Thursday, July 28, 2016

DNC Convention Day 4

Are you watching?


chickelit said...

What time does the Hildebeast waddle on stage?

edutcher said...

April's glued to the set.

With the exception of Cacklepants and the brood mare, nobody of note unless you count Kerosene Maxine Waters.

The rest are the usual diversity hires.

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

What time does the Hildebeast waddle on stage?

I'm guessing around 10 Eastern time, although the Demos got their featured speaker on awfully late last night.

Adamsunderground said...

I'd be curious to hear what zombie Barry Goldwater had to say.

chickelit said...

Hickenlooper used to own/run a bar in downtown Denver. My wife and I were married in Denver. We hosted a party at his bar for our tiny wedding party the night before. The service was so poor that we tipped in pennies. I know that some of you get bent out shape offending any wait staff staff, but this service was so bad and the girl so stuck up that she needed a message. Hey, at least we didn't stiff her.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Donald you are so vane... best line tonight so far.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I remember this lady with the red suit from previous conventions.

chickelit said...

Donald you are so vane... best line tonight so far

He does know which way the wind is blowing...

edutcher said...

Lem, it's vain.

Methadras said...

Hell no I'm not watching. Only leftists would glorify such vacuous lunacy. It's a convention of the insane.

ricpic said...

Screeching into a coughing fit would be great. You can do it, Hill.

edutcher said...

Dallas Sheriff Lupe Valdez, calls for a moment of silence for the memories of fallen officers. A few in the crowd interrupt the moment by yelling "Black Lives Matter."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hillary is nowhere in sight.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Red Sox are in the west coast.

Multi viewing night again for me again.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Swift Boat redux - Ty Woods' widow makes anti-Hillary video.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Katy Perry is on.

chickelit said...

Deleting Kate Perry from my iTunes....

chickelit said...

She said both her parents are republican pastors. Can you imagine their family Thanksgivings? Oh well, she will live to regret it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Katy Perry just munched some old lady's carpet and she liked it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Katy Perry seems just boring enough of a person to totally identify with Hillary.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Chelsea Clinton sounds just like her mother.

chickelit said...

@lem: they resonate with each other but not with others.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Chelsea Clinton drinking game: take a drink every time she says always.

chickelit said...

So far, she ha been the only speaker not obsessed with Trump. It could the friendship with Ivanka. We'll see her mother step all over that.

chickelit said...

I'm typing on my iPhone... More typos than usual.

chickelit said...

I'm disappointed they didn't hire Ken Burns to narrate backed by maudlin fiddles.

chickelit said...

Waiting for Huma's testimonial...

edutcher said...

Saw the brood mare. My God, what a stiff. She spent her life around 2 people in the public eye and can't even walk onto a podium with grace. And she learned nothing from that 600 grand job at the Peacock.

Ms Megyn was wondering if Chelsea has a political career ahead.

Only if she changes her name to Ivanka.

And Willie looks like He. The makeup doesn't cover the rosacea and I'd love to know what he's on. One minute he's very well-lit, next he looks like he's going to fall asleep.

And the crowd feels the same way.

Now we have the obligatory movie of her storied life. We'd be better off if they ran TCM's commemoration of Olivia DeHavilland's 100th birthday.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hillary takes credit for going after Bin Laden.

chickelit said...

Not just that, Lem, she Zander Obama think it's "Mission Accomplished"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

white pant suit.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

the American flag makes an appearance.

edutcher said...

She walks out very slowly. No Armani housecoat, looks like the water pills worked.

Yet another Lifestyle Lift. She clears her throat, can we expect another coughing fit before the night is over?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hillary close to coughing fit.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

the American flag makes an appearance.

It shows how desperate they are.

BTW What's up with the guy confiscating the flags?

edutcher said...

If you see yellow T-shirts, it's the Bernies.

Cacklepants tells them, "I hear you", as she does everything short of murder to silence them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Jonah -

"She still sounds like a middle school principle speaking to an all-school assembly about how the kids are too mature for food fights."

edutcher said...

She's trying to be forceful, like George C Scott doing Patton.

Comes off like Dan Rowan (for those old enough) doing Gen Bull Right.

edutcher said...

Has she got a tic in her left eye?

Her eyes just crossed a couple of times.

This broad has serious issues.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you put this speech in iTunes, you wont need Ambien ever again.

edutcher said...

Look at this picture.

Now tell me, am I losing my mind (always a possibility) or does she look like Dr Evil in drag?

ndspinelli said...

Dr. Evil marries Liberace.

edutcher said...

She's trying to channel Barbara Stanwyck in "The Big Valley". She couldn't make it work with Jarrod, Nick, Heath, Eugene, and Audra beside her.

And there is something seriously wrong with her left eye. It keeps crossing.

Anybody else see it?

edutcher said...

Apparently, a good deal of booing.

More than a few thrown out.

Akin to McSorley's on St Paddy's Day, but nowhere near as much fun.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Katy Perry is paid to like HIllary.

edutcher said...

Everybody is.

rcocean said...

We're just half watching with the sound off. My wife and daughter are cracking up at her facial expressions.

edutcher said...

Dead crowd.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"A man you can bait with a tweet, is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I believe every time the crowd starts chanting Hillary Hillary, they do so to shout out Bernie supporters.

edutcher said...

You may have something there.

The Bernies are trying several strategems, including standing with their backs to her.

This has been a disaster from wire to wire.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's over?

edutcher said...

In more ways than one, I daresay.

Chip Ahoy said...

Barbara Stanwyck. Good one!

Too bad. She doesn't have the stature, figure, grace or norks for it, but channel away.

I cannot stand even watching. I keep trying and keep failing. It's hopeless. And every time I give it a moment of sound a bromide or platitude or misrepresentation comes through and I cannot get off of it fast enough.

"Quit fidgeting and flicking around!"

"I can't help it, Ma. This is me paying attention hard as I can. The bitch is intolerable."

Oddly, the huckster, the con artist, the bankruptcy guy, the blowhard, the meglomaniacal narcissistic buffoon talks to me. Hillary with her potboiler banality, her hackneyed insipid ear-bursting prosaicisms does not.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

funny tweet

Chip Ahoy said...

I read an article on the Atlantic that said the Democrat party is united ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, hang on I feel a laughing fit coming on.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha there it passed.

But the thing that GOT me about the article, after I made disparaging comment to it over there, is the article is dated July 30th 2016 and I'm all goddamnit I slipped into another of those time shifts again. The bad kind where two days is lost instead of two days gained. Oh. PSYCH! They predated the post.

edutcher said...

Good one.

Chip Ahoy said...

Barbara Stanwyck. Good one!

Too bad. She doesn't have the stature, figure, grace or norks for it, but channel away.

Missy was only 5' 5", so she was a wee thing, but, yes, she stood tall.

PS Norks?

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow. Totally fooled by television.

edutcher said...

At some point during the day, I'll relink this as it's too good to keep (unless Lem wants to grab it).

I said Willie was having trouble keeping his eyes open. Here's the proof

And Tim Korman fared no better.