Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ed Buck

Gayer than a RuPaul television show episode using male models to play a word guessing game "hangman." Hungman, actually, and all the words have "ass" in them. It's more interesting than Ed Buck could ever be.

But instead of merely harmlessly amusing, Ed Buck is perverse in a seriously evil way.

This is his third similar episode in which he enticed a downtrodden black young man out of work and homeless and addicted and invites him into the comfort of his home then injects him with an overdose of drugs to watch him die.

Buck used to be a male model. But time was unkind. His soul expressed on his face in the form of pockmarks that no amount of money can sandblast.

Buck used to be a Republican until he realized Democrats were more plastic to his particular needs.

He is known to have done this same thing twice before but being so big, being so Democrat, being so protected, nothing could be done about it without ironclad proof.

Ellyn Santiago writing for Heavy lists five things you need to know. (You don't need to know any of them. You would do just as well not knowing.)

1) A young black man was wheeled out of Buck's apartment on a gurney.
2) Another black man died with Buck previously.
3) Buck is a political activist and a failed candidate
4) Buck was a millionaire by age 32 and a major donor to Democrats.
5) Former model, acted briefly, one LGTB group cut ties with him.

Lots of photos throughout and video.

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