Thursday, September 5, 2019

96,000,000 black balls on L.A. reservoir

Duckduckgo images [boba]

Put them on/in anything cold. [buy boba]

Amazon [boba]


chickelit said...

That took balls to pull off.

The Dude said...

That is an interesting video, bro. Mate.

Leland said...

I'm glad they banned plastic straws.

XRay said...

Leland, balls have virtue, unlike straws.

chickelit said...

When I look at that situation as a chemist, I see a vast amount of energy in the form of polyethylene and to a much lesser extent, the carbon black; hydrocarbons are among the best storage media of chemical energy. I can't help but think that some bacterium will evolve to take advantage of the situation -- maybe something that also requires fresh water and sunlight. Plastic-eating bacteria are an active target of research. Bacteria have evolved to digest practically everything else -- why not this?