world, your score becomes the ultimate truth of who you are — determining whether you can borrow money, get your children into the best schools or travel abroad; whether you get a room in a fancy hotel, a seat in a top restaurant — or even just get a date.

Via Drudge:


edutcher said...

Sounds like Pissy and his NSA surveillance.

ricpic said...

Hey, it's the Orient.

Japanese proverb: The nail that sticks out shall be beaten down.

chickelit said...

Omniscientia vincit omni (omniscience conquers all); a twist on amor vincit omnia (love conquers all).

chickelit said...

The liberal fascist's dream is as all-knowing State, playing God.

chickelit said...

Liberals just haven't figured out the all-knowing State thing w/o still having a titular head of state. That's Hillary's problem as well.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

Leland said...

Imagine a world where an authoritarian government monitors everything you do, amasses huge amounts of data on almost every interaction you make, and awards you a single score that measures how “trustworthy” you are. 

You mean like Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So - Hillary world.

ndspinelli said...

There are small acts of rebellion every person can do. You see, the govt. entices you into being a subject of surveillance. Use cash, instead of the convenient debit and credit cards. Actually, it's a proven way to cut spending as well. Barter for goods and services. I've been buying a house and the mortgage company has us in an encryption service for sending and receiving financial documents, it's fairly painless. The govt. HATES cash, barter, and encryption. So, we must learn to love it.

edutcher said...

Credit bureaus only compile public transactions.

Hardly surveillance.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Welcome to Hillary's America

The Dude said...

Obama's America, where laws are made up by the executive, are selectively enforced, where the government has the goods on everyone, where corporations mine all the data they can get their hands on including your entire online history, where court cases are decided by compromised judges, where the Justice department only prosecutes those who can't bribe them, where everything is known about every single individual and a massive database is kept in Utah.

Did I mention how proud I am to be in that system? I love our government.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Big sister.

Chip Ahoy said...

Paper 150, §4 Sending the Apostles out two by two. ¶3.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And yet I declare that not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight. Know you not that the very hairs of your head are all numbered? Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than a great many sparrows. Be not ashamed of my teaching; go forth proclaiming peace and good will, but be not deceived — peace will not always attend your preaching. I came to bring peace on earth, but when men reject my gift, division and turmoil result. When all of a family receive the gospel of the kingdom, truly peace abides in that house; but when some of the family enter the kingdom and others reject the gospel, such division can produce only sorrow and sadness. Labor earnestly to save the whole family lest a man’s foes become those of his own household. But, when you have done your utmost for all of every family, I declare to you that he who loves father or mother more than this gospel is not worthy of the kingdom.

Chip Ahoy said...

And again,

Paper 165, §3 Sermon at Pella

¶1 What I have many times said to my apostles and to my disciples, I now declare to this multitude: Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy, born of prejudice and nurtured in traditional bondage, albeit many of these Pharisees are honest of heart and some of them abide here as my disciples. Presently all of you shall understand my teaching, for there is nothing now covered that shall not be revealed. That which is now hid from you shall all be made known when the Son of Man has completed his mission on earth and in the flesh.

¶2 Soon, very soon, will the things which our enemies now plan in secrecy and in darkness be brought out into the light and be proclaimed from the housetops. But I say to you, my friends, when they seek to destroy the Son of Man, be not afraid of them. Fear not those who, although they may be able to kill the body, after that have no more power over you. I admonish you to fear none, in heaven or on earth, but to rejoice in the knowledge of Him who has power to deliver you from all unrighteousness and to present you blameless before the judgment seat of a universe.

¶3 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And yet, when these birds flit about in quest of their sustenance, not one of them exists without the knowledge of the Father, the source of all life. To the seraphic guardians the very hairs of your head are numbered. And if all of this is true, why should you live in fear of the many trifles which come up in your daily lives? I say to you: Fear not; you are of much more value than many sparrows.

The Dude said...

Two by two.

Amartel said...

This is us. Right now. Large corporate state cronies standing in for actual agents of the state. Judging us, rating us, deciding where we stand on the state-defined scale of deplorableness.