Friday, April 12, 2019

New high definition images released of the black hole.

The Event Horizon telescope with four additional radio telescopes contributing to the original network of eight, and forty additional scientists provided refocused high definition images of the newly discovered black hole. This time a bit closer in.

France Córdova, director of the US National Science Foundation and astrophysicist, said the new images give a much clearer view of the center of the black hole.

While she was speaking another astrophysicist remarked, "Hey, these look a little bit similar to the pictures of the dark side of the moon.

Córdova shot back, Alice, did anyone ask, "Alice what do you think?"


edutcher said...

ice answered, "My name isn't Kramden, ya know".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Once a black hole is photographed I don't think it can be categorized as a black hole anymore.

Somebody should ask the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for a ruling.