Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Appalachian biscuits and gravy


Any kind of fat. Lard, shortening, margarine. Did she mention bacon fat? Is butter against Appalachian rules?

Self-rising flour is regular flour with baking powder and salt added. 

That's why she didn't add salt to the biscuit batter.

Baking powder is baking soda and some kind of dry acid like cream of tartar, sometimes two kinds of powder acid. So baking powder acts on its own when it's combined with some kind of liquid.

Baking soda requires an acid to activate it for a grade school volcano effect. Any acid will do. Lactic acid, citric acid, citrus acid, any vinegar works as well. 

Both of these things, baking powder and baking soda taste terrible. The more you use then the worse something gets.

Buttermilk is additional acid. So, there is a double dose of acid to activate the self-rising flour. This affects its efficiency.

I never understood why people buy it. Because now that whole sack of self-rising flour can be used only for things such as this. When you already have baking powder and baking soda on hand. Best to stick with the elementals and avoid things that are premixed for convenience. 

For the same reasoning that pancake mix doesn't make sense. It's just flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Possibly buttermilk powder. And you already have those elements. With an egg, you can mix your batter however you like. 

The biscuits could be fortified with an egg and so can the gravy.

It doesn't have to be so plain-Jane. This meal is for children.  

And the parents are children themselves. I enjoyed listening them make this video together. They're made for each other. What we hear is children raising children and that really is how God intended, and that's why we bless them, only very young people have the energy for this. Children like these will wear old people right the f out. 

On the contrary, have you noticed how people raised by their grandparents are generally a little bit more calm? 

Similar to how children raised by parents who have already trained dogs are generally more well behaved. Their children respond to directions immediately. I noticed that at the training facility and at obedience trials. 

Trainers teach their dogs to react to the first command.  They don't say "Spot sit. Spot sit, Spot sit. I said, sit. Spot, I said sit. Spot, goddamnit I SAID SIT" Rather, the dog is corrected for not responding to the first command and they learn to pay attention. (Belgians do not do this. I swear. It's awesome. They want to do your bidding. They want to work with you. They're actually eager to follow your directions. Your correction is in not praising them immediately with positive feedback. It kills them not to be praised. They must be trained differently from other dogs. They're way sensitive. It can be something so subtle as whisper "good girl" or touching the tip of their ear. But don't do that and they just die of apprehension  and failure. They'll do anything to get back to "good girl.") 

My sister would go, "Boys, hold it down a bit." They ignore her. "I said, Boys, you're being too noisy." They ignore her. "Boys, I said, knock it off." They ignore her. Finally she raises her voice to 150 decibels and screams "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" And finally they get the message she means it. 

She trained them to ignore her until she raises her voice. 

Incidentally, her boys turned out lovely. She was a young person, a child herself in the eyes of God, raising young children, as His plan, the plan of Nature, however you choose to look at it. Best to be young for that kind of energy devoted to raising children with full sustained attention for at least eighteen years.

And children like plain food. 

Or else she could jazz up her gravy with an entire panty of flavor ingredients. 
* soy sauce
* Worcestershire sauce
* liquid smoke
* bitters
* wine, fortified wine, sake, brandy, beer
* coffee
* the full range of herbs
* spices, nutmeg would be very good
* chiles or chile powder, any kind at all
* sour cream, crème fraîche
* any kind of cheese
* egg
* tomato paste
* fruit juice such as pineapple
* cherries
* corn. 
* come on, go through your pantry and see what you've got.

What does she use? Milk. 

Because they are children.


ricpic said...

I had a terrible reaction to biscuits and gravy once. My advice would be NOT to order biscuits and gravy in a roadside cafe or diner. Who knows what's in the gravy and how long it's been sitting around heated and reheated. At home's another matter.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

While the generalizations about young parents, and children raising children sound lovely, they do not reflect reality.

Children do not raise healthy well-adjusted children. However, young adults might be up to the task. The age at which children turn into young adults who are capable of balancing freedom with responsibility and able to provide for and nurture children varies.

MrM and I were in our 30's when the SonsM were born. I was able to devote the time and energy needed to raise them, in addition to homeschooling them (as the parents in the video are doing) and it worked well for everyone involved.