Monday, June 20, 2016

Mute a star

Trump got it in 2007 for his work in Celebrity Apprentice. 


edutcher said...

Are we surprised?

But, to ask an interesting question, if you read the interview he did with The Advocate 16 years ago, he comes off as a pretty tolerant, live-and-let-live kinda guy.

Fascinating the "tolerant" Lefties can't stop talking about killing him.

ndspinelli said...

They have those stars in Hollywood and Palm Springs. I've taken both walks. I'll bet half I've never heard of before.

Trooper York said...

Well I guess we know bags spent his Fathers Day.

The Dude said...

That, and driving back from Tijuana with a trunk load of new employees.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

They have those stars in Hollywood and Palm Springs. I've taken both walks. I'll bet half I've never heard of before.

The Walk of Fame is how old? I think there are names that go back to the silents. Even a lot of names from the 50s would be unknown to a lot of people.

ndspinelli said...

I understand that ed. But, some are pretty fucking obscure even for their time. Albert Brooks real name is Albert Einstein. His father, Harry Einstein, was a ham n' egger stand up comedian who went by the stage name, Parkyakarkus. I wrote the name down when I saw it and researched. Although I don't know this, I would bet Albert Brooks lobbied to get his old man on there. Hollywood is as political and insider as DC. There are a lot of Parkyakarkus on the walk. The one in Palm Springs has some REAL ham n' eggers.

ndspinelli said...

ed hasn't taken his contrarian meds today.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If that star was honoring an African American... would that defacing be racist?

ndspinelli said...

Well, Trump just fired Lewandoski. I need to hear from the Trump trolls so I can know what to think about this. I mean my take is he is trying to appease. But, I know that could simply not be the case. Tough Donald wouldn't appease anyone.

ndspinelli said...

Lem, Depends on whom. Most it would be. But, Condy Rice, Cosby, OJ, no.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli, loyalty only goes so far. Lewandowski apparently was clashing with Manafort so one of them was going to go. So Trump said: You're Fired

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The Hollywood stars just require some minimum amount of work in one of the recognized disciplines (film acting, music, tv, directing, etc.) and paying a sizable fee to have that star placed. Most have the studio or record label pick up the cost. But plenty of D levels end up paying what could be a vacation home down payment to have a vanity side walk start. Sort of like "who's who" for insecure media types. I am talking about names that you never heard of.

Trump is certainly enough of a media personality to get a star.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

Well, Trump just fired Lewandoski. I need to hear from the Trump trolls so I can know what to think about this. I mean my take is he is trying to appease. But, I know that could simply not be the case. Tough Donald wouldn't appease anyone.

If you look at Manafort's title, it's campaign chairman and senior strategist. Lewandowski had done his job and now he does something else.

Wasn't a "firing", regardless of what the Lefty media says.

PS Anybody else getting a "Conflicting Edits"?

bagoh20 said...

"Well I guess we know bags spent his Fathers Day."

I wish. That's some damned good defacing, that I could only hope to claim credit for, and it's good advice, especially if you don't want to listen to canckles calling you a racist for the next 8 years.

"That, and driving back from Tijuana with a trunk load of new employees."

It's not like we can all afford to ship them in from Poland and pay a million bucks to shut up the American workers who we screwed over to save money.

I apologize if that's some kind of micro-aggression in this safe-space where lying about commentators is preferable to discussing ideas.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Bags- I’m glad you can keep your sense of humor.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ed, did Lewandowski voluntarily resign or is he still working for Trump?

Otherwise, it looks like he was fired.

ndspinelli said...

Evi, Maybe firing him was the right thing. I wonder if the big donors didn't say get rid of the dumb Pollack. I don't know if this reflects badly, well, or neutral on Trump. I just hope he's not panicking like April. 5 months is a lifetime in politics. You and I are simpatico on Trump. He must beat Hillary. Or Biden. And, I would feel almost as strongly if Biden ends up the candidate. My hate is almost as visceral for that phony motherfucker.

ndspinelli said...

bags w/ some hard body blows!!

ndspinelli said...

Baghdad Ed.

Trooper York said...

I think we need to reserve judgment on just what the "firing" means. It has been reported that he is going to work with Roger Stone in his dirty tricks shop. Another advisor and minion who was "fired" and continues to do yeoman work for the Donald. This gives him plausible denialability when he is behind attacks on Cacklepants. If he comes out with attacks on Trump because of his "firing" then I will believe the reports of the lying press.

On balance I think it is a poor idea. It is buying into the narrative that he has to become Mitt Romney if he wants to win.

Unlike some fools I don not believe what the media has to say. Lets wait and see what develops.

Trooper York said...

I heard a report that Ivanka said it was Corey or her. Now I don't believe that because it comes from a source who hates Trump almost as much as April or Bags. But I do think that it is not a good idea to cross Ivanka. The press secretary Hope Hicks reportedly had a big conflict with him and she is Ivanka's protégé . So that might have played into it. You can't trust the leaks and stories you are getting right now. The dust has to settle a little.

edutcher said...

nd, I know the truth is this side of impossible for you and April to accept, but Lewandowski's leaving the campaign was announced as part of Manafort's accession as far back as March. That was when his role was diminished. You know, when April was screeching about him being a "Trumpist thug" for knocking down that poor girl who never so much as lost her balance?

If you paid a little more attention to what was going on and a lot less attention to the fantasy that marijuana does a body good, these things wouldn't surprise you.

You'd also have sense enough not to swallow whole everything the lefty media says.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

I think we need to reserve judgment on just what the "firing" means. It has been reported that he is going to work with Roger Stone in his dirty tricks shop. Another advisor and minion who was "fired" and continues to do yeoman work for the Donald

Stone and Lewandowski. Summer could be fun.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I have a Hope Hicks Rule 5 coming (it is done but I just posted that Pro Brexit Eurotrashy Vicky so I don't want to stop it).

I have always thought more Invanka and less Corey, so I have no heart burn over this. Whether you are a Manafort fan or not, you need to let someone do their job without someone messing it up.

Stone and Corey were never front room guys (they are better doing something you would rather not see being done).

ndspinelli said...

Baghdad Ed, Are any questions about your dream boy unacceptable? Please read my 2:00p comment and then report to Nurse Ratchet's window.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trumo has to get his act together and get the hell off Twitter if he wants to get elected. And Who gives a shit abkut Corey - it's just inside baseball for political nerds.

And Bago - it's good to see you here!

edutcher said...

nd, it doesn't really make sense.

When Manafort came on board, it was also announced Lewandowski's role would be diminished, partly as a result of the Michelle fields thing. It was also made clear that, the closer they got to the convention, the larger Manafort's role would be. This is really old news.

Granted, there were some reports of problems figuring where Lewandowski's role ended and Manafort's began, but the title of convention manager is pretty explicit.

I can explain it to you, if you need. And you say "dream boy", as if you have one, but it just isn't The Donald. I OTOH just like the guy's fight.

I guess you need a dream boy more than I.

AJ Lynch said...

Trumo has to get his act together and get the hell off Twitter if he wants to get elected.

Really? He seems to be doing OK. People are taking his side in the Orlando thing and that's the hot issue. If he keeps being proven right every time there's a massacre, Cacklepants is going to look a lot worse than she does even now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Baghdad ed - I'm so stealing that. LOL. perfect.

edutcher said...

I take it ed-ache wasn't catchy enough?

Pretty grim when you have to steal off nd.

He thinks marijuana is harmless.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I like ed-ache!

ndspinelli said...

ed, You are the Joe Frazier of this blog. You just keep comin', no matter what anyone throws @ you. Please remember, it is possible to have a conversation w/ me about Trump, you just need to put down those formidable dukes.

You obviously read my 2:00p comment. What I also meant to say that I liked it when Trump stood up for his guy when that special snowflake, flopper, reporter had assault charges filed against him. I've followed politics enough to know people get fired all the time. It's like being a MLB manager. As AJ Lynch just opined, this is inside baseball and really not that big a story. The MSM just want to make Trump look bad every chance they get. I see that, ed. But, I also see Trump's fuck ups.

edutcher said...

OK, let me say this.

I'm not blind to what may be missteps on his part (trust me, I've cringed on many occasions), but he does have a knack for being right on a lot of things and what seems to be a misstep often becomes a good maneuver - staying out of the bidding for delegates in CO and WY. Looked dumb, but he turned it to his advantage.

You don't like his tactics - plain spokenness and the use of Twitter; I know, he's very unconventional. It seems to work for him. Right now, we haven't seen the public's reaction to who's right on Orlando, save for a few questions on specific issues and they seem to be going his way.

I think Orlando wiped a lot of other things off the board and I'm waiting to see what comes next. Surber made a good point about all the "dissension" right now - as long as the donors are willing to pay, the Whigs will make noise. Once we get past the convention, things will change out of necessity.

They certainly did in '80.

PS Being from the Philadelphia area, I always liked Smokin' Joe

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Rush reported that early reports on Lewandowski were wrong, that what happened is Manafort said either Lewandowski goes or he goes and the Trump kids backed Manafort.

Is that a surprise?

Lewandowski is still loyal to Trump, which makes me think this is a sort of friendly firing too..."Okay Corey you are too wild to be front man, and women hate you, go help out Roger in the background."

I'm Full of Soup said...

Cloverlay Inc. right Ed?

edutcher said...


EBL, I'm going on the theory that this is passing through any number of filters and is coming out through a lot of channels to make this look as bad as possible.

Yeah, we knew there was give-and-take between the two, but Manafort's role, if you look at the Fox story, is 2 1/2 months old and we knew it was going to be like that a month earlier.

And, yeah, I'm inclined to go with your take and this was a "friendly firing", as such. Trump seems to have a lot of those and his honesty and integrity pay big dividends in loyalty so, to everyone's surprise, the guy usually is still somewhere in the organization when the dust settles. I don't doubt he and Stone could make April scream, "Trumpist thugs", in her sleep.

We'll see.

Methadras said...

bagoh20 said...

It's not like we can all afford to ship them in from Poland and pay a million bucks to shut up the American workers who we screwed over to save money.

I apologize if that's some kind of micro-aggression in this safe-space where lying about commentators is preferable to discussing ideas.

Dude, next time trigger warning? My sensitivities. THEY HURT!!!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My sense of the Lewandowski thing is that the phase of the campaign that he was in charge of is now, for all practical purposes, over. Manafort is in charge of the next phase which requires a different set of skills. It also seems that the boys couldn't play nice with each other so one had to go.

That Trump will listen to his sons and advisors is a good thing. Unlike the current occupant of the White House who thinks he is the smartest person on Earth, it is nice to know that Trump will take advice under consideration.

And I refuse to think that Bagoh has to import illegals to work for him. That would be just too much work. There are tons of them already available in LA. I'm kidding you Bags:-)

ndspinelli said...

ed, I don't have a problem w/ plain speaking, I don't like stream of consciousness, whether it's from someone over dinner, @ a bar, or from a politician. I think one can be plain speaking, be themselves, w/o being all over the place. That's me. I understand different strokes for different folks. Regarding Twitter, I have said Trump is ahead of the curve on this. I use Twitter, but not that much. He could maybe cut back a bit on the Tweets. At least we know he isn't Tweeting while drunk.

ndspinelli said...

I just saw Donald, Jr. interviewed. He gave a good explanation, I believe him, and I am now leaning toward it was a tough, good, call. It seems pretty clear, the kids steered their old man toward making this tough call. I like that.

ndspinelli said...

On the topic of plain speaking. The greatest baseball announcer of all time, Vin Scully, gave a succinct, plain spoken[his trademark] pimp slap on socialism. A young Venezuelan Brewer player came to the plate. Vin mentioned w/o equivocation, "Socialism never works." He talked about how people are not able to get food, "And who is the wealthiest person in the country? Well, Hugo Chavez daughter." Vin said this in LA. Take that Sean Penn, Oliver Stone and all you limo liberals!!!

edutcher said...

nd, you want stream of consciousness?

Try proctoring one of The Blonde's papers after she did a couple of clinicals, a day of classes, and a 12 hour shift and hasn't seen a bed in about 60 hours?

Thing is, I think what makes Trump effective is he says what's on his mind and that resonates. People hear somebody talking their language. But, then, his is a non-campaign generally.


We're used to formalized speakers, but that's all pre-digested stuff and people don't trust it.

Also agree about the kids. Seems like they're head and shoulders above Chelsea, who seems to have found her niche as brood mare.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

My sense of the Lewandowski thing is that the phase of the campaign that he was in charge of is now, for all practical purposes, over. Manafort is in charge of the next phase which requires a different set of skills. It also seems that the boys couldn't play nice with each other so one had to go.

That Trump will listen to his sons and advisors is a good thing. Unlike the current occupant of the White House who thinks he is the smartest person on Earth, it is nice to know that Trump will take advice under consideration.

That was made very clear when they announced Manafort (the man who makes women as warm and soggy as an August day in Philadelphia) was joining up.

and you are very right about listening to people. A lot of the Lefties we have learned to hate the last 8 years, who are supposed to be where they are because of their "expertise" are just window-dressing for Pissy, who doesn't even listen to what they have to say.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ed- nobody cares.

edutcher said...

nd does and oopsy does.

Obviously, from all the media hoo-hah, a lot of people care.

Speak for yourself all you want, but you might want to read some of the byplay before making statements facts don't support.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Cloverlay was the corporation some bankers set up to invest in Joe Frazier's boxing career.

edutcher said...

OK. Wasn't aware.

ndspinelli said...

I remember Cloverlay. And I remember Ali castigating because "Joe is owned by a bunch of white guys." What Ali did to Joe, a good man who took care of Ali when he was suspended. Who gave Ali 2 title shots. Who was blacker than Ali ever was. It was despicable. Joe was my man.

ndspinelli said...

ed is OK in my book. We butt heads often, and he can drive me nuts. But ed can dish it out and he can take it, unlike some folks. He's our Smokin' Joe.

edutcher said...

I take that as a compliment, sir.

The Dude said...

I just read that Ivanka (who knew - that's what Trump named his daughter!) played a role in getting 'ski fired. Really? Is that true? Do we want yet another government run by hormonal low IQ girls? That never works out well. Just look at Obama.

edutcher said...

Supposedly, Ivanka's a pretty smart kid.

I'd wait a while before nodding my head on Lewamndowski. The media's all "He's imploding" right now.

As I say, Lewandowski's role was being reduced as Manafort came on board.

ndspinelli said...

Ivanka went to Choate/Rosemary Hall when my sister worked there. She got praise from my sis as being a sharp, non spoiled, kid.

The Dude said...

I don't care how "sharp" she is, she is a child. I do not want some immature brat telling the president what to do. Amy Carter. That ugly Clinton spud. Thank goodness the hags that drag Obama around by his doodads are post-menopausal.

All I am saying is I want a government that looks like me - a white man. Is that too much to ask?

Trooper York said...


ndspinelli said...

I feel threatened by your angry tone. This blog needs to be a safe place w/o any microagressions. It is "disheartening" that I could simply provide some information and then be "stalked." I'm going to my happy place now.

Pretty fucking childish, wasn't I???