Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What social situation happens only in movies?

Making plans for a date without specifying location or swapping contact details."Pick you up at 8?"
Everybody always speaks so clearly that nobody ever has to say "Pardon me"? "What was that"? "Say that again?"
How easily people can access rooftops.
Guy is too busy unloading a truck/ doing other manual labor to stop and answer detectives' questions regarding the murder he witnessed. Bonus points if it's a bartender endlessly dry-scrubbing an empty tumbler glass or wiping down a clean bar with a dry rag.
One guy vs 10 dudes in a fight scene where the other guys just wait their turn to fight him.


ndspinelli said...

One shot kills the bad guy instantly.

ndspinelli said...

People eating in such small bites.

ndspinelli said...

The cable guy w/ a 9 inch cock running into horny twins.

edutcher said...

Drinking from a dry cup.

rhhardin said...

Grocery shopping always involves french bread sticking out the top of the bag.

rhhardin said...

(Hallmark) The fireman and his sought-after lady have beautiful and startlingly white teeth.

rhhardin said...

The lower classes spend almost all of their income on cosmetic dentistry.

ndspinelli said...

Pre 1970, black character was always more stupid than the white character.

Post 1970, black character is always smarter than the whitey.

john said...

Matt Dillon can take 250 gunshot wounds over 11 seasons.

ndspinelli said...

Federal Prisons keep data on all body markings of inmates, including gunshot wounds. We had a bank robber named Michael Piggie[easy name to remember]. He has 27 gunshot wounds.

edutcher said...

The A-Team never wounded or killed anybody.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

How about bar fights and no one is bruised or messed up afterwards? I have never seen someone really punched in the face and not look a lot worse for wear a few minutes later.

edutcher said...

Or getting hit over the head and almost never a concussion or brain injury.

Trooper York said...

Passengers walking away from horrific car accidents without a scratch.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Montages, any type of montage.

ampersand said...

The Bowery Boys starting an escort service.

Methadras said...

Almost any movie shot in new york where there is a chase scene and driving through alleys at high speed.

Giant teenage house parties where the hot girl comes onto the nerdy/geeky guy.

anything and any of the people in Napoleon Dynamite.

Any period film that spans from pre-christian to medieval times and there are beautiful muscular men and pretty blond women.

Men are treated like moronic retards by their wives and children. Oh wait.

Known Unknown said...

Visigoths with perfect teeth.

Eating scenes without any eating.

Ordering at the bar "I'll have a beer." Ale, Lager, Pilsner, Stout, Draught? Bottle?

William said...

Gunshot wounds where the wound splatters out when the bullet enters the body. That might happen with the exit wound, but the entry wound is pretty clean. Also, the lack of arterial blood spurts in decapitations. How come none of the super villain's minions never run away in a gun battle. Their comrades are dropping like crazy, but they stay on and fight to the last man.

ndspinelli said...

William shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Steg said...

Nobody craps their pants immediately when they die.

ndspinelli said...

I sharted the other day. "Never trust a fart."