Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Kremlin In Turmoil After Clinton Foundation CEO Requests “Urgent And Immediate” Asylum

Western Sentinel October 23, 2016 (link to original story)
An extraordinary Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says this morning President Putin was “officially presented” with a Main Directorate for Migration Affairs (GUVM) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) “file for review” relating to a request for “urgent and immediate” political asylum requested by an American citizen named Eric Braverman—who was the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation, and is known as the man who can expose “The Real Hillary Clinton Scandal. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.

Requests for the granting of political asylum in the Federation, this report explains, is regulated by a separate government resolution rather than the Law on Refugees and is issued to those seeking “asylum or protection from persecution or a real threat of becoming a victim of persecution” in their home country for “social-political activities or convictions that do not contradict the democratic principles recognized by the international community and norms of international law”—and though Russia has the world’s highest number of asylum applications, political asylum requests are very rarely granted.

In his apparent knowing of these facts, however, this report continues, Eric Braverman, yesterday (23 October), arrived at the Consulate of Russia in New York City and presented his “urgent and immediate” request for asylum on a visa application—as is “protocol/custom” because the Federation does not accept mail or electronic visa applications from residents of the continental United States.
 The Foreign Intelligence Service (FSI) “highly classified” Braverman’s visa application requesting political asylum, this SC report says, but stunningly admits that his wanting the protection of the Federation was “directly related” to the sudden death of Wikileaks founder Gavin MacFadyen that occurred the previous day, 22 October.
Eric Braverman, this report notes, is a current lecturer in the practice of government at Yale University who previously served as a partner at the US-based global consulting firm McKinsey & Company—and who, in 2013, became the CEO of the Clinton Foundation until his abrupt, and unexplained, leaving this known money laundering criminal organization this past December (2015) just prior to Hillary Clinton announcing her candidacy for president.
Eric Braverman was made the CEO of the Clinton Foundation in 2013, this report explains, after Hillary Clinton’s daughter,Chelsea, “declared war” on this criminal enterprise after stunning details emerged showing her father, former President Bill Clinton, had raised over $1 billion though the foundation to rebuild 100 villages in India, but only spent $53 million with him and his wife, Hillary Clinton, pocketing the rest
(This  is unbelievable if it is true. I don't know this website so I can't vouch for it. It has been publicized in various alt-right venues today so it might just be crazy conspiracy theories. You know it will not be reported in the main stream media at all. Even if it is true. Especially if it is true. 
But here is a question. The fact that they raised a billion and only spent $53 million on what the foundation was set up to do should be all over the press. I know the officials in Haiti are livid about what the Clinton foundation did. Why isn't that ever discussed. Oh I know. Trump said pussy on Howard Stern.
The main stream media and the conservative media needs to be destroyed root and branch and salt sewed over their graves.)


edutcher said...

Here's the original story.

Can't speak to the veracity of the site, but how much of the WikiLeaks/Snowden/Guccifer stuff would have seemed beyond credulity a couple of years ago?

Trooper York said...

Sorry I forgot to put in the link. I will add it. Thanks ed.

Chip Ahoy said...

* bringbring*
Hello, Lem's Levity.
____"PIccard here."
Oh! What can we do for you, Captain?
____"Nothing important."

bagoh20 said...

Sounds unlikely, but only because simply taking the Fifth and retiring works pretty well for Clinton crime family members.

edutcher said...

This breaks the omerta.

He'd have a "suicide" or a "plane crash"

edutcher said...

Also on Gateway.

They're saying it's off WikiLeaks and Braverman was a mole.

If so, no doubt he figures Poot is the best guy to keep him safe.

Remember event-driven?

Methadras said...

Running to Russia for asylum from the Clinton's is irony indeed.

Amartel said...


TO: Huma
RE: Maintenance

Check Russia re-set button for malfunction. Does not seem to be working properly. Did someone substitute it out for the eject button?

Amartel said...

Okay, so if he's a mole inside the Clinton Foundation, shouldn't he be running to the Republicans or Trump (or the National Enquirer) rather than to Russia? The presumption seems to be that nothing and no one in the US can protect him from the Clintons. Freaky.

chickelit said...

Something smells funny

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The infowars story was based on supposed facebook posts. So I guess this is Trooper turn?

Trooper York said...

I just read about it on Vox Day's sight and followed it to the source.

I think it is very plausible that this guy would go to Putin for protection. The other Wikileakes guy from the DNC that was just murdered seems to me to illustrate that the American government would not protect. Remember Hillary's words about Julian Assange "Can't we just drone this guy?"

Of course all of this is being covered up by the mainstream media because Trump said pussy.j

edutcher said...

Amartel said...

Okay, so if he's a mole inside the Clinton Foundation, shouldn't he be running to the Republicans or Trump (or the National Enquirer) rather than to Russia? The presumption seems to be that nothing and no one in the US can protect him from the Clintons. Freaky.

They nailed McDougal in a prison hospital.

Running to the Rs means running to Ryan, Little Marco, Junior McCain, and McConnell.

Would you?

And I'm sure Trump has plenty of security around him in case he suddenly was moved to take a stroll in Fort Marcy Park. Telling his story to Trump does not protect him. The Ozark Mafia, all of them, are notoriously vindictive.

Remember, the Russkies went to Mexico to get Trotsky.

Lem said...

The infowars story was based on supposed facebook posts. So I guess this is Trooper turn?

There's a WikiLeaks post in back of it. Check out Gateway.

Amartel said...

The "fixer" guy doesn't seem to be worried. Nor the secret service (?) guy who wrote a book about the joys of hangin' with the Clampetts.

Trooper York said...

Those guys are still in full omerta mode. The secret service guy is not telling us anything we don't already know. This guy has knowledge of actual criminal activity that can get Hillary impeached and convicted of a crime.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Someone told me recently that there's some spinoff of "24" that's pretty good. I really don't care to find out. When it comes to how much fantasy we like in our entertainment, we all get off the bus at different stops. I find that I'm generally far more willing to suspend disbelieve when there's very little claim to being "important" being made. Science fiction. Screwball comedy. That sort of thing.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The point is: I'm not a big fan of political thrillers. Some people are, apparently.