Monday, June 27, 2016

"Tired Of Being Robbed..."

"Gas Station Owner Puts Up Sign That Has People Talking"

Link to video

Smart man recognizes the value of doing business with law abiding citizens with weapons. I hope this catches on all over the country. **IF** it does, we'll see a dramatic decline in criminal activity where the criminals get what they want, and walk away scott free.


edutcher said...

Kind of like a hired gun.

Well, the Lefties said we'd see a return to the Wild West, only it's because geniuses like Richard Posner decided about 50 years ago to give criminals extra rights they never had or were never intended to have.

bagoh20 said...

Gun free zones get people killed unnecessarily, and this is the opposite of a gun free zone. Great idea - just needs a bigger sign.

There are Americans out here who are able and prepared to save lives if called - to save you, your children, your friends, your coworkers. I want them at my business, in my neighborhood, at my schools, on my streets. If all I have to do is invite them and respect them, why would I not? That's a question for Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the gun grabbing left. Why do you want to set people up to be massacred at will with no ability to protect themselves?

Chip Ahoy said...

Their profit margin is over 10cents a gallon?

Methadras said...

I defy any of these anti-gun shitheads to post a sign in front of or on their homes that proclaims they are a gun free zone. Yeah, let's see that happen. lulz.

This will not catch on in CA anytime soon considering the 9th Circuits defeat of a concealed carry appeal based on 'good cause' tests for issuing sheriffs. Fucking stupid.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

When I worked at a truck stop on midnights we always gave LEO free coffee or soda. If there was anything weird or someone just hanging around we could just get on the CB and say "fresh pot of coffee going" It meant this was not an emergency, but it would be nice to see a cop.

Michael Haz said...

I frequent a Cuban bar/restaurant in a dicey part of Milwaukee. Nice owners, very good food. A sign on the front door welcomes CCW permit holders and asks that in the event of an emergency they take care to aim at the perps and nobody else.

They have never been robbed.

ndspinelli said...

The official Al-Quaeda magazine published a story yesterday in the wake of Orlando. They instructed lone wolf, self radicalized, terrorists to hit places w/ white victims. They said that the US govt. is calling Orlando a hate crime and that it must be clear it is an attack against the US, not any particular American. I feel like I fell down Satan's rabbit hole.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Great publicity and he probably will defer holdups with it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip, I am assuming 10 cents puts that gas at cost or just below. Like a loss leader.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If we could kill criminals - the Clintons would be dead.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It is pretty much a given assumption that every house in our area is well armed. The assumption is correct. Not because we expect the coming zombie apocalypse, but rather because the police/sheriff coverage is very thin and we have a lot of animal predators as well as many tasty deer running around.

If we had an "event" at our home or anywhere in the area it would be at least a 30 minute to 45 minute response time. At LEAST! NO one can cover two thousand square miles, much less than their 10,000 square miles of territory (100 x 100). We have at night one, maybe two sheriff patrols on duty who have to travel winding roads to get to the response area. By is too late to do anything but clean up.

So we protect ourselves. It is also a given that probably anyone you see has a CCW or is carrying anyway. Rifle racks in the trucks. Etc. In fact our Sheriff has stated that his CCW permit process will be very simple. Ask and you shall receive. Unless you have a criminal record. They are carrying already....illegally. So? Be prepared. Basically anyone who applies will be granted a permit to carry. The Sheriff knows that he is understaffed, the area is too large to patrol and crime in our area is really very low. Less problems for him if the hicks in the outback just police themselves :-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hope they misfire at the pump and all blow each other up in another, semi-Zoolander-esque "freak gasoline fight incident."

Gun freaks have a way of getting themselves into trouble that way.