Friday, July 29, 2016

Trump at the pool


edutcher said...

Say what you will, nobody gets the better of him.

And, on that subject, RedState is having its yearly confab August 9, kind of like Yearly Kos (or whatever it was called).

True to its owner, RedState is dedicated to the defeat of Donald Trump and will highlight anti-Hillary stalwarts like Speaker Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz continuing his political suicide tour, and Hugh Hewitt.

Since this is the same day as Ryan's primary, one wonders if he knows he's lost.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"During a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa on Thursday, Trump addressed his supporters and admitted wanting to "hit" Democratic National Convention speakers so hard "their heads would spin” after being the center of attacks at the Democratic convention this week."

Though he didn't identify anyone by name, Trump mentioned one person – “a little guy” to be specific – that got under his skin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If he's trying to lose, he's doing a great job.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I want to support him, but I'm also afraid of going on a limb for someone so... what did Comey called Hillary? Extremely careless?

Two peas in a pod.

Trooper York said...

Lem I thought you were smarter than that.

He just did a press conference where he said that the was going to punch them verbally. He smacked around CNN for about ten minutes to the point that they shut off their cameras.

Now when I said he smacked them around I didn't mean physically. Ok. Got that. Sheesh!

Does he have to do air quotes when he is being sarcastic. It was the same thing with Russia releasing the emails. Look the Russians can't hack a computer that is off line. You have to stop buying the lies that the media and the Democrats are selling. I understand why people like April and George Will and Paul Ryan buy into that. They want Hillary to win. But seriously smarten up. Follow the thread. Seriously dude.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's the kind of talk his #2 is supposedly for.

Trump just want to fight in an alley all day.

edutcher said...

He's winning, but some people want him to lose.

Lem said...

"During a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa on Thursday, Trump addressed his supporters and admitted wanting to "hit" Democratic National Convention speakers so hard "their heads would spin” after being the center of attacks at the Democratic convention this week."

Though he didn't identify anyone by name, Trump mentioned one person – “a little guy” to be specific – that got under his skin.

I linked to this before, but who am I not to enlighten all and sundry?

Even CNN conceded he was kidding and and the audience got the joke.

Trump said this individual "came out of nowhere" and had done work with Trump in the past. "He made deals with me. 'Will you help me with this? Would you make this deal and solve the problem?' I solved the problem," Trump said.

IOW he helped the guy and the guy betrayed him. Who wouldn't be ticked?

If we're going to tell it, let's tell it all. Video in the link so people don't have to go by hearsay.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If I thought he was going to use some of that fire to fight the democrat agenda...

But there is no sign of that.

ricpic said...

Chipaholic and Lem will agonize in the booth between an imperfect man of courage and a monster.

Well, it's a free country. For now.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

That's the kind of talk his #2 is supposedly for.

Trump just want to fight in an alley all day.

He doesn't need a running mate for that. That's why Newt wasn't picked.

Pence was picked because of what he could do after the election.

You keep expecting the usual kind of campaign out of this man and you're never going to get it.

He's like Rommel or Alexander the Great. He's always going to do what nobody expects.

ndspinelli said...

You can tell Trump surrounds himself w/ yes men. Somebody has to tell him he's not Jerry Seinfeld in his musings. Shit, he is seldom funny, just clownish. The Trump dick suckers will vehemently disagree but it's the fucking truth. He's about 1/8 as funny and witty as he thinks he is. W was funnier than this guy. And W was not very funny.

ndspinelli said...

There was a Soprano's when Tony had a moment of clarity, seeing his soldiers laugh heartily @ his jokes when they weren't really funny. Trump could probably never have that happen.

ndspinelli said...

I see Baghdad Ed and the bra salesman are part of the rapid response team. Lem nailed it. Deal w/ truth and shove the spin up your asses.

ndspinelli said...

"Alexander the Great." LMAO!!

edutcher said...

Lem said...

If I thought he was going to use some of that fire to fight the democrat agenda...

But there is no sign of that.

A lot of Republicans have tried doing that and most failed. April wants some shrieking axe murderer to go after the Democrats tooth and claw, but in a Presidential way, of course.

How did Reagan win? "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?".

Bread and butter stuff, pocketbook issues. Law and order. That's how you win.

I remember Robert Dole going after Willie by fighting the Democrat agenda. He'd go over all the planks and yell, "Liberal, Liberal, Liberal". The rest is history.

Trump is no ideologue. He's going to hit the targets of opportunity, hit her where she's weak. You want an ideological battle, the Demos will always fall back on the chil'run (they'll abort them when they through using them, of course).

You go down to WV and tell them you'll get the EPA off their backs, you've got yourself a fight you can win.

And you can't be nice. Nixon wasn't and won - twice. Reagan wasn't (remember "I am PAYING for this microphone"?) and won.

You have to hit 'em hard and hit 'em where they live. Trump can't wait.

ndspinelli said...

I'm drawing fire away from Lem. Although the bra salesman knows where his bread is buttered and never goes after him.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

I see Baghdad Ed and the bra salesman are part of the rapid response team. Lem nailed it. Deal w/ truth and shove the spin up your asses

No spin, just reality. Lem wants an ideological battle - the truth will set you free. I've seen plenty and the Democrats have their answers all ready. And the media will present them with all tricks they learned from Dr Goebbels. They've been massaging the truth for better than 80 years. You'll win when you hit them where they're weak.

So, nd, are you another one of the closet Hillary munchers, like the crew at RedState? Erick Erickson is running true to form - he'd rather keep a Republican from winning than see a Democrat lose any day.

ndspinelli said...

AP just broke a story the Clinton campaign was hacked. Someone needs to bind and gag Trump at least through the fucking weekend.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What ND said @ 6:01.

Trump is a moron. Pointing it out doesn't make people Hillary fans.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I see the peeper is jumping to make homosexual slurs and buy into the nonsense that the mainstream media is peddling. His gig is to peddle the conventional wisdom and claim that he has some vast insight that is not available to mere mortals.

I don't punch Lem too hard because he is dealing with a lot of stuff. So I try to be gentle with him if I can. But I thought his comment was stupid. Unlike April whose comments are malicious as usual.

On the other hand I think the peeper is stupid and divisive. He wants to start trouble here to destabilize this blog as he has done to other blogs were people leave to get away from him. That's his MO. No imagination. No creativity. No original insight. Just the pablum you hear 24/7 from the morons in the main stream media. He likes to shine up turds and tell you they are gold. We have seen that act before in several other places. It is really old.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

AP just broke a story the Clinton campaign was hacked. Someone needs to bind and gag Trump at least through the fucking weekend.


All this shows is that Hillary and her server opened the whole Democrat crime family to exploitation. If Trump is smart (and he is, Alexander the Great, remember?), he'll pound on this all weekend. Remind people of how she's exposed the national security of this country.

Christ, keep quiet is the last thing he should do.

Hell, everything Democrat has been hacked, including the DCCC. Guess where it all comes from?

AprilApple said...

Trump is a moron. Pointing it out doesn't make people Hillary fans.

Yeah, the One True Ted, the smart guy, is over at RedState rooting for Hillary with all the other "smart guys" who were going to beat Trump.

Funny how the morons turn out to be the people who underestimated him.

Trooper York said...

The hate is strong in the peeper. It must be raining in Wisconsin so he can't go look in other peoples windows so he has to come here to spew his venom.

I will explain it to the simpletons in sports terms. If you hate the Mets you talk about how much they suck. What they do wrong. Why they are shit. You don't spend your time talking about how much you hate the Yankees. Because if you talk about how much you hate the Yankees and everything they do then you hate the Yankees. But you keep telling us you hate the Mets.

It is just more bullshit from feeble minded simpletons.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ndspinelli said...

LOL! The NY James Carville and bra salesman sounds like Hillary, using girly words like "divisive" and "homosexual slurs." From the most homophobic person here. You have become a Democrat pussy. Go to an American Legion Hall, go to a fucking ball game. Get out of that bra store and associate w/ some men. And yes, you're VERY creative and original. Your posts are lame, and the comments bear that out.

It is so fucking tedious that any comment that isn't glowing about your boyfriend is met w/ Carville spin and horseshit. In your addled brain, only you can call Trump a douchebag. This is a funny, creative, post. I'll give Chip an attaboy. Can't you? This is just a fucking blog ass eyes, it's not a courtroom! WTF has happened to you??

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"As I listened to Barack Obama’s speech the other night, I noticed he didn’t have any domestic accomplishments to brag about after 2010. Republicans had stopped him and collected more than 900 state-level seats and swept both houses of Congress in two wave elections that brought more limited-government Republicans to Washington than have been here in our lifetime. But because voters demand purity, and politicians keep promising and failing to deliver it, the entire project felt like failure. So primary voters blew it all up.

When I was listening to Clinton speak, I was thinking, “She’s definitely no Bill Clinton.” She’s also no Barack Obama or even Michelle Obama. But all that matters is that she’s no Donald Trump. In a conventional year, Clinton would have had to persuade the electorate to trust her more than the governor or senator running against her. Today, she merely has to appear more competent than Trump. As liberal pollster Mark Mellman told John Harwood, Hillary really doesn’t have to increase her favorables dramatically, she just needs to cross the acceptability threshold with independents who find Trump unacceptable. Considering her unethical and reckless behavior, it’s baffling that the rival party would draft someone less trustworthy. The DNC reminded us that they did."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump has peaked.

It's all collapse from here on out.

David Harsanyi gets it

"As Hillary Clinton was capably delivering her platitudinous speech on Thursday, my mind kept drifting back to a familiar question: Has there ever been a more consequential act of political suicide in modern American history than the one the GOP just pulled off? Because I doubt it.

While Hillary was telling America how the “the sky’s the limit,” I was thinking how beating her could have meant two (or three, or whatever the number ends up being) new originalist justices for the SCOTUS. Even if a RINO Republican president batted .500 on his court picks for the next eight years, it would still likely be good enough to solidify conservative positions on a number of big questions.

While Hillary was overstating her work on behalf of American children, I kept thinking that after eight years of national discourse defined by progressives, conservatives had a chance to alter the debate by beating one the most unlikable, ethically compromised, uninspiring, ideologically expedient candidates in memory. They had a group of qualified choices encompassing many philosophical dispositions and political temperaments.

But they rallied around the least serious, least conservative, least competent candidate they could find. They were driven by legitimate grievances. (Because guess what? In a democratic country, you can’t always get what you want.) But mostly they were animated by identity politics, class anger, and a myth that the GOP is worthless."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

More head explosion and reality from David H.

"The DNC also reminded us that conservatives didn’t only likely give away this election (there’ll be many more of those) but that they’ve already lost something with Trump.

The Democrats put on a pretty solid convention, with memorable moments from both big names and average citizens. There were cops, moms, soldiers, and business people praising traditional American institutions like they’re rock-ribbed Republicans. But think about this: At a convention where an old-school socialist was celebrated in nearly every speech, the hard-left ideas of the Progressive Movement were wrapped in Reaganesque rhetorical flourishes and sold as American idealism. Don’t get me wrong, these people can still fearmonger with the best of them on guns, global warming, etc. — but Trump’s austere worldview and pessimism gave Democrats ownership of ideas about exceptionalism, meritocracy, and national optimism.

This is because Democrats understand incrementalism and the long game in a way conservatives don’t seem to. They pass Obamacare. They wait out the storm. They contend that fixing Obamacare’s variety of problems can only be accomplished with more liberal policy. Move forward; push for more whenever the nation’s climate allows it. If not, they’ll be happy to appropriate whatever political vernacular allows them to retain their gains. Conservatives act like every stalemate is a bitter defeat and every small victory is useless. And here they are."

ndspinelli said...

Carville, That Met/Yankee comment sums up what is painfully obvious about your provincial, myopic, world. You know what Court St. King, MANY people, maybe most baseball fans hate both the Yankees and Mets. There is a world outside NYC. Man, that Yankee/Mets comment says it all! I would say get in a car and drive this great country. But, you can't. Well, take a bus, train. Shit..hitchhike. Get the fuck out of that little world.

chickelit said...

For all Trump's alleged narcissism, I recall MamaM making a good case that he was misdiagnosed and that people were mixing up narcissism and egoism. Well, at least I was listening even if I was just hearing things.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

Ed, You're so lame it's embarrassing. You need someone to tell you that just like your hero does. APRIL, BAGS AND I HATE HILLARY. WE WANT HER TO LOSE. WTF is wrong w/ you. Your guy Trump is a douchebag, even the bra salesman says that. He tags his Trump posts w/ "he's a douchebag." At least he did.

And I've disagreed with him on that point.


And I've never said anything about bag. My guess is he a "plague on both your houses" guy. He's an idealist. I get that.

But the issue is it's either-or now, all the other options are gone. You run down Trump, you help Hillary.

Real simple.

April doesn't get that because all she does is decide she hates somebody and goes from there. She's all emotion, as she shows anyone who disagrees or corrects her on even the tiniest point. Anybody who takes RedState seriously at this point is not for real. They're the last bastion of NeverTrump.

Your motive, I don't know, maybe prove you're as tough as the guy from Brooklyn (or wherever) and get under his skin. You're smart enough to see the dichotomy, so anything beyond that is a guess on my part.

But I can't believe anyone who is rational honestly thinks Trump is stupid at this point. He's come way too far for somebody who was supposed to have faded by this time last year, according to all the "smart guys". If you follow all the mainstream media, you may get conned into thinking it because of the way they put everything (Dr Goebbels, don't forget).

As several have noted, Hillary's outspent Trump 15 - 1 and she's at best dead even, probably several points behind. We know the media will skew the polls 6 ways to Sunday from now on.

But we saw Donald Trump play the media and the Ozark Mafia until they blurted out that the hacking of those emails was indeed a national security issue.

He may be a lot of things, but he ain't dumb.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Trump has peaked.

It's all collapse from here on out.

Hey, I thought he had peaked last March.

All the "experts" were so sure.

Yeah, Hillary is such a lovable old broad with a united party behind her and an agenda that's already so popular the country is just going to close ranks behind her.

Trooper York said...

Hillary is going to have a lot of fun with all the Black Lives Matters savages and Bernie Bros who are going to show up at her rallies. It is going to be an interesting summer.

chickelit said...

Since this is the same day as Ryan's primary, one wonders if he knows he's lost.

I'll be in Janesville around that time, hopefully to witness Ryan's defeat.

The Dude said...

That is an awesome post, Mr. Ahoy. Well done.

edutcher said...

Some background on the hacking of the Clinton Campaign Network (CCN sounds like something else, don't it?).

Seems they refused to co-operate with the FBI. Follow the lynx, por favor.

BTW, she had another seizure up on stage last night. Scroll down the comments for a vid.

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

Since this is the same day as Ryan's primary, one wonders if he knows he's lost.

I'll be in Janesville around that time, hopefully to witness Ryan's defeat.

Your lips to God's ears, compadre.

Trooper York said...

Ryan knows he is going to win. The fix is in. It is all rigged. That's why he is not worried.

edutcher said...

One other thing, maybe it will finally please April.

From the Trump rally last night.

I was saying let’s just beat her on November 8th, but you know what? You know what? I’m starting to agree with you. I’m telling you. You know it’s interesting every time I mention her everyone screams, “Lock her up! Lock her up!” And you know what I do? I’ve been nice. But after watching that performance last night, such lies, I don’t have to be so nice anymore. I’m taking the gloves off, right? Yes?

Or should he be Presidential?

MamaM said...

Just quit with who's lame, who's acting inappropriate and embarrassing, who's mature and who's not.

This is a fun post. It deserves recognition for the humor, wonder and awareness it invites in a Nutshell - Nuts sell, Top not - Top knotch kind of way.

I needed the laugh and appreciated ChipA's ability to deliver the goods and nail the turnarounds.

Trump plays his own game, and that's what refreshing, disconcerting, charming, and alarming about his approach. It's different from the obfuscation, lying and bamboozling being served up at truth by his opponent.

I haven't seen him "losing" much, other than regard from people who want him to match their ideals. Can he lead with integrity? Who knows? He sure can stir up the waters and cause ripples and I don't see that as a negative. Maybe, just maybe, the real responsibility for making a difference doesn't start with a King or a president, but with everyday people who hold onto hope and are able to interact with civility and work through their own issues and conflicts with the maturity and integrity they want to see Trump display.

ndspinelli said...

Yes Carville, you were a regular U Thant @ TOP. And you need to stop using sports trying to make a point. You just keep digging deeper and deeper. I have lived many places and followed many teams. That's something I am proud of. I like many different sports. I eat all kinds of food, watch all kinds of movies, associate w/ all kinds of people, read all kinds of books. I could go on. But, you're only worth this many words.

edutcher said...

MamaM said...

Maybe, just maybe, the real responsibility for making a difference doesn't start with a King or a president, but with everyday people who hold onto hope and are able to interact with civility and work through their own issues and conflicts with the maturity and integrity they want to see Trump display.

If we had a Comment of the Week around here, that should be it.

I've heard politicians talk about leadership for 40 years, but it's always seemed to me that the real weight is on the people who are willing to get behind and push.

Say what you will about them, but the Bernies and the BlackLives crowd (not the professional agitators like Deranged McKesson who are angling for a political career, but the ones, however misguided, who know there is something systemically wrong and needs to be fixed), as well as all us Trumpist thugs, are the ones who are making the difference, if only by getting fed up about things.

The Bernies and the militants may well stay home or go elsewhere. That's what made the difference in '00.

Good comment, darlin'.

ndspinelli said...

Mama scolds much more cerebrally than my tough, Irish, mother. Both methods can be effective, but Minnie could supplement the chastisement w/ a strap across the ass. Mama doesn't have that in her arsenal.

chickelit said...

Our own jaundice-eyed R&B delivered me some advice about narcismo a long while ago. I don't know why I was reminded of it now but I was: link.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

Mama scolds much more cerebrally than my tough, Irish, mother. Both methods can be effective, but Minnie could supplement the chastisement w/ a strap across the ass. Mama doesn't have that in her arsenal.

Anybody who thinks that clearly doesn't need it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That image works equally well for either candidate of the major parties.

chickelit said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...
That image works equally well for either candidate of the major parties.

Chip's fusion of skin tones is masterful. I'm not sure he could pull that off with Rodham. She's way too white.

AllenS said...

I'm not politically correct, and neither are the friends that I have. Oftentimes, we say shit that probably shouldn't have been said, but said it was, and then that's that. We move on.

Too many of you want perfection. Good luck with that. I want an imperfect man running this country. A non-politician. For too long we've been lead my the smoothest of talkers, and things have been going slowly to hell.

Why, oh why, is this so hard for some of you to see? You all seem to want more of the same, and then, think everything will be better.


rcocean said...

May I ask who Nick and April voted for in 1980 and 1988?

It would be instructive.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, What a few of us are sick of here are the people who look upon any critique of Trump as heresy. It's fascist. Can't we just fucking talk here for Chrissake? I think ALL here except RITMO are going to vote for Trump. Do we have to worship him, or can we just vote for him? The problem as I see it is we are all crammed together and that causes conflict; in rats and humans.

ndspinelli said...

Well rc, it sounds like a purity test. However, DBQ and I recently had a discussion on past elections and are fairly simpatico. I voted for John Anderson in 1980 and I voted Libertarian for the first time in 1988. Both DBQ and I voted for Perot in 1992.

ndspinelli said...

Can I still comment here?

edutcher said...

No heresy, but some of the critiques are anything but reasoned.

Knocking the guy has become a participant sport for some when it's pretty obvious he's winning that particular round.

You disagree, fine, but we can't disagree with you?

I think ALL here except RITMO are going to vote for Trump.

Actually, I think he will vote for Trump. Say what you will, he does seem to see through Cacklepants.

April, Lord knows. bag is an idealist and Lem remains a skeptic, who knows where they will end up?

Trooper York said...

I don't think everyone here is going to vote for Trump. I don't care. I just don't want to let bogus criticism and lies to lie there like a rotten mackerel in the Sun. The original point was that Lem was buying the lies that Trump physically threatened his opponents. Trump addressed that in his press conference. Trump talks like a regular guy not like a blow dried politician who is all about civility and that kind of bullshit. That drives the people who support the status quo crazy.

They self identify by the constant unrelenting attacks on Trump. You see it here everyday. It is like the so called Life Long Republicans you see at Legal Insurrection or Power Line who are all in to defeat Trump. Who were all in to defeat other Republicans. It is just bullshit plain and simple. They are not fooling anyone.

Trooper York said...

I think we need a nationalist party. Trump is the first move in that direction since Pat Buchanan. The Tea Party was the polite version. Trump is much less polite. What comes next will be a lot tougher. Wait and see.

chickelit said...

rcocean said...May I ask who Nick and April voted for in 1980 and 1988?

Probably the same way I voted. And the way Trump voted. What's your point again?

AllenS said...

ndspinelli said...
Can I still comment here?

Well, that all depends if I can comment here without you getting all upset.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I wasn't old enough to vote in 1980. I would have voted for Reagan like my parents did.

My father detested Carter, and I got to hear about it. Carter was such a colossal f*ck up to my father - personally.

I did vote for GHWB in 1988.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I am proud to say I never fell for the Perot fraud.

That's why I'm skeptical of Trump. He's our modern Perot. In it to hand it to the Clinton.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, I have never gotten upset w/ you that I can remember. We have disagreed. Probably the most heated disagreement was over Uke. I think he is one of the worst radio announcers I have ever heard. Like most Wisonsinites, you love him. I get it. I think the guy is flat ass funny and likeable. I saw him @ an awards dinner and he was pee your pants funny. He just shouldn't be doing radio. He should be a TV guy where he can ramble and I can still know what's going on. But I digress.

You got upset when I kept using the term, "Trumpaholic." Because you didn't like the term, feeling it degrading, I simply ceased using it. That was a few months ago. Nothing you've said on this thread upset me in the least. It was out of my respect for you that I stopped using a word you disliked. I gave up using "cunt" because my wife finds it offensive. I decide this shit on a case by case basis. Many people I will tell to go shit in their hats if they take offense to what I say. I will say what I think about Trump. I want him to beat Hillary like a rented mule.

chickelit said...

I'll take Caravaggio over Carville any day.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

I am proud to say I never fell for the Perot fraud.

That's one in your favor.

That's why I'm skeptical of Trump. He's our modern Perot. In it to hand it to the Clinton.

Nonsense, you have it backwards. Where do you get these ideas?

Perot wasn't in it for Willie, he was in it because he hated Poppy and would have rather handed the country over to a degenerate sociopath than let 41 have a second term.

It was all over the place back then. Did you ever pick up a magazine? Even the networks talked about it, it was so well-known.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Donny liked the Clintons. It's the flip.

edutcher said...

No, not even close. And he was just protecting his empire.

You're the one that's flipped.

rcocean said...

Why is asking who you and April voted for in 80 or 88 a "purity test"?

I'm just curious. As a PI, you might agree that getting background info on people helps you understand them.

rcocean said...

I'm always amazed at how people will believe the MSM Lies about Trump. judas priest how many times to they have to exaggerate, misrepresent, take out of context, and out-right lie about Trump before people get a little skeptical?

Almost every headline that shows Trump in a bad way, is almost guaranteed to be lie of some kind. The current lie is "Trump asks Russia to hack Hillary for Emails" - then they would quote two sentences from trump and leave out the last part about " I think you [the Russians]will probably be rewarded mightily by our press." which along with the video shows he was being sarcastic. And this was right after he'd attacked the Russians for not showing enough respect for our major parties!

edutcher said...

Curiosity is never a bad thing, but defensiveness suggests a reason. I don't care that much for whom they voted in the past as long as they've seen the light now

April venerates Reagan - I don't and I voted for him twice. He did a lot of good things, he did some I think were dead wrong.

I try not to venerate people, Donald Trump, included - John Paul, of course was different. Look who his boss was.

rcocean said...

Again, I'll bring up the same point I've brought up before. Why isn't anyone upset that Hillary NEVER has a press conference. She never goes to Fox news or handles questions. She never handles ANY questions.

Trump is handling hostile questions almost EVERY SINGLE DAY. I've never seen a POTUS candidate who's fielded so many hostile questions or been so open to the press and the public.

You'd think the precious Independents, who are so open minded and love atypical politicians would be all over this, but evidently they don't care.

chickelit said...

You'd think the precious Independents, who are so open minded and love atypical politicians would be all over this, but evidently they don't care.

You think Megyn Kelly cares about Hillary not asking questions? Hillary makes Megyn's job much easier. And Hillary makes Wolf Blitzer's job a cake walk. I wish you guys would quit torturing yourselves by watching them. More than that, I wish that people not watching them would make a difference...that it would hit* advertisers somehow...but it won't. The only thing that does seem to work is when people favor one network over another. Like how CNN is now proclaimed the kingmaker of viewership versus FOX.

I stopped watching network coverage of the campaigns after the coverage of the R debatesand the so-called moderators. I much prefer just a camera pointed at the spectacles. But debates have to be "moderated" don't they? And last time around, the networks got away with blatant collusion (Candy Crawley). I do hope that Trump negotiates better treatment. He is known for his negotiation skills.
*Apologies in advance for the violent metaphor.

chickelit said...

And this Fall, when the BLM power salutes start happening on the NFL playing fields...I don't want to hear any whining. I want to hear the sound of channels being changed. Overturning their moneychanging tables is the only thing that's gonna work.

edutcher said...

A lot of people bring it up, but you'll never hear it from the networks. Another reason I think there won't be any debates.

From what I've seen, the Independents are turning his way, along with the Millennials. If, as advertised, some of the hardcore BlackLives crowd stays home, there's the election.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The first debate is in late September, which is late given how many states start voting in October

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ed, there will be at least three debate, unless someone bails. One Veep debate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This might be kind of rank, and I may be late to the thread, but I just came up with a good nickname for Cacklepants:

Grandma Tongue Cancer.

edutcher said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ed, there will be at least three debate, unless someone bails. One Veep debate.

My point, exactly. Rit's, too, I believe.

Trooper York said...

Hillary will never risk a debate unless she is 10 points down and I don't think that will happen.

Hillary will claim that she will not dignify Trump by debating him. Watch and see.

chickelit said...

R&B wrote: Grandma Tongue Cancer.


There's double duty entendre in there if you're a German philologist.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Hillary will never risk a debate unless she is 10 points down and I don't think that will happen.

Hillary will claim that she will not dignify Trump by debating him. Watch and see.

It's getting much harder to cover up the symptoms now and it will only get worse as she's expected to campaign non-stop for 3 months (not having one of the conventions in August so the Peacock can cover the Olympics is nonsense), so I think the possibility for her going double digits down is there - not so much on the issue of popularity (although you never know), but on viability.

Even then, however, they won't be able to risk 3 debates. She's dying, poor thing, and everybody paying attention knows it.

ndspinelli said...

rc, I was not sure if it was a purity test. You are absolutely correct in wanting background info. That is the life blood of what I've done for 35 years. You have a right to ask any question you want and I have a right to not answer. I'm one of the most open people on this blog. I have always used my real name. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and answered your question and based on your followup comment, I'm glad I did. Just a suggestion from a guy who asks questions for a living. You would had better odds getting an answer including the motivation for asking the question in your original inquiry. "It will help me understand what is happening now if I could get some background, for whom did you vote in 1980 and 1988?" When I am interviewing someone and need to delve into personal info, I will very often preface the question w/ details on why it's important I know that personal info. If you are expecting someone to divulge personal info it is shows good faith to show why you are. Very seldom do I ever have to get tough. That's a last resort when all other avenues have failed. Easy going is my nature and that is how you get people to open up. They are most forthcoming when they feel comfortable. I enjoyed reading some of your family history on chick's Alice Cooper thread. I knew virtually nothing about you until I read that.

ndspinelli said...

"Bogus criticism" = Any criticism in a couple peoples mindset. Chip nailed it w/ this post. Trump is flawed. We are all flawed.

edutcher said...

This deserves a post of its won.

Trump calls out the Demos. At least 2 Presidential debates are scheduled to be up against NFL games.

Same stunt they pulled with Bernie.

ndspinelli said...

I don't see Hillary not debating. She has a big ego and believes she can kick Trump's ass. But, I do see her using tactics like going opposite NFL games to hedge her bets.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As in all debates, the GOP is Lucy-foot-balled by the pro-D hackpress debate team.

chickelit said...

I enjoyed reading some of your family history on chick's Alice Cooper thread. I knew virtually nothing about you until I read that.

Nick, you are confusing rcocean with rcommal. As one who heard "RC" constantly as a kid (both my parents used it as shorthand for their hometown) I'm sympathetic.

But, I do see her using tactics like going opposite NFL games to hedge her bets.

Hell, I can see her using NFL players as cheerleaders. Welcome to political football. Revenge of the nannies.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Trump is an inarticulate buffoon. We are sending in an ape to debate a cyborg.

Try weaning yourself away from the One True Ted's propaganda and take a look at how effective he is tying the Lefties in knots.

Thinking for yourself, it's not just for story problems anymore.

As in all debates, the GOP is Lucy-foot-balled by the pro-D hackpress debate team.

Then why is Trump calling them on it? If he was doing what you said, he'd take it just like Bernie.

This is more of that 13 Dimensional Virtual Stealth Ninja Chess he plays.

ndspinelli said...

I don't see Hillary not debating. She has a big ego and believes she can kick Trump's ass.

Possibly, but we've gotten to the point where evidence of her seizures is out there for all to see. Note that she really doesn't run things. Her venues are small - for several reasons and no questions from the press.

I'm sure she thinks she's a policy expert, but her handlers don't want her spouting off. Her hard Leftism and all the other risks are too great.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sadly - this is probably a more accurate pol.

Depressing. We chose poorly. We chose based on anger, illusions and lies.

edutcher said...

Don't be an ass.

Featured in media outlets such as NBC News, Politico and

Yeah, they'll be objective.

I knew April would come screeching doom and gloom like the good little NeverTrumper she is, so I made a mental note of a couple of more reasoned pieces to balance out the hysteria.

Beware the predictable polling onslaught.

With these salient points

You can count on a manufactured corporate-media pretense to deliver a carefully scripted narrative giving Hillary Clinton a post convention bounce around 10 to 15 points (+/- 3).

What’s coming is so intensely predictable, that if they don’t do it – we’ll actually eat a plain rice cake.

There may be a few scientific polling outcomes that are not connected to the tentacles of the media.

However, polling from: CNN/ORC (Turner), ABC (Disney), NBC (Mark Murray), Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch), Monmouth (Patrick Murray), FOX News (Daron Shaw), Reuters, CBS (David Rhodes), and PPP (Happy Liberals), are g-u–a-r-a-n-t-e-e-d to be manufactured for maximum political value.

And, on a more blatant note (if one can exist) Reuters announces poll changes to help lift Hillary.

Read this one especially.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

all the polls are wrong, unless Trump is ahead in them. Got it.

edutcher said...

I thought it was all the polls are wrong, unless Trump is behind in them.

According to you.

As I say, I knew you would come screeching out the first time somebody said the Hildabeast was ahead

The polls are going to be skewed, but you have to indulge your blind hatred. Does it bother you you're using a source that's guaranteed to be biased? Of course not, as long as it says what you want it to say.

Go ahead, screech all you want, but don't expect to be taken seriously.

edutcher said...

On the subject of support, Rinse figures Trump has the support of 90% of Republicans. The rest are following the One True Ted to political irrelevance in the Libertarian camp/

Wonder how many Demos support Cacklepants?

rcocean said...

Nick, thanks for the detailed response.

Nick, you are confusing rcocean with rcommal.

No problem. To outsiders all us "rc's" look alike.

ndspinelli said...

rcocean, You are more than welcome. Apologies for the confusion. I need to stop abbreviating you and rcommal so as to remember the difference. That said, now knowing rcommal likes Gregorian Chant should make him easy to remember!!

ndspinelli said...

That's a very small club.

The Dude said...

Dude, r,l is a chick.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks Sixty, I guess that explains the Gregorian Chant. It was a nun[Sisters of Saint Joseph] who made us do those in religion class. Many of the gang here go back much further than I.