Wednesday, July 27, 2016

At the DNC Convention day 3

Are you watching?

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edutcher said...

I'm waiting to see how they wheel out Hillary tomorrow. That should be worth the price of admission.

PS Looks like a long night. The Bernies heckle Leon Panetta.

Amartel said...

Panetta heckled by Berniebots who don't want to hear about ISIS. Waaaa, you're interrupting my utopia.

Amartel said...

Biden is so botoxed it's affecting his speaking voice. Kissing up to the Obamas so hard. You'd think that wouldn't be necessary after all this time. So gross.

Amartel said...

Congratulating Americans for getting out of bed in the morning.
Like, literally.

edutcher said...

Joe only knows one word - malarkey.

He derides Trump's concern for the middle class.

What has the Choom Gang given the middle class but malarkey?

Amartel said...

Panetta heckled by Berniebots who don't want to hear about ISIS

What, you mean the JV, right?

Amartel said...

The Joe Show is over. Now he can go back to watching reruns of Matlock.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The name Hillary Clinton just doesn't animate those people whatsoever.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bloomberg is up. No party platform.

Amartel said...

Bloomers is such a weasel.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I did just what Trump has done.

Amartel said...

Next up: A dangerous demagogue. Yaay.

Amartel said...

Hide the evidence, deny everything, buy off potential troublemakers.
Problem solved!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bloomberg: I'm a New Yorker, I know a con men when I see one.

edutcher said...

WikiLeaks has a collection of voicemails up. Includes a $200,000 date with Cacklepants

(insert punchline)

Amartel said...

Oh please, we've been in retreat since 2008. On purpose. And those people in that hall love that.

Amartel said...

Much much much better for crony capitalists.

chickelit said...

Bloomberg sounds like he has personal animus for Trump. Anybody know the backstory?

Amartel said...

Two rich guys from NY probably rubbed each other the wrong way multiple times over the years but I bet the big sticking point is that Bloomie is never going to be successful in politics, unlike Trump.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bloomberg had to run and be mayor of NYC for years to get the notice, the here-comes-so-and-so Trump seem to have been born with. The stuff just money alone can't buy.

XRay said...

I'm not watching, deliberately anyway. The other half is so it's sorta hard to avoid completely. Can't sit outside as it's 105 out there. Anyway, had the same question as 'chick' soon as I saw bloomie was speaking. There must be some history there... bet troop knows. I did catch the NPR press booth for a bit, including Holder, they talked about Trump the whole time I watched. He is in their head. The main theme seems to be how unqualified is Trump. Which leads me to ask how could you be any less qualified than a failed community organizer.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tim Kaine is up.

Amartel said...

This guy's sounding more Republican than Bloomberg.
PS, lefties: a Republican governor integrated the schools in VA.

Amartel said...

People in the hall aren't thrilled by Kaine. Tepid response.
Bernie mention gets a big cheer. And chanting.

chickelit said...

Kaine started out with a lie, saying that Trump wanted to abandon NATO allies.

Amartel said...

I want the names of the Republican senators who think Clinton did a good job in the Senate. Probably McCain.

chickelit said...

I've never heard Kaine before. I already don't like him.

Amartel said...

She stood up to international thugs and dictators ... and insisted they pay as much as possible to the Clinton Fund.

edutcher said...

Bernies are booing Kaine with No TPP signs.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Amartel said...

Hey Hillary what are you hiding?

Amartel said...

I kind of like Kaine. He's not a bad retail politician and got some good lines off. There's just no rehabilitating Clinton.

Amartel said...

She's ready ... to develop a malady and drop out in September.

edutcher said...

I wonder who did the scheduling for this.

It's just before 11 on the Right Coast and President Pissy has yet to make his grand appearance.

Since most people have to get up and go to work in the morning, you'd think they would have put Pissy on earlier.

Unless they don't want people to hear what he has to say.

But he's the World's Greatest Orator and the Smartest President in the history of Everything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Notice NO ONE ever mentions the Clinton Foundation. They know it's a bogus "charity" so - they don't go near it.

edutcher said...

You expect this at the Democrat convention?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama is up.

XRay said...

We're all adults here, ostensibly anyway. Can't you just let AA make a comment without a comment back from you. It has become tiring.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the Clinton Foundation "charity" were so amazing - certainly a bragging point. It's a slush fund - so - shhhhhhh.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thank you, x-ray. Ed has turned himself into a loathsome bore and an obsessive troll. He must correct everyone, all the time. Why? He has NO life.
He spends every waking hour on the web and he waits for me to show up. It's pathetic.

Trooper York said...

No. I am not watching.

I am binge watching a British TV series on Hulu. It is called Scott and Bailey and is about two female detectives in Manchester. Written in the first season by the same writer who did Happy Valley.

They do man bash a lot but it is a pretty good procedural.

Trooper York said...

Mosley from Downtown Abbey has a big role in the first series.

In the second series so far they have featured the dude who play Robin Hood in Once Upon a Time.

Trooper York said...

There is absolultely no reason to watch the Democrats.

But one question.

When are the "Mothers of ISIS" going to speak?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chickel - I was listening to Hugh Hewitt today in the car. Hugh said Kaine is going to hit the Latino vote hard using Dem-Univision, etc...

Kaine is in this thing to hand Florida to Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Mother of ISIS" - did you just make that up? That's good.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh, I twitted about this "never quit" trope.

Hillary Never Quits, She Deletes.

edutcher said...

Looks like the Bernies will bring back '68, after all (I was so hoping). They broke through the great Wall around the convention hall and tossed a coffin marked DNC at the cops (God, I wish Frank Rizzo were alive).

And what are they singing, “Hell no, DNC. We Won’t Vote for Hillary!"?


XRay said...

We're all adults here, ostensibly anyway. Can't you just let AA make a comment without a comment back from you. It has become tiring.

It was meant to be a jest. As, "You actually expect honesty out of these people?".

A type of remark regularly handed back and forth here.

Some people can't take one. Others don't know what it is.

AprilApple said...

Chickel - I was listening to Hugh Hewitt today in the car. Hugh said Kaine is going to hit the Latino vote hard using Dem-Univision, etc...

Kaine is in this thing to hand Florida to Hillary.

Hewitt's a NeverTrumper jerk.

Kaine is there to try to keep Hillary's losses among Hispanics to a minimum. After Bernie took the IL Hispanic vote, even though he lost the state, I don't doubt Hillary's lack of salsa among minorities is a source of considerable concern.

If Hewitt honestly believes some guy who spouts a little Berlitz Spanish is going to wow the Latinos into getting up off the couch on election day, he also thinks Jeb! or Little Marco can pull out the nomination.

edutcher said...

PS Is it me or do the white people look bored out of their skulls?

Amartel said...

Same old same old. He's their wubby.

Amartel said...

As usual it's all about Barry.

XRay said...

Based on past history there would be no reason to think that your 'jest' at an AA comment would be a 'jest'. We all know, I suspect, that AA's comment was just a pissing in the wind type of thought. Nothing wrong with it, nothing that needing correcting at least. Your condescension of "can't take" or "don't know" is a bit much as well. As the blurb says, let's just be civil.

edutcher said...

Then why get all wound up about it?

I just riffed off what she said.

Or is riffing considered incivil?

XRay said...

Just leave it be for now. Get a good night's sleep, we'll all be here tomorrow.

Chip Ahoy said...

Michelle Malkin used this photo in a tweet and I said the the male DNC convention speakers faces remind me of the grandpa dolls made from women's hosiery. Remember these? Then oddly the photo was included with subsequent Malkin tweets as if I responded to those but I didn't, only once, like what am I a multiple tweeter?

edutcher said...

No, dear, Hewitt was always a NeverTrumper.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wrong, idiot. Even though Trump treated Hewitt like crap, Hewitt is supporting Trump.

btw- Is it too much to ask that you simply ignore my posts? I have ZERO interest in anything you have to say.

edutcher said...

X-Ray was talking all about civility last night and look at the words you use.

I guess he should have started with you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

bugger off? I suppose negative attention is better than no attention - right ed ache?

The blonde must do all she can to avoid you. Considering you spend all day here.

BTW - Do you donate to this blog, Ed?

yes or no.

Leland said...

Didn't watch either. They are all to staged. The only surprise was Cruz's chip in the shoulder and... Well I have to admit the delegate revolt at the DNC is s surprise, but it only made it to air because of its magnitude. It couldn't be hidden. I expected it outside the convention, but not inside.

Still, the Democrat machine that made Hillary the nominee is functioning well and succeeding. This is the same machine that will be working to steal the election. If you think dead people seem to vote too often; then you can bet disenfranchised Democrat voters will still magically appear not at the voting booth but in the ballots. ACORN may have disappeared but the people behind it never went to jail.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

bugger off?

Such language.