Saturday, July 30, 2016

I wish!

I wish. It is just not to be. Sad.


rcocean said...

i can remember when I was in college in the early 80s and I was in my "Buckley phase".

I thought Catholicism was the "conservative" brand of Christianity and wanted to convert. I talked to a priest about it. He'd probably seen a million Protestants just like me and suggested I join a conversion class.

I went through the class, but every day it seemed there was some Archbishop on the TV attacking Reagan for being a Warmonger. I finally decided I'd make a bad Catholic, and dropped out. Good thing. If I'd converted, I don't know what I would've done about the current Pope.

I"m now content to be a milquetoast Christian. If that means I'm going to Hell, then so be it.

edutcher said...

The Revolution Theologists or the Andrew Greeley types aren't all there is to Catholicism. John Paul's brand is probably more popular than the others, but you don't hear about it because the media likes the other types better.

rcocean said...

You're probably right Ed. But the Catholic Church doesn't need converts like me. I'm attracted to the whole " We can trace our lineage back to St. Peter" and I dislike the Protestant "hey, I just read the bible yesterday and ignoring 2,000 years of Christian thought, here's what I think" nonsense but...

Believing the Pope Francis is the Vicar of Christ is just a bridge too far for me. If you can believe it, well God bless you. I wish i could, but i can't.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Long before there were Protestants, Catholics disagreed with popes. 🕋