Monday, September 16, 2019

Dog house aquarium

The tank is for a veterinarian office. 

Hobbyists let them have it in comments. 

We aquarium hobbyist types much like we baker types are extremely pissy collectively. We're absolutists about the things that we know. And everyone who doesn't acknowledge our common wisdom are scum.

The dog fish are axolotis and they require much lower temperature than the regular tropical fish. All the nearly 600 commenters are strongly against this based on their common knowledge.

They know the tropical fish will eat the gills off the axolotis. They also need dimmer light. And pH requirement differ between species. They cannot deal with pebbles. They need larger rocks.

The hobbyists are more knowledgeable about fish species than these professionals. Apparently.

A vet and so-called aquatics professionals, AND an animal channel. And all three together, still manage to put axolotls with algae eaters and predatory fish who will eat their gills and mucus layers off until they die a slow, horrible death from stress and mutilation. The axolotls in the tank look thin and poorly already, with barely visible gills. And temperature. Axolotls can't live well in water warmer than 22°C but I see discus and other tropical fish who are probably getting their water heated.  
How do 3 entities that are supposed to know how to take care of animals, manage to fail at the most basic axolotl care? A statement would be nice.
The New Jersey guys in Las Vegas are putting on a television show. They needed species with names that are dog-related. They used axolotis merely for the common name "dog fish." That's all. Nothing more to it than that. 

It's t-e-e  v-e-e, alright? 

It's why they have the Dalmatian fish. And why they pointed out the catfish.

1 comment:

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Seems it would be more popular with the cats than the dogs. Maybe a fish tank scratching post tower is next?