Monday, July 25, 2016

"Georgia court says ‘upskirting’ videos not against the law"

APA man admitted he took a video on his phone up a woman’s skirt, but a Georgia court ruled he did not break the law.

The Georgia Court of Appeals tossed outthis month the conviction of former grocery store employee Brandon Lee Gary, who surreptitiously recorded the video up the woman’s skirt while she shopped at a grocery store.

The majority opinion said Gary’s behavior, known as “upskirting,” was reprehensible but doesn’t violate Georgia’s invasion of privacy law because it happened in a place that’s open to the public. The law prohibits recording a person without consent “in any private place and out of public view.”


Adamsunderground said...

She asked me, "How are ya hairy?!"
I said, "How can ya sue?"
She took off from the foot lights
I took off from the Skype

I fly so hiiiigh near Mt. Stone

Dust Bunny Queen said...

doesn’t violate Georgia’s invasion of privacy law because it happened in a place that’s open to the public.

This is insane. My underwear or possible lack of underwear UNDER my clothing is not a public place. Privacy and modesty are the reasons that we wear clothing in public places. If they want to make this legal, then being NUDE in a public place should be legal as well.

Save the guy the trouble of taking a photo up someone's skirt. Just do the full monty.

Note: I am incensed not for modesty reasons, having been raised in a family of nudists naked people are not much of a big deal. My husband and I sunbath nude. Nudity while swimming is one of natures most beautiful experiences. Nudity in those situations and the exposure of your body is voluntary. It is the invasion of privacy and the involuntary photographing of ...ahem....items that the person wants to keep covered is the issue.

Adamsunderground said...

Could these be the fruits of the Altanta school system cheating scandal coming to market early?

Rabel said...

"My husband and I sunbath nude."

This is the internet. You know the rules. Pics or it didn't happen.

Adamsunderground said...

Husband granted waiver by plumber's crack clause adopted in '96

Leland said...

So is a public restroom public or private?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So is a public restroom public or private?

Everything is going to be decided by the Supremes.

Methadras said...

My husband and I sunbath nude.

Absolutely not relevant to my interests.

Chip Ahoy said...

I too sunbathed nude one time and it sunburned my dick and that really hurt both, er, coming and going, and that taught me right there, that one time, Dude, this is what grape leaves are for. GAWL!

Adam: "Fig leaf!"

Oh shut up, Adam, where am I going to get a fig leaf in Denver?

edutcher said...

Sunbathing nude can burn sensitive parts.

Skinny dipping is less dangerous.

Skinny snorkeling over coral in shallow water will do worse to dangling participles.