Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dan Bongino: The curious case of Julian Assange

I don't watch Fox News because cable doesn't exist in my world and Fox is too irritating to watch.

I don't watch Bernie Sanders because he is unbearable and not worth the trouble. He is irrelevant distraction, important only as signal, a very dismal signal, and important to Democrat club for his data on targeted voters. So I don't have to fret my precious little head.

So, naturally I resent being presented with a Fox clip featuring Bernie Sanders and his ridiculous answers to perspicacious questions and whose responses his dopey audience find so brilliant.

At 40:00.

The question is: You've campaigned for millionaires paying more taxes. And you are against Trump lowering taxes especially against lowering taxes for millionaires. Now you are one. And Trump lowered your taxes. Why didn't you refuse the offer of paying lower taxes and pay more than you had to instead?

Bernie doesn't answer that question. "Ha! You got me. I'm a hypocritical greedy bastard like all communists." Instead he deflects to Trump's taxes. His audience applauds.

Sander's taxes and Trump's taxes hold zero interest to me. All that's between them and the IRS.

How much do you pay in taxes?
Do you live in a big house?
What kind of cars do you drive?
Do you carry a lot of cash in your wallet?
What are your lines of credit?
Do you pay your credit card in full each month?

How gauche.

Socialism is the philosophy of resentment. Harrison Bergeron should be required reading. Surprisingly, it wasn't at any of the schools that I went to.

A popular singer is asked about taxes and she takes a while to say that she wants government to show where her money is spent because NYC isn't doing that well. She says government does poorly with her money. Then when she's asked who she supports she answers Bernie Sanders, the one candidate with the philosophy that would take the most from her in taxes, because Bernie never tried to be cool.

I invite you to be irritated too.

1 comment:

ricpic said...

"Do you carry a lot of cash in your wallet?"

My Dad used to impress the hell out of me when I was a kid by slowly unfolding his wallet stuffed with twenties! This was when twenty dollars amounted to something. Anyway it was a giant wad of cash. And the whole act - because he knew and I knew and my sister knew it was an act - the whole act was so effective because it was so understated. Very matter of fact. Ah well.