Thursday, April 18, 2019

On Minion Problems

My first thought connection, upon hearing Notre Dame was ablaze, went to "the college there" in Indiana.  

Then, while looking up stained glass windows, I happened on this 19th century jewel in another Notre Dame (the church of Notre Dame de la Daurade) in Toulouse, France; which led to this bit of unknown history (on my part) and pondering involving decisions made during that same century a hundred and fifty years ago on infallibility and original sin: 

" of the roundels contains the name ‘PIE IX’.  Pope Pius IX was pope during the middle of the 19th century, so that roughly dates this artwork.  The longest serving pope ever, Pius IX convened the first Vatican Council in 1869, which decided two important things – the doctrine of papal infallibility, and the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which is the idea that Mary, Christ’s mother, was also born without original sin.  What evidence they thought they had to back up that claim is a mystery, but perhaps if you are infallible, you don’t need anything other than your imagination for things to be true."   from the blog Enthusiastical 

1 comment:

edutcher said...

The Frawgs are waaaaayyyy too quick in calling it an accident.

Kinda like the Feds the way shut down the Vegas shooter thing.