Thursday, June 30, 2016

"GOP Benghazi Report Includes 15 Questions Not Answered by President Obama"

CNS News:   According to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, "the President is uniquely situated to answer these questions. In fact, he is the only person who can answer some of these questions."

1. The White House issued a readout of your meeting with senior administration officials on September 10, 2012, indicating “specific measures” had been taken to “prevent 9/11 related attacks.” What were these specific measures, and how did these specific measures differ from specific measures taken on prior anniversaries of September 11?

2. When did you first learn a U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, had been attacked? What were you told, and by whom? Were you informed Sean Smith had been killed during the initial attack?

3. What orders or direction, if any, did you give to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta upon learning of the initial attack? Did you or anyone at your direction ever modify, withdraw, alter, or amplify the initial orders or direction you gave to Secretary Panetta?

4. What were you told about Department of Defense assets in the region that could respond specifically to Benghazi? Did you ask for or receive a list of military or paramilitary assets in the region that could respond to Benghazi during the pendency of the attacks?

5. Were you subsequently kept informed about the initial attack, subsequent attacks, and/or efforts to either send military assistance or evacuate U.S. personnel? By whom?

6. When did you learn Ambassador Christopher Stevens was missing, and who informed you? Were you kept informed on efforts to locate Ambassador Stevens, and if so, by whom? When did you learn Ambassador Stevens was dead, and who informed you?

7. [Classified]

8. Were you aware that prior to any military asset moving to respond to the attacks the State Department expressed concerns to the White House about the number of military assets going into Libya?

9. When did you learn of a mortar attack that killed Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty? Who informed you?

10. Were you aware of any efforts by White House and Department of Defense officials during the evening of September 11, 2012, and into the early morning hours of September 12, 2012, to reach out to YouTube and Terry Jones regarding an anti-Muslim video? What specifically connected the attacks in Benghazi to this anti-Muslim [sic] video, and why weren’t these efforts made after the protests in Cairo, Egypt?

11. When did you learn individuals associated with terrorist organizations participated in the attack on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya?

12. Did you receive the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) on September 12, 2012 and September 13, 2012? If so, who provided you with the PDB?

13. Have you ever viewed surveillance footage from the cameras (or other sources) located at the U.S. facilities in Benghazi depicting the attacks? Will you declassify this footage so the American people can see for themselves what transpired?

14. Did you authorize a covert action or covert operation to provide lethal assistance to Libyan rebels?

15. [Classified]

The Republican report notes that, "Despite the Secretary of Defense’s clear directive and his intention that (rescue) forces would move and move quickly," nothing happened for many hours.

"Over 13 hours after the attack began, the first force -- the farthest away [in Rota, Spain] -- deployed. It would take nearly 18 hours for the FAST team [Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team] to move, and over 20 hours from the beginning of the attack before the CIF (another available military asset) moved."

President Obama went to a fundraiser in Las Vegas the day after the Benghazi attack.


edutcher said...

This, of course, is the real issue.

That Hillary, an intermediate official, did nothing is nowhere as germane to the issue as what the Drag Queen In Chief did.

Which was retire to his bed with Reggie Love to get his beauty sleep for his fundraiser next day.

Perhaps the next Administration may have something to say to him.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media uninterested in why the democrats used an obscure film and an obscure "shadowy" film maker as their scapegoat.

Threw him in jail, ruined his life - all for a lie.

Media. Not. Interested.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you cannot defend against an expected attack, what can you defend against?

ricpic said...

Throwing that filmmaker in jail was SURRENDER to Sharia Law.

edutcher said...

No, it was throwing out the Constitution in the name of political expedience.

Same with same sex marriage, abortion...

Leland said...

Lem, your assuming the desire is to defend. I used to make that assumption too, but either there is incompetence or malice, and they are claiming competence.

windbag said...

Nobody's holding their breath on this, are they?

Darcy said...

Infuriating!! He didn't answer anything. More infuriating is the fact that he didn't answer ANYTHING and the Republicans went on for months and months and weren't screaming this. I think the public may have been interested in a few of these answers! I think they could have shamed the press into asking. But no!!

But they are completely inept at messaging. Or fighting for anything. Or...oh, what does it matter.

We got Trumped.

edutcher said...

Well, you are confusing the Whigs currently in DC with real Republicans.

As for The Donald, he remembers he's running against Cacklepants, not Pissy.

Eyes on the prize. You want revenge?

First win the election.

edutcher said...

PS Nobody got Trumped. He won fair and square. Didn't have to poach or cheat or anything.

Darcy said...

@edutcher - He did win fair and square. I'm not happy about my choice, but I don't need a second to consider any other alternative. I'm in.

Just not happy.

edutcher said...

I am. If Cruz has lived up to the hype, I'd have given him more than the consideration I did.

Short of Jeb!, I gave most of them a listen.

ndspinelli said...

Republicans are bumbling idiots. I will say for the 50th time. It would be MUCH more effective to vote all incumbents in Congress out of office than electing any President.

You're about 80% right, although the President does a lot to set the tome for the country.

Term limits for Congress, term limits for the Federal bench (for that matter, term limits for the Federal civil service).

I'm Full of Soup said...

What Darcy said at 1:29PM.

Methadras said...

I've been screaming to the high heavens that these people are criminal liars, traitors, and frankly unamerican. How much more proof is required to prove this? Why are people still tip-toeing around calling these people what they are? All I hear on talk radio is pablum even from the likes of Limbaugh without calling Obama and Hillary what they are, subversive traitors in high office of the United States. Instead more congenial nomenclature is used and we wonder why these people are allowed to get away with it time and time and time again.

Call them out for what they are whenever and wherever you can. But, nothing will happen to these people ever so don't expect justice.

Methadras said...

Darcy said...

Infuriating!! He didn't answer anything. More infuriating is the fact that he didn't answer ANYTHING and the Republicans went on for months and months and weren't screaming this. I think the public may have been interested in a few of these answers! I think they could have shamed the press into asking. But no!!

But they are completely inept at messaging. Or fighting for anything. Or...oh, what does it matter.

We got Trumped.

Darcy, what will it take to convince you or anyone that the GOP is unworthy of yours or my support? For two years guys like Gowdy looked awesome on TV and now we find out that they really did nothing at all. Republicans are the worst messaging people on earth. They have no message. They have no will. They have no vision. They are losers and we wonder why conservativism has lost on the national stage. They should have been on TV every single day if not every our excoriating Obama and HRC for this and yet. Nothing. Crickets. Kabuki theater.

By the way, for those of you that don't know my references to Kabuki theater, go look it up. It's all a play of high drama with little to no content.