Wednesday, June 8, 2016

There can be only one!

Donald Trump walked out into the bright Florida Sunshine burning down on the golf course at Mar de Largo. It was sunrise. His favorite time of the day. He was always up early. His mother had taught him that. A Scot born and bred she abhorred waste and she would tumble him out of bed at the crack of dawn. He could her voice now even fifty years later. “Up and at them laddie…times a wasting…don’t be a slugabed….it is time to seize the day!”

He strode out onto the grounds behind the eighteen tee. He had managed to give his security detail the slip. His Secret Service agents were good men but they were too controlling. You can’t go here….you can’t go there. Wear the vest. Don’t shake hands. Be ready to duck and run at the first sign of trouble. They thought that since he was a candidate that his life was in danger and that evil lurked behind every bush. Little did they know about danger?

His own security detail was state of the art. They had Mar de Largo sewn up tighter than Melania’s snatch.  A sparrow couldn't get on the grounds without them tracking and questioning it. He walked along the foot path beside the green. He needed to think. The latest controversy had been troubling him and he needed to make some decisions.

You see he had made the mistake of telling the truth. The racist Mexican judge that had put Bill Clinton’s favorite Law firm on his case had unsealed court records. Now the sleaze ball press could search out every plaintiff in the class action suit. It would be a steady drumbeat every day without ever showing the other side of the coin. Of course the corrupt judge resealed the records. After the damage was done. He was pissed and spoke out about it. That gave the quislings and the weaklings like Paul Ryan the chance to attack him and to try to drive him out.  It seems that in this politically correct world you can’t call a spade a spade. Or a Mexican a Mexican. That judge could be waving a Mexican flag and throwing eggs at a white girl and Megyn Kelly would still say it was racism to question it.

Speaking of Mexicans there was one raking out the sand trap on the back end of the eighteenth hole. He looked old and frail and was dressed in worn and tattered grey khaki’s. That was strange. He knew every worker on the course by name. He didn’t know this fellow. Perhaps he was hired while he was on the campaign trail.

“Hey there hello? I don’t you. My name is Donald and I own this place. What’s you name amigo?”

The figure turned and straightened up. He was actually quite a bit younger than he appeared from afar. He looked at Trump and smiled. He tossed aside the rake he had be holding and dug his foot around in the sand. He kicked swiftly with his left foot and a katana flipped out of the sand into his out stretched palm.

“You know who I am MacLeod. My name is Jorge Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez. Your kinsman was responsible for the death of my father. Prepare to die.” He raised the katana over his head and ran towards the billionaire.

Trump reached behind his back to the specially modified Claymore he had fitted to his suit. The secret service never saw it as he only carried it when he was alone. Otherwise Corey held it for him. He slid the specially modified blade out from behind his back and took a defensive position. Ramirez sprung out of the sand trap and swung his sword. The two blades met and flashed in the morning sun. The sound was one he heard many times before. Ever since his kinsman Duncan had told him of his heritage as a scion of the Clan MacLeod. It was on. It was a fight to the death.

There can be only one.


chickelit said...

You know who I am MacLeod. My name is Jorge Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez. Your kinsman was responsible for the death of my father. Prepare to die.

I assume you're riffing the script of some movie I never saw. But you know it's going to be more mundane and something along the lines of "Your words have threatened my dreams of Aztlán."

Trooper York said...

Actually off of two different movies. I put up a video to clue in those who don't know from nuthun!

Methadras said...

Highlander was awesome. The second one sucked giant donkey balls. Like the amalgamation of Highlander 1 and Princess Bride though.

edutcher said...

Even though the NeverTrumpers did their best - which was never very good, working in collusion with the Left, they couldn't spoil last night.

81% in Jersey, 76% in CA. The One True Ted did just as dismally in what used to be his part of the country.

The Dude said...

But what about Rubio - he is still winning, right?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ed, if you think this was a great week for Trump, you are mistaken. This is not about the GOP anymore (what can they do they are stuck with Trump). This is about beating Hillary. Trump better get his head out of his ass if he wants to win the general election.

edutcher said...

No, you had.

Your side is whining about Trump because you couldn't get a phony Conservative in even by cheating and is making up for it by doing her dirty work for her.

Figure out which side you're on and quit crying, "What can they do? They are stuck with Trump". You're on his side or her side.

Make up your mind.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No Ed- Trump talks like a moron and he will lose to Hillary. You might want to try to comprehend Novembers loss now.

Save your standard "you must support Hillary waaaaa / GOPe / One Tru Ted but but but" obsession rebuttal.
Wake up.

It's in Trump court now and he's blowing it. Take the blinders off.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Save the but but but Gateway pundit/conservative tree house/national enquirer links.


Trump doesn't have a clue how to be smart and articulate. Emotions and big magnificent great great great words - yeah. Will that beat someone, anyone, with a grasp on the English language beyond his own ego?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Since Hillary is a criminal, I have no choice but to be Trump's biggest fan! Fan grrrl here.

I have to illusions. He's blowing it. He better wise up.... Fast. Remember, Trump isn't merely facing the D-opposition, he's facing a media that props up a criminal, and a voting system rigged with pro-D cheat. Trump must be at lest 7-8 points ahead in the polls to beat her. If the polls are tied or close, don't fool yourselves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ed, stop being a moron about "sides." You have NeverTrumpers and Cruz living rent free in your brain. This is about winning a general election now. Trump needs to win 270 electoral votes. His whole focus has to be that and destroying Hillary Clinton.

NeverTrumpers are not the issue. Trump has a hostile media to deal with, that is his real challenge. If he stays on message and playes them, he can beat them at their own game. He can do it, but he can't get distracted or suckered into fights that erode support for him.

edutcher said...

I keep hearing that, but you keep beating their drum.

You want to play by the McConnell rules and they won't work.

And I don't think he's distracted or suckered. I do think too many people have bought the propaganda, like you and April.

Thatr's what's living rent-free.

The NeverTrump crowd were the ones who screamed, "Race". How's 'bout directing your fire at them, rather than objecting to Trump calling into question the integrity of a judge who should not be adjudicating his case?

Trooper York said...

I have to disagree Evi. The #NeverTrumpers and the GOPe are doing Hillary's work for her. They jump on every misstep and savage Trump as though he was the problem and not Hillary. I saw Meghan McCain on TV last night and I wanted to jump through the TV. I also listened to David French complain and lie about what happened to him. They are a big part of the problem. They will never be placated. Even now they are talking about taking the nomination away from Trump. Read Ace on the subject.

This thing with the Mexican judge is a tempest in a taco bowl. It will blow over as soon as the GOPe and the #NeverTrumpers find something else to bash Trump with. It is a long time until the election. There will be plenty of other things that will happen between now and then. Terrorist attacks. Indictments. Massive illegal immigration where Obama lets in criminals because they are not white. Trump will turn the conversation. That is what he is good at. But never think that he can win over the #NeverTrumpers or the GOPe. Your rabid pals at RedState are perfect example. Even the ambulance chasers at Powerline. I dropped a couple of very reasonable comments over there that were disappeared like I was in Argentina or something.

Trooper York said...

Trump is a master at playing the media. Todays news is used to wrap up tomorrows fish. He will turn the page and bring something new into the news cycle.

Trump is a transformational candidate. He is leading a radical restructuring of the Republican party into a nationalistic populist party instead of the "conservative" Washington Generals party that it is now. You can see the Washington Generals mentality in the way that people like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are doing the Democrats work for them. They might indeed try to take the nomination away from Trump. Just the way they sabotaged and undermined the Tea Party candidates. The Tea Party people were very polite. Trump much less so. If they rob Trump of the nomination the next manifestation will be a lot different.

The Dude said...

Speaking of which, I am not totally satisfied with my AK nor my SKS so today I was sizing up a Ruger Mini-30. Fires the same ammo as the other two, but is a Ruger. Very nice. Light weight, good size, I think I might just get one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is shooting Trump in the foot.

Trooper York said...

Maybe thats how you see it. I see it as Trump telling the truth. Instead of actually examining what he is saying the GOPe types are virtue signaling all over the place. Instead of asking why a member of La Raza is judging his case and why he appointed a law firm that paid $450,000 to Bill Clinton they jumped to doing the work of the Democrats. That is their essence. They don't want to win. They don't want to beat Hillary. They are part of the same coin. They are the Washington Generals. This will blow over soon enough. Trump will go on the offensive. He will hold the sleazy press to account. Why aren't they asking questions about the Clinton foundation. Why doesn't Paul Ryan and Lindsey Graham ask why that blood diamond company gave $100 million to the foundation and got a favorable ruling from the State Department. Hillary is a target rich environment. The problem is the Republican Quislings will only direct their fire at Trump.

Trooper York said...

I fully expect the Quislings will attempt to negate the votes of the people and try to impose their will on the convention. They will try to push that miserable loser Paul Ryan on to the ticket. That has been their plan all along. I expect to fail of course. Because that is what they are good at. Failing. Losing. Lying.

It should be on their business cards.

The Dude said...

Remember that bathroom thing? How about the dead gorilla? How about sharks! Sharks were a big deal a couple of summers ago.

How about ebola? Has zika replaced that? We live in a dysfunctional ADD culture. But that bat shit crazy old felon with crazy eyes - she will never be in the news. I just saw a picture of her and her left eye was drifting upwards compared to her right eye. Brain damage. But somehow Trump wanting not to be judged by an avowed racist is a big deal. Right.

Trooper York said...

I think this is the transformation of the two party system into a three or even four party one. There will be the nationalist populist party that will encompass Trumps supporters. There will be the economic populist party that will encompass the Sanders supsporters. There will be the corporate, cuckservative, status quo party that will include Hillary's people and the GOPe. There will be the faux conservative party of people like Kristol and French. Gradually they morph into two parties again.

The only question is how the combination will line up. If the nationalist and economic populists merge it will be a very potent force. You can see it. Trump is a transitional figure. A more adroit leader will maneuver the two groups together. Right now the millennial buy into the socialistic claptrap of Sanders until they really get into the workforce. When they can't get a job or a mortgage or a chance to pay off their student loans they will be ripe for someone who can show them that the forces of glottalization and immigration are what is holding them back. A smoother more nuanced approach could combine the nationalists and the economic populists. Trump is starting to do this but he is stumbling. Someone else who is better at lying will do better.

Trooper York said...


That is a very interesting spell check correction.

It means this shit is getting stuck in our throats. Heh.

ricpic said...

When you're running for president you've gotta make it about the country not about you. Doesn't matter that Donald is probably right about this La Raza judge. People want to hear him addressing the economy stupid not going on about what is personal for him but not for them. Evi's right, he's losing momentum with this side issue stuff.

The Dude said...

We'll see - many a time Trump has apparently stepped in it only to have events prove him correct. We shall see what happens with the race judge.

Rabel said...

"How about sharks! Sharks were a big deal a couple of summers ago."

Patience, Grasshopper. Sharknado 4 comes out July 31.

The Dude said...

Thank goodness - while it is rare for a sequel to live up to the greatness of its predecessors, when there are sharks _and_ tornadoes involved it can't miss!