Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"Bill Clinton's Lapse Into Trumpism"

"In his convention speech, he suggested that Muslims need to earn the rights that all other Americans enjoy."
Clinton said something dreadful: “If you’re a Muslim and you love America and freedom and you hate terror, stay here and help us win and make a future together, we want you.” The problem is in the assumption. American Muslims should be viewed exactly the same way other Americans are. If they commit crimes, then they should be prosecuted, just like other Americans. But they should not have to prove that they “love America and freedom” and “hate terror” to “stay here.” Their value as Americans is inherent, not instrumental. Their role as Americans is not to “help us win” the “war on terror.”
Whether Clinton meant to or not, he lapsed into Trumpism: the implication that Muslims are a class apart, deserving of special scrutiny and surveillance, guilty of terrorist sympathies until proven innocent.
Meanwhile, earlier outside the convention...  "The organizer of a “Black DNC Resistance March” in Philadelphia Tuesday demanded white supporters and “white media” move to back of the crowd."


edutcher said...

Well, maybe it was just a rare flash of honesty for our First Black Sociopath President.

If anyone has made the Moslems, especially the militants - which, let's face it, seem to be an awful lot of them - a privileged class, it's been the Lefties, seeing a group who does little else but make lots of little Moslems, is perpetually angry and duplicitous (traits which exemplify the Left), hates the country but loves the goodies, and will vote slavishly for the party that lets them have all these things.

Given Beinart's truly risible outrage, it must be noted the rest of the article was equally laughable.

Given the job of humanizing his wife, he came across as genuinely smitten.

He's a sociopath, he's been working on snowing the gullible all his life. The only thing "smitten" about him is the chance to graze on a fresh generation of interns.

If you love this country, you’re working hard, you’re paying taxes, you’re obeying the law and you’d like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over someone that wants to send you back

If you are interested in amnesty, you're not obeying the law.

If you’re a young African American disillusioned and afraid … help us build a future where no one’s afraid to walk outside, including the people that wear blue to protect our future.

This is as he leads into a pack of mothers who are the real cause of blacks being afraid to walk outside.

And this is the same Willie who ran on the promise to put 100,000 more cops on the streets 25 years ago.

The same Lefties are still telling themselves the New Deal worked, too.

edutcher said...

And speaking of cops afraid to walk outside, charges dropped against last 2 Baltimore cops.

All six walk.


The Dude said...

True justice would be the impeachment and disbarment of Mosely.

The Dude said...

Make that Mosby - not that facts or spelling matter to her.

It's a mental block on my part - Mosby was a raider, not a traitor.

edutcher said...

As Johnny Hooker once observed to the great Henry Gondorff, "It's not enough - but it'll do".

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I loved/hated The Sting. Great plot and clever movie- but pretending that 40 year old Robert Redford was 'a kid' and pretending he was just a greenhorn young grifter was lousy casting.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's racist to want to feel safe in your own country. It's racist to want to stop the flow of ILLEGALS or ISIS into our nation.

Unless Billy Jeff says it.

edutcher said...

Jim in St Louis said...

I loved/hated The Sting. Great plot and clever movie- but pretending that 40 year old Robert Redford was 'a kid' and pretending he was just a greenhorn young grifter was lousy casting.

Butch and Sundance reboot.

AprilApple said...

Unless Billy Jeff says it.

Don't call him that. It makes him sound like a decent human being, instead of what VDH so accurately described as the American Alcibiades.

Like the people who talk about "Bill" Ayers. He's a Mao Tse-Tung wannabe.

Don't give these people any help snowing the gullible. they get plenty as it is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Billy Jeff.

ricpic said...

"American Muslims should be viewed exactly the way other Americans are."

Really? The fact that 98 out of 100 terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims should not be considered when "viewing" American Muslims? In other words we should be idiots and suffer the fate of idiots. A fate I'm sure Peter Beinart, hardcore leftist, believes we deserve.

edutcher said...

Better yet, Beinart undoubtedly thinks they'll spare him in the unlikely event he gets caught up in something like that.

He'd better be able to recite the Koran.

AprilApple said...

Billy Jeff.

Don't be a jerk. Of all people, you should appreciate what I'm saying.

Methadras said...

Democrats like Clinton cannot hide their over or even covert racism, bigotry, and prejudices. Did the person not writing that realize the giant fuck you that the Democrats just gave out to the sub-humans?