Saturday, April 6, 2019

Israeli spacecraft sends back pictures of the dark side of the moon

Photo 1 is a forward shot taken by Beresheet as the spacecraft enters the dark side of the moon.

The second photo was taken upon exiting the dark side of the moon when the spacecraft got scared and turned around instead of completing its orbit. What a copout. And after all the trouble of getting there. 


Real pictures at NYPost aren't much different. Just a few bumps. That's it.


ricpic said...

A Plea For Ignorance

O modest Moon with just a few bumps you'd rather not show those gawkers on the Earth;
O cloak of darkness continue to envelop and protect Her purity of which there is a dearth.

ampersand said...

I think I spotted Gary Larson.

AllenS said...

Just as I had imagined.