Tuesday, May 31, 2016

X-FINITY guilt trip programming

The television is on mute and displeased with advertisements I surf and keep seeing the same slaves being brutally abused. I keep seeing outrageous scenes of gratuitous unproductive brutality such as salt rubbed in whipping wounds and uneconomical disregard throughout. Come on, what is going on? I pay closer attention to titles and see what is going on, now really, what is going on? This is not coincidence. What are these guys doing? Is this chart large enough? Do these channels and programs display well enough to see? It's History Channel, A&E, and LIFE.  7:00 -- 1:30,  6.5 hours each, 19.5 hours of the same movie concurrently. Like Inconvenient Truth in schools.

Suggestion this insistent is too easily avoided and intended or not the annoying importunity of clogging the night with slavery, the same slavery, invites cancellation not earnest viewing or slave-related introspection, if that's the point, if there's a point. 

I refuse to watch actors portraying slaves being beaten. I feel threatened. I need a safe place. Besides, this is Memorial Day not Feel Guilty About Slavery Day. 


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Snoop thinks the show stinks...

Snoop said he has no interest in new shows and movies — specifically mentioning 12 Years a Slave — that "keep showing the abuse we took hundreds and hundreds of years ago."

"I ain't watching that shit, and I advise you motherf—ers as real n— like myself; f— them television shows," Snoop said. "Let's create our own shit based on today, how we live and how we inspire people today. Black is what's real. F— that old shit."


AllenS said...

I refuse to watch the show. If people want to be outraged, let them check out the war in Chicago and other large metropolitan areas.

Shouting Thomas said...

This is why, after a months long fight, I finally forced Time Warner to cancel my full cable subscription and reduce my subscription to basic so that I only get channels 1 through 21.

They fought me tooth and nail.

In the process, I got rid of a shitload of programming I don't watch and reduced my cable/internet bill from $170 to $85 per month.

Roots was plagiarized and is a fraud. Why would I pay to watch that? Why would I watch it at all?

rhhardin said...

Slavery was good economics. It's better to enslave your enemies than to kill them. Presumably the enemies felt the benefit as well.

With the enlightenment and free markets, that no longer made economic sense. A slave contributes more to society working in his own interest.

So slavery died out, hanging on in this or that place with bad arguments that were certain to lose, like racial inferiority and so forth. The economics were against it so it ended anyway.

If you ignore economics, you don't understand history.

rhhardin said...

Time warner offered me cheap internet with my cable. I said I don't have cable. That seemed to end the script.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I also, like Allen, refuse to watch this propaganish garbage. I have better things to do. There is no way in Hell that they, whoever they are, are going to make me feel guilty for slavery or feel bad about being white. No white guilt here.

My ancestors either came to the US AFTER the Civil war from Wales and Ireland. They never owned a slave in their lives. The others came from Scotland in the 1600's. A couple were even indentured servants, from Wales, who later became free and married and had children who are direct ancestors. Indentured servants were in fact slaves.

The main group of ancestors settled in Mass. then moved Westward and they fought and died for the North in the Civil War. In fact US Grant is some sort of a distant many times removed cousin. So all the black grief merchants can go pound sand.

Like Snoop said. Quit focusing on the past. You can't change that. Focus on what is happening here and now and fix the problems that you (black people) have now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My ancestors either came to the US AFTER the Civil war from Wales and Ireland. They never owned a slave in their lives.

Oh for gods sake then why do you take it so fucking personally? Your response to a simple important aspect of our history is as baggage-laden as if you were to say that you didn't commit 911 and on that basis refuse to watch a film about it.

Indentured servants were in fact slaves.

That's different. Very different.

Your guilt is showing. The lady doth protest too much.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyone who subscribes to cable must be a dumbass, at this point. A veritable mental slave to so some douchebag CEO's programming whims. And advertisers. With a few exceptions, the idea that someone would willingly give money to a monopolist that they can spend much less on by streaming from the next generation's providers exactly what you want to watch and not watch is ludicrous. I think you people must just like giving money away to rich people who create absolutely no value and simply want to control the marketplace and squeeze every last drop out of it from the late-adopting rubes are slower than molasses to go with the independent person's obvious and superior DIY platform.

But I guess a lot of people just need others to tell them what to think. And how to be entertained.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

slave-related introspection...

Ha ha. Funniest inadvertent quip. A cable subscriber is by definition a slave to his/her programmer.

Free market, folks. You don't get to program their product/service for them. Unless you stream.

Amazing. It just boggles my mind. Jeff Bewkes and Brian L. Roberts are thanking you right now for your generous contribution to their children's trust funds, private airplanes, luxury vacations and mansions. And don't forget to keep their estate taxes low.