Saturday, June 25, 2016

"Men Did Greater Things When It Was Harder To See Boobs"

"To make America great again we may need to make seeing boobs rare again."
While some have made the case that Kim Kardashian and her friend Emily Ratajkowski have made boobs boring, breasts are in fact so potent that they may be hastening our decline. Breasts and female nudity have always been eye-catching to positively distracting, depending on your sex. The sheer boobitude immediately available either through online porn, Kardashian’s Twitter feed, and Tinder (otherwise known as Uber for boobs) has rapidly accelerated to the point that men have stopped creating because there’s so few obstacles to seeing them.
Perhaps you scoff and say highbrow Western art since the middle ages has featured images and imagery of the female breast. That may just be the point. They had to undertake significant effort to present images of the female breast, as opposed to a Tumblr of boobs or the that is available in one click. Further, take note that the prime age for invention used to be one’s early twenties; often, scientists and other folks were not as productive in later decades.
Now, that is often not the case: “There’s a boom in inventions by people over 50,” John Calvert, executive director of the United Inventors Association, told the New York Times. “Over 60 percent of the association’s members are older, he added, so they also have more time for inventing.”

Also see Average "Boob Size Around the World"


edutcher said...

The point is not without merit.

When guys had to get past the corset, the bustles, the pantaloons, and the camisoles, or even the panty girdle and the longline bra, to get some, we were more productive.

PS White women lead the world in bust size?

And Pissy wants to put an end to that?

Unmistakable proof he's queer.

ricpic said...

Well, sublimation (Freud's theory that the energy not channelled into sex went into civilization, i.e. art, science, industry, empire building) is interesting but utterly unprovable.

rhhardin said...

There's the classic essay "Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown," in a book of that title, that isn't as good as the title but nevertheless would not be found in scientific publications today.

Scientists have one funny idea but can't continue it, sort of like TV writers.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Which you can find using our Amazon portal for an outrageous prize.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Upon seeing a lack of response to her pitch, I've twitted the author...

.@AmyOtto8 I guess seeing them all the time may also make it harder to recognize the need to make it harder to see them.

I got no response.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Which is another thing that is kind of annoying.

I follow many #NeverTrump twitters as well as an assortment of Trump folowers.

I'm noticing better treatment from Trump followers than #NeverTrump people.

Except for a very few, #NeverTrump people give me the cold shoulder.

Even after tipping one off about something interesting.

I know there is not a collusion to do this (I don't even have a thousand followers) but, it does reinforce my own impression that #NeverTrump are for the most part elitists.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That whistleblower video is a good example of what I'm talking about.

#NeverTrump people have not acknowledged it, even after tagging some directly.

While Trump's followers are retweeting it and commenting on it even.

I'm well aware of the dangers of making generalizations, but the idea of unfollowing some of them looks better all the time.

edutcher said...

Let me say this about the NeverTrumps. some aren't Libertarian plants or shills for the Establishment (pick your (least) fave).

That said, I'm a little surprised they wouldn't get as wound by that as the Trumps, unless, of course, they have, to one degree or another, gone over to them.

Amartel said...

Objectively speaking, the NeverTrumps are operating in an Unreality. They either: (1) think Hillary will be better for the nation, or (2) think Hillary will be better for the nation.

Are there other options? I mean realistic options. Not digging up and reanimating Reagan. Not thinking some ridiculous miracle will occur at the convention. Trump drops dead and Kasich rides to the rescue on his lawnmower. (John Kasich reporting for duty.) No. Thanks. Perhaps they think if Hillary gets in she'll be Watergated and the Republicans will finally look good? Hahahaha. Yeah, no. Nixon had the human dignity to step down. Clinton does not and she'll just get the guillotine out for anyone who suggests that as an option. There will be no prying the Clampetts out of the white house this time. Perhaps the NeverTrumpers have a burn it to the ground fantasy like so many of the pro-Trumpers did in the primary? Like they'll be the only ones still standing in the smoldering ruins and can be the ones to rebuild? Fat chance. Progs love sifting through the ashes of the dust heap of history for parasites. They'll be out there building something hideous while the NeverTrumpers are mulling what bow tie would go well with camouflage. I don't know what's in their minds with this ongoing tantrum. Virtue signalling, I guess. It's not like they're convincing anyone of anything. They're just talking to each other at this point.

How difficult is it to say that "they're both celebrity buffoons but only one of them is under investigation by the Obama FBI." Or how about "They're both oddly American characters but only one of them has committed serial abuse of elective office in exchange for ludicrously obscene personal profit." Or "They're both a bit rough around the edges but only one of them jeopardized state secrets for personal private advancement." Or, "They're both a little off-putting, personally, but only one of them abandoned US personnel, including a US ambassador, to die unnecessarily rather than create a "scene" that might influence an election." How tough is that?

Hillary is objectively worse than Trump. She has a proven track record of worse. Ten out of ten people who know the facts of her track record, foreign and domestic, and are honest agree: She is incompetent, greedy, hypocritical, vile and would be a disastrous president. I'm not even talking ideology; just competence, accountability, transparency and statesmanship. Obviously, her ideology is rooted in Hillary First, everyone else second.

ndspinelli said...

I did one of my favorite activities and it included boob watching. It's in the 90's. Everyone is whining about the heat. This country has become a bunch of whiners. Anyway, I walked 10 miles and at the end jumped into the local municipal pool. Lots of big Cheesehead women w/ big racks. The bodies are much more toned in San Diego.

There is a family I've gotten to know @ the pool. They have a cute, engaging 5 year old girl. Last year she was too short to go down the big slide. Her older siblings and friends kind of rubbed it in. I play catch in the pool w/ her and her dad. Well, today was the day! The first time down. The cutey was SO nervous. But she did it. The slide empties into water deeper than she is used to. But, she got to the side w/ excitement and anxiety on her face. Mom was a nervous as the kid. I gave her a high five. She was ambivalent about going again. I just smiled and said it will be a piece o' cake the second time. She went again and was beaming when she pulled her herself out of the pool. When I left she must have gone down 25 times. Beaming every time. Her next challenge will be the diving board. We all need challenges. It doesn't need to be the walking on coals like that asshole, but something out of your comfort zone.

XRay said...

Good comments, Amartel and spinelli. If I squint hard I think they're related somehow.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks X-Ray. We both spoke of boobs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Amartel
"They're both a bit rough around the edges but only one of them jeopardized state secrets for personal private advancement."

That's just it - Hillary had all her rough edges chewed off by her media. Isn't she pretty? She's protected. He isn't. Her flaws are minimized, his flaws are magnified. As planned. Why he's the perfect stooge.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is objectively worse than Trump. She has a proven track record of worse. Ten out of ten people who know the facts of her track record, foreign and domestic, and are honest agree: She is incompetent, greedy, hypocritical, vile and would be a disastrous president. I'm not even talking ideology; just competence, accountability, transparency and statesmanship. Obviously, her ideology is rooted in Hillary First, everyone else second.

That. On a billboard in each city.

Chip Ahoy said...

April, wasn't what just now happened in Britain f'n amazing? Nobody would have believed it, not even the Leavers believed it themselves, everything, everything EVERYTHIG and everybody of importance and self importance and everybody of regard and self regard thought believed said fervently hoped otherwise.

And now all that cross-oceanic schadencrow we're watching them choke down sure looks deliciously awful, doesn't it?

What a smackdown.

This is going to be a great July 4th.

It's time to shed these surly coils of faux intellectuals sucking the life of a nation and contributing nothing but their antique self-regarding opinion. A Yale degree is something for sure, but it ain't all that. Not anymore.

ndspinelli said...

France is down there w/ malnourished Asian countries.

Amartel said...

April - That was in no way aimed at you. That was just me ruminating on guys like Kristol and Will. The primary is OVER. For once, the establishment didn't win with their usual backstabbing sneaky way. Trump got himself a cult of personality going because, apparently, that's what gets peoples' attention now (booo, gross), and rolled the establishment (yay). We always get behind their guys and now they're checking out on and undermining the presumptive GOP nominee, chosen by the people according to the rules. I'm on record, quite adamantly, that Trump's not my first choice. But when you weigh Trump against Hillary the scales tip quite decisively in favor of Trump. What's the alternative?

Amartel said...

Heheh, Spinelli. Exactly.
The rest of America is the over the shoulder boulder holder that supports these giant boobs.