Thursday, June 9, 2016

Huffington Post Calls for More Violence at Trump Rallies

"Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any"
Amidst the hot takes and denunciations from liberals, they all seem to miss a few key points. First, they misplace the blame. Second, they misunderstand the desired outcome from violent resistance and those protesting Trump in general. And third, they ignore the history of successful violent insurrection in the US, instead favoring the elementary school version of history in which nonviolence is the only means of struggle that’s ever achieved a thing.
Let’s go point by point.
Point one. These denunciations of violence from anti-Trump protestors rest on the misguided view that the divide Trump’s exposed is a typical political disagreement between partisans, and should be handled as such. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Trump might not be a fascist in the 20th century European sense of the term—though many of his supporters are—but he might represent its 21st century US version....
Point two. Politicians and liberal pundits seem to believe the principal goal for everyone resisting Trump is to halt his entry into the Oval Office. This, by default, means assisting Hillary Clinton’s entry. That’s a fine goal for some people to embrace, and in the heat of an election year perhaps partisans and pundits can be forgiven for having such a narrow view, but there’s more to this fight than helping get another Clinton into the White House. And for some, posing that as the goal is a good way to motivate them to stay home. My biggest issue with looking at the Trump problem as an exclusively political issue, though, is that if he loses this fall everyone will go back to ignoring the things that got us here in the first place. No matter who wins in November, the forces underpinning his rise will remain.....
Point three. Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change (*note the irony of that hyperlink going to a Vox article). It’s not liberal politicians or masses that historians identify as the spark underlying the modern movement for LGBTQ equality. Nor was it a think piece from some smarmy liberal writer. It was the people who took to the streets during the Stonewall Uprising. It was the Watts Rebellion, not the Watts Battle of Ideas, that exposed the enduring systemic neglect, poverty, inequality, and racism faced by that community. Similarly, it was the LA Uprising, not the LA Protests, that led to significant changes in the Los Angeles Police Department. More recently, the Ferguson and Baltimore Uprisings both helped prompt the Justice Department to investigate their corrupt police forces....
Last, I want to briefly note the problematic nature of people with privilege condemning violent resistance to Trump as an absolute moral failing, or denying its logic. Whether you would personally engage in violent conduct matters little to your ability to understand where it comes from. Some people have the privilege to consider the implications of Trump’s rise in the abstract and negotiate which means are necessary. That’s not true for everyone. And when those who hold that privilege dismiss the potential validity or logic of violent resistance, it’s effectively an effort to dictate the rules under which oppressed peoples respond to existential threats, and to silence forms of resistance disagreeable to privileged sensibilities. Don’t be that liberal.
What if someone is physically hurt or killed? What then?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists are Nazi Brownshirts.

ndspinelli said...

I know this is enraging. But, this type horseshit helps Trump. He needs help because he will continue shooting himself in both feet.

chickelit said...

They are simply taking their idiotic Trump=Hitler meme to the extreme.

chickelit said...

What if someone is physically hurt or killed? What then?

They will fight over who gets to play the lead in their "Valkyrie" remake of the events.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There is really not much left, both, the right and the left, agrees on.

Trooper York said...

Their violence needs to be met with law enforcement action. Immediately. Regardless of what Trump says. That is no justification for the police not to enforce the law. That white girl being attacked by flag waving Mexicans is just their first toe in the water. They let her get attacked like she was a female reporter in Egypt or something.

Look to Europe to see what is going to happen. Look at groups like the Sons of Odin. Springing up in just about every European country. Do they want that to happen here? Because it easily could.

Will law enforcement do it's job. Or will what Trump says give free reign to attacks on his supporters?

You reap what you sow.

Trooper York said...

To answer you question Lem if a white girl is murdered on TV by a criminal illegal alien wrapped in the Mexican flag the media will blame Trump. The cuckservatives will say she was asking for it. And the police will do nothing because the mob has to be given the space to vent.

Rabel said...

The author:

"I'm currently between degree programs and plan to start my PhD at the University of Wisconsin, Madison's School of Journalism and Mass Communication, in fall 2016."

But of course.

edutcher said...

April, it's distinction without difference. you could also toss in the Blackshirts of the Fascisti.

Trooper York said...

Their violence needs to be met with law enforcement action. Immediately

They know there is no rule of law in a Democrat city in the Obamanation.

They also know their days may be coming to an end. Right now, Trump is polling 37% support among Hispanics. The killer is that's only 4 less than Cacklepants.

Just as important, He's polling at 26 among blacks. That's the highest for a R since '60.

Needless to say, such numbers make it imperative he and his supporters be destroyed

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So just like i stated, despite the delusion - Obama is going all in for Hillary.

He hates her? nah. He hates US.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ed - you dribbled loser juice down your bib.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The secret to this election...

Chip Ahoy said...

Drudge is fun to watch. I've seen him a couple of times. He seems very odd. If he were your brother you'd go, my brother is very odd but we still love him so. His unique genius we do not understand. He is alone.

Have you guys ever checked out The Drudge Retort?

It's the anti-Drudge.


You dog. We notice what you're doing.

The other day a center photo of Hillary as Evita in glorious triumph and directly below "FBI CORRECTS, CALLS HILLARY PROBE INVESTIGATION"

And I'm thinking, I like this guy. But I don't think he'd make a good friend. I don't know. I'm just sensing. He does what I don't like about what they do, but he does it so entertainingly.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

So just like i stated, despite the delusion - Obama is going all in for Hillary.

Wow, that's great news.

Until you realize he's been the Kiss of Death for any candidate he's tried to "help". Just ask all the Democrat governors, state legislator, Senators, and Congressmen that had to look for work because he endorsed them.

ed - you dribbled loser juice down your bib.

Unlike some people who supported anybody but Trump.

edutcher said...

PS A little something from The Donald.

It begins with a rant against Hillary and ends with something quite stirring.

edutcher said...

PPS Lem asked the musical question, "What if someone is physically hurt or killed? What then?".

As far as the Lefties are concerned, win-win.

If a Trump supporter, they had it coming. If a Lefty, a club to beat the Trumpist thugs.

William said...

The willful ignorance of history shown by that writer is staggering. Ferguson and Baltimore are aspirational. Detroit is the dream realized.

Methadras said...

RMPC's will stoop to nothing for their aims. They don't care if you live or dies as long as their ideological goals are met.

chickelit said...

Will law enforcement do it's job. Or will what Trump says give free reign to attacks on his supporters?

That is going to depend on the town. San Diego did a decent job protecting ordinary citizens; San Jose did not. Trump has powerful enemies in Silicon Valley -- the kind who wouldn't mind seeing him physically harmed. It's probably the same in Chicago and Baltimore.

MamaM said...

And I'm thinking, I like this guy. But I don't think he'd make a good friend. I don't know. I'm just sensing. He does what I don't like about what they do, but he does it so entertainingly.

He's made a name for himself, that's for sure.

As for the entertainingly part, considerations of that take me back to a discussion held a long time ago at another place about the difference between creativity and cunning. I like the guy because he exhibits enough creativity to keep him from crossing completely over the line to the other side where cunning resides. There's something dependable and fun in his approach, and he's been snappy about staying ahead of the curve, even if he is driven by his own agenda.