Friday, September 27, 2019

Trump delivers remarks on arrival at Joint Base Andrews, MD

Awesome. Trump walks up to a group of reporters and treats them as stenographers. He finishes and says "thank you" and walks away as they all fire off questions on top of each other.

Done easily from memory prearranged in his mind spilled out all at once. And then nothing.

I've never seen a president handle the press like this. 

What we are seeing are the things that case studies are made of. 

Bush II was pathetic. The press walked all over him. And it seems his patrician training insisted he rise above all the clamor even as they dragged him down. He refused to fight back. He refused to lower himself. He never changed anything. Helen Thomas obnoxiously asked him the same stupid question each press meeting and Bush II never told her to get a new act or get out. 

Then conversely they all wore heavy-duty knee pads for their precious precocious wunderkind. So there was no need to manage the press. Yet the White House did actually surveil them.  

Trump turns it back on the individuals who bring it to him. He changes their environment. He honestly views them as cockroaches, but a necessary pestilence, and he treats them accordingly. And considering his tremendous disregard for their class  his observable behavior is actually quite constrained. 

Who'd imagine that since White House press conferences are so tediously predictable that Trump would dispense with them entirely and move them outside where the press is a lot more physically uncomfortable. Trump makes his press conferences physically uncomfortable for the press whom he disrespects thoroughly.

Roger Simon wrote an essay about visiting Mar-a-Lago and his descriptions are priceless. Trump had the press park their cars a mile from the house. Trump didn't want their crappy little cars messing up his property.

I think that's hilarious because my truck fits that category. Trump would make me park 5 miles away.

Then Trump had them all corralled into a plain dismal room roped off from the rest of the mansion filled with art in gleaming gold frames and sparkling chandeliers, expensive furniture, rugs and the rest. 

And all they had available to comfort them was a table with a white table cloth and bottles of water. 

Trump water. 

A constant reminder to them, the cockroaches had been invited into his house. 

There will be no selfies of themselves flipping the bird in front of a family portrait. Such clever bugs. 

I had no idea Andrews is in MD. 

It's another of those bases I heard my dad talking about and the whole time I thought it was in California. I conflated Andrews with Edwards and Vandenberg. But not Travis because I've spent time in that one. And it's bee-ewe-tea-full. 


edutcher said...

Reagan would just walk away, too.

I had no idea Andrews is in MD.

Did Dad know this?

Chip Ahoy said...

Did I make another mistake?

He rattled off AF bases all the time. He knew what he was talking about but I didn't.

Plus I've been on quite a lot of AFB for various reasons that I don't know the names of and don't know what states they are in.

For the most part they look a lot alike and tend to blend together. Only a few stick out in my mind for their unique characteristics.