Thursday, July 28, 2016

"What's a good date other than dinner and a movie?"

Reddit best answers...

Kayaking and other outdoor activities are great if you're dating someone who's athletic. If your city has a large body of water nearby, Kayak rentals can go for $10-$15 an hour and you can see neat stuff. Lots of schools with aquatic athletic programs like crew will also offer student discounts too. I've also taken a few girls who were interested in rock climbing to a bouldering gym.

My husband and I have LEGO dates. We buy a set and build it while watching a movie or tv show (one we've seen so we know what's going on while we build) and usually booze.

Ice skating. Especially if you have a rink that also has a bar.

Aquarium, Zoo, or Museum
Something that get's you walking and gives you a lot to talk about so if the conversation lags you can pick it up easily.

Go to a planetarium. Reasons:
  1. Usually either a very cheap or free experience.
  2. Reclining and watching the stars.


Trooper York said...

The Race Track.

rhhardin said...

Kayak rentals can go for $10-$15 an hour

Airplane rentals were $6.50 an hour when I was dating.

edutcher said...

If the weather's nice, picnic still works.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Watching Hillary Clinton's nomination speech at the DNC.

Provided you have a gallon of tequila and a decent drink word.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Street fair or festival- anything with lots of vendor booths to look at. You can learn a lot about a date from which booths attract and hold their attention.

edutcher said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Watching Hillary Clinton's nomination speech at the DNC.

I just want to see her walk up to the podium and open her mouth a few words. The Blonde thinks those housecoats she's been wearing are to cover up the fact she's on steroids (which really pack on the weight).

ndspinelli said...

Cock fights.

ndspinelli said...

"Take her to the zoo."

ndspinelli said...

Miniature golf was my first date. I got a feel, over the shirt.

AllenS said...

When I was a yute, drive-in movies were GREAT! There's very few of them left.

Chip Ahoy said...

Summertime, botanic garden. They have a lot of concerts. Plus that's a cool place.

The museum for its special exhibits. (I thought of that because the king Tut one offered like six different date type experiences but some of those were bribed with lunch afterwards.)

Any holiday event. Twice it happened I was eating at a restaurant and a parade went by without me expecting any such thing. Once here in Denver I was on east Colfax experimenting with Somali sludge, I meant to say lunch. and the first Denver gay pride when clamoring by. The second time was in Aspen and a real live small town 4th of July parade went by right in front of us. Utterly charming with an element of insouciant international savoir-faire.

A walk around Red Rocks or Dinosaur Ridge. A hunt for a good place to photograph hummingbirds. Butterfly Pavilion. Road trips to anywhere near. Those new house display things that people like. A trip to farmer's market. Set up a dog training session for tracking. Fly a kite. Go the garden shop and pick out something. Sign up of a beer making class (I'm seeing plenty of women do that every day. It turns out a big hit.) Go fishing. Try painting a ceramic in one of those shops. Buy supplies online and frame pictures together. Make a pop-up card together. Play instruments together. Whatever skill you have or want to learn do that together. Make headstone rubbings together. Toni liked plays (ALL of them) and ballets. In line skating on the Cherry Creek path. Walk your dogs together on the High Line canal. Ride bicycles together. Watch a real game. Take a wine tasting tour, or a beer factory tour such as Coors, or a whisky place such as Stranahan's right there on Santa fe at Alameda. Do a project together (Toni volunteered me for HER work projects so I made her suffer them with me. That's a date.)

Help her assemble her portfolio. Help each other with school. Prepare something together, cater a party together, decorate a house or a room together.

Look, anything you do with somebody else, nearly everything, can be a proper dated.

One time a gorgeous young lass and I got off work from night shift at the same time. On a lark we drove out to Lookout Mountain instead of going home. Parked the car pointing east and sat there and watched the the most glorious sunrise that I ever remember. Ever. We were both mightily impressed. It turned out a fine date for both of us but neither of us called it that. I'm certain she recalls it the same way I do.

Rabel said...

Billy Graham revival.

Worked for me.

The Dude said...

Going to Duke Chapel to experience Saint-Saëns Symphony #3 played by the NC Symphony accompanied by the newly refurbished Flentrop organ.

She still speaks to me so it must have been okay.

bagoh20 said...

Strip poker

And it's best to do it in that order.

Tank said...


You get the drive up in the car to talk. Then alternate skiing (a fun physical activity) with relative intimacy of two to a chairlift ride up the mountain. A wine sack or flask don't hurt neither.