Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Scheiße is German for "wool you please stop all that barking and get the flock outta here?" 


Dad Bones said...

It must be breeding season. If so that ram has a lot of work to do and doesn't like things getting in his way. I would've smacked him a couple times with that stick to help him remember who's in charge of the charger.

AllenS said...

Sheep and goats. Watch out for the ram, because they like to use the head butt.

edutcher said...

The lesson is even sheep get fed up.

Something The Powers What Are never seem to learn.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That dog should be charged with dereliction of duty .....he should be moving the sheep away from the car instead of just barking at the car.

Someone is in control here and it isn't the Shepherd OR the dog. Really embarrassing when you get outsmarted by sheep. :-D

AllenS said...

The person in charge of the sheep might want to consider conceal carry.

Amartel said...

I think the ram ran off with his shepherd's crook, too. Watch closely at the end.