Tuesday, September 24, 2019

William Jacobson: How long before Trump rebrands Sleepy Joe as Ukraine Joe?

That's a great idea.
The more Ukraine-gate drags on, the more it hurts Biden. Oddly, that jives with Trump’s goal of damaging the person he sees as the most dangerous general election opponent, so Trump outwardly seems to be enjoying this.
Jacobson cites an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

A poll!

Fine. What were the results of the poll?

* A significant share of Americans say they're losing confidence in his ability to lead the country.

[I feel a laughing fit coming on. Losing confidence. That's hilarious.]

* 1/3 of voters say they've lost confidence in recent weeks.

[Good Lord, 1/3 of the voters are mental for having any confidence in Biden to begin with. For even listening in the first place.]

* Those who lost confidence cite his debate performance, his age, and an over-reliance on Obama's legacy.

Okay, I've had enough. All of you just shut up. Begone. *click*

There is a lot more but I no longer care.

Skip down to comments for some fun.

* CNN, accusing Trump of what they’ve been doing all along.

  ** It’s great how they telegraph it, isn’t it? Saves a lot of time and energy.

[My sister did this same thing. We always knew what she was up to by the things she accused us of doing. Things we'd not think of. She constantly taught us the perverse way she thinks. It was extraordinarily obvious. We told her that. And she was incapable of changing it or disguising it. The Democrat are my little sister. When she was ten.]

* “Ukraine Joe” may be premature. His corrupt family deals with China is much worse. More money for the Biden Family International Crime Syndicate while enabling theft of critical US national security secrets. Maybe “Shanghai Joe”?

* How about getting started with “Ukraine Joe” and having Trump come out stating that he thought about that but we’ll be calling him “Shanghai Joe” soon enough. One of them will stick eventually.

* I agree. I have been on record for months that it should be “China Joe Biden”.

At the end of the day, most general voters don’t really care about our Ukraine foreign policy …

… but everyone could understand that China Joe would be fatally compromised when it comes to China, and that China matters.

Especially swing state manufacturing industry voters.

* There’s also a shady China deal with Hunter.

The more interesting thing will be if NO candidate wins on the first ballot. The Democrats may go the way of the Whigs. A corrupt crony – Hillary again? A Socialist Green? Probably not Tulsi who has a chance.

[No. Democrat party is the great catch basin. It is immortal. But that can happen to the Republican party.]

Many more great comments at Legal Insurrection.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

A significant share of Americans say they're losing confidence in his ability to lead the country.

How many of these "Americans" vote anything but Democrat?