Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hillary's scandals aren't going away

Politico:  A flurry of events set to unfold in the coming days and months could push back into the headlines the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state, providing plenty of fodder for Donald Trump and his "Crooked Hillary" attack line.

No matter how that comes out, Clinton also faces an ongoing FBI investigation into the email set up. Some of her aides have already been questioned. She's expressed a willingness to sit down with investigators — something they're expected to take her up on in the next few weeks. Unless it takes place in complete secrecy, such a session would be the highest-profile legal spectacle the former first lady has faced since she testified 20 years ago before a federal grand jury investigating the disappearance and reappearance of Whitewater billing records.

"I think the [Office of Inspector General] report is going to be of interest and the testimony is going to be out there," said Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton. "I think the courts will take action this summer....I don't see any of this going away."

On top of all that, there's an expected House report on Benghazi. And a slew of planned document releases from the State Department that a conservative group is planning to make into a movie.

"We have been for months and we will be for the next several months on the receiving end of document productions from the State Department and others," said David Bossie of Citizens United, another conservative organization. "We have been and continue to be in the works on a Hillary documentary....We'd like to have something launch on or around the the Democratic Convention."


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Twitchy: #BlackLivesMatter Shawn King blasts Bill Clinton for being sleazy with Juanita Broderick and Lolita Express and @Marcos (Schadenfreude and Popcorn please)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trump destroys Goofy Elizabeth Warren with single tweet

The Dude said...

He did not "destroy" her. If she is still able to walk around, leave her teepee, drink firewater, put on her warpaint and go on the war path, she is not destroyed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I do like how Trump punches back... twice as hard.

Trump has a lot of his own hypocrisy to deal with, but the corrupt hypocrites known as The democrats - they OWN hypocrisy.

The Dude said...

Cover her with honey and stake her on an anthill - maybe then we can talk about destroyed. The old wet rawhide stretching trick would work too. It was real popular among some tribes. Hell, he could go all Huron on her as far as I care, but until we see the skull, it's all just hyperbole.

edutcher said...

When Cacklepants says if indicted, she'll still run, you know we're well past Aswan.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"She's expressed a willingness to sit down with investigators — "

The queen will see you now. Be sure to kiss her ring. No tough questions allowed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sixty - we don't actually get to kill her.

edutcher said...

Trump knows better.

He starts this sort of thing as an ongoing campaign. As I say, when he went to military school, he was paying attention in the tactics classes.

PS The Obamanation's last belch. A BlackLives version of "Roots".

AllenS said...

Trump is going to end up with Pocahontas' scalp hanging from his belt.

The Dude said...

Then she will be well and truly destroyed.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty, the line about Trump destroying her is from Twitchy. I posted it because it is a funny tweet. It is a great one line response to her. Rather than taking things literally like Drax in Guardians, why don't you find some joy in a good zinger.

Life is short, do you have to be an asshole all the time?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Excuse me Twitchy said she went "poof" that is not literally true either. Yes, Elizabeth Warren still exists in the world.

The Dude said...

Sensitive little fuck, aren't you? That was not a good zinger, it was lame. As always, you reveal much of your mentality by what you post and write here.

And quit trying to control me, you stupid illiterate cow. I have less than zero respect for you or your intellect. Try writing something original for a change rather than just cutting and pasting snark.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sixty is an asshole, evi. he can't help it.

edutcher said...

Calm down, dear. We've seen this before from all quarters.

And, actually, if Cacklepants blows this campaign, it will kill her.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Men - go fuck off.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I am hoping for something better than that- how about a murder/ suicide in the Clinton casa when Hildabeast loses to The Donald.

And Lem - let's not ban anyone - just ignore those you don't like.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty, I don't want to control you. You are miserable and want to make everyone else miserable too. I am sorry your life sucks so bad. I thought many here would like that thing from Twitchy. I did not realize you are a moderator here.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty: The zinger I was referring to was Trump's tweet to Warren. I am not even a Trump fan, but I thought it was funny. Warren is a hypocrite.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Skipping over all the hoo hah so far in this thread.

I think that Trump is doing a great job and a good public service in bringing up the past Clinton scandals. Both Hillary and Bill. There is a whole generation or two of people who were either too young to pay attention or not even born yet when many of those scandals were occurring. Unlike the past when the media had control and the internet was just a baby being born, the news cannot be controlled.

A young person who sees these scandals being mentioned can Google or Bing and get all the relevant information that they need. Educate themselves. Learn, if they will, just what and who their candidates are.

Some in the media want to say that it is out of bounds to bring up Bill Clinton's sexual scandals, rape accuasations etc. because Hillary is the one running for President. Well...that excuse went out the window when Hillary plans to put Bill into a position of power again in her administration. Bill will be in control of the economy...or something.

When she said that. Bill will be part of her administration, his past and his abuse of power becomes a very very relevant topic.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I agree DBQ. I love that Trump brings this stuff up and throws it back at them.

ricpic said...

Like most people I can't keep track of the details of Hillary's nefariousness and that's why I think Trump's one word labeling - crooked Hillary - is so effective. Repeated often enough it lodges in the heads of even those who want to believe "she cares." Maybe just maybe doubt about the criminal follows.

edutcher said...

AJ Lynch said...


I am hoping for something better than that- how about a murder/ suicide in the Clinton casa when Hildabeast loses to The Donald.

Maybe he will sic the AG on them, maybe he'll just let them sit and stare at each other for the rest of their miserable lives - because their influence, and the ability to con money for the Ozark Global Slush Fund - will be over.

Justice takes many forms.

I'd like to see her up on malfeasance for Benghazi. But I will take what I can get.

PS oopsy, you are right on the money. The millennials, who don't like her anyway, need to know what this crew is about. When the real fireworks begin, linking her corruption with her old ideas and with the mess we have today, will click with a lot of people

Linked this piece on what may lie ahead, but it was too early.

People say Trump really hasn't got any answers when wqhat they really mean is he doesn't go all wonky with.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Easy guys and gals.

ndspinelli said...

Are the FBI conducting a campaign funding review of that sleazy Macauliffe or are they INVESTIGATING the shanty Irishman???

The Dude said...

The delicate snowflake social justice cow and Hillary supporter uses bad language - ooo - scary!

Please review what I wrote - I quoted that pasted comment, without attribution, and SJC went off. Dial it down, cow, you have stepped on your own teat here.

And April - well, you can gauge her moods by the calendar - every 28 days she get hysterical. Seriously, mark this date, wait 4 weeks, and she will go nuts again. It's as if it is periodic or something.

Trooper York said...

The best thing about Hillary and Elizabeth Warren is how they bring people together.

Leland said...

Hillary supporter uses bad language

Yep, hyperbole is the word, and later followed by some projection.

edutcher said...

Fauxcahontas couldn't get elected outside the People's Republic,.

ndspinelli said...

Are the FBI conducting a campaign funding review of that sleazy Macauliffe or are they INVESTIGATING the shanty Irishman???

Sounds like DOJ pros, not the G-men, that may or may not be a good thing.

And which shanty Irishman we talking?

edutcher said...

PS A little something for Troop, Tom Cotton rips Ding Harry as vulgar incoherent.

Surprised he left out incontinent.

Trooper York said...

Did you hear what Cotton said about Obama's foreign policy team?
"This reminds me of the time back during the big fight over Obamacare and the government spending bill in the fall of 2013. And one of the guys over there accused the House Republicans of being suicide bombers, if you recall that? As if any of them had ever seen anything more dangerous than a shoving match when they were playing beer pong in the back of a bar in Georgetown."

Trooper York said...

More Cotton:"I guess I became public enemy number one at the White House because I'm telling the truth about the Iran deal. Look, what you just played, and some of the coverage of Ben Rhodes is what happens when you put van drivers and campaign flacks and failed novelists in charge of foreign policy and national security," Cotton told radio host Hugh Hewitt, after Hewitt played a clip of White House press secretary Josh Earnest rejecting Cotton's arguments about the Iran deal."

Trooper York said...

You can see whey I thought he would be the perfect running mate for Trump. I have been calling this for months.

Although now it looks like it might be Newt which would also be a good choice.

The Dude said...

Isn't Newt 100 years old and only slightly less pervy than his colleagues? He is a terrible choice. How about someone under 60 to balance the geriatric scale.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, you may be right about Cotton.

And Sixty, I am not a Hillary supporter. Try not to lie like her.

The Dude said...

Whatever, cow.

Trooper York said...

Sixty I understand that Newt is not a conventional wisdom choice. That would be someone like Susan Martinez from New Mexico. You know the one who was in charge of what happened at the Trump Rally. They want an affirmative action choice as though that is going to matter to the savages. That is conventional cuckservative thinking.

Newt has the intellect and the ability to slice to ribbons someone like Warren in a VP debate. He knows how Congress works. He can put up a follow up to the Contract with America. A simple coherent plan that the down ticket Republicans cans get behind and run on and unify the party.

Look lets go full old white guy. Don't get me wrong. Cotton is my pick and has been for a long time. Lets see.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty: What bad language did I use? Or are you mistaking me for April Apple?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Newt is certainly not the conventional pick, but would be solid. Newt would be a hellava Chief of Staff. If Cotton was the veep and they won, who gets to pick his replacement in the Senate?

The Dude said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Life is short, do you have to be an asshole all the time?"

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is real, and your prions must be acting up today.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I think that Newt, while probably the most qualified VP choice, would be a terrible choice in the election. He is too "old school", to actually old and has a lot of baggage that the media could pounce upon. Besides his wife looks like the alien robot lady in Mars Attacks.

Trump needs to pick someone a bit younger with more personal appeal. I know that sounds superficial, but is the American public after all. Trump needs to avoid picking someone who fills the slots of Hispanic, Woman, whatever...UNLESS that person is the most qualified. Just checking off the boxes won't get it anymore and is a useless exercise for a Republican anyway. The media will still find fault. Not Hispanic/Black/Woman enough.

Trooper York said...

There is no woman or minority who is more qualified. If he wants to go affirmative action he can pick Joni Ernst.

To repeat Tom Cotton is my pick. He won't back down. But Newt is an outside the box pick. He can be Trump's Dick Cheney. The ultimate insider. The VP pick does not determine the election. Sure they can throw sleaze at Newt. I mean Bill Clinton can go out there and talk about how Newt cheated on his wife....errr....wait a minute....maybe that bullshit won't fly this time because the candidate is not a weak-kneed cuckservative mo.

Oh and one other thing. The same morons who said that Trump could never win and that he was a reality show buffoon with no chance are the same morons who think Newt is a bad pick. I exempt Sixty and DBQ from this because I understand their reasoning but morons like Karl Rove and other self important all knowing jerkoffs should be ignored since they do not have Trumps best interests at heart.

Trooper York said...

Tom Cotton would be perfect. I hope Trump is smart enough to pick him. It seems like his campaigning for it. So it might happen. Let's hope.

ricpic said...

Jeff Sessions as Veep would be great insurance against Trump being assassinated as it would be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire for the mestizo/muslim/schvartze that assassinates Trump. Plus I have a crush on Jeffy.

ricpic said...

Tom Cotton has a Jimmy Stewart Mr. Smith Goes To Washington vibe about him. I don't trust those All-American boychicks. :^(

ricpic said...

That should be boychik. Boychik, Schmendrik, beatnik -- all icky but without the c. Confused? You should be!

ndspinelli said...

Gee, I guess I was just put in my place by the Trump fluffer. The fluffer has the same mindset about the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Trump. If you don't go to Mass every week and take communion, then you are not a Catholic like the self righteous fluffer. And, if you haven't been a Trump fanatic from day one, like the Brooklyn big shot, then you don't understand "nuthin". I know just as much about politics as anyone here, and certainly more than a mamma's boy who has never left the womb err..neighborhood. Newt is horrible choice. And, I have more respect for Trump that the fluffer, knowing Trump can see that blatantly obvious point as well.

ricpic said...

I think all the Lem-ites should get together to facilitate a big Sixty-Evi spinelli-Troop kiss and make up session.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump has stated, logically, that he is looking for someone as VP who has experience in dealing with Congress. A more politically experienced person. This makes sense since Trump is an outsider in the arena. That doesn't mean that Trump can't handle himself. However, there would be a steeper learning curve than having someone who already knows the ins and outs of the insider's game that they play in Congress and in dealing with the lobbyists.

More of a smooth operator like a Manafort type of character. Cotton has my great admiration, but I think he is still a bit of a new kid on the block.

Choosing a Jeff Sessions, while a bit older than I would like to see on the ticket, would not only have the experience needed, he would balance out the claims that Trump is not conservative enough. Sessions is one of the most respected and conservative people in Congress. He might be a good choice.

Trooper York said...

I don't think Sessions would take it. I think he might be willing to be in the Cabinet though.

I think Trump should announce his cabinet. My picks:

Bolton Secretary of State
Sessions Secretary of Defense
Larry Kudlow Treasury
Chris Christie Justice
Ben Carson HUD
Sarah Palin Interior
Rudy Homeland Security
Burt Reynolds Transportation
Lepke Buchalter Labor
Karen Valentine Education
Gomer Pyle VA

These are my dream picks. I know that not all of them are available. But that is the Dream Team!

The Dude said...

Replace Gomer with R. Lee Ermey - he's real, and still alive and kicking.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There is no point making the veep pick till the convention where there is some idea how it can help him in the general and with his administration if he wins. You do want someone at veep who is smart and loyal and most importantly could be president if required to do so. Newt would be ok. So would Cotton. Sessions too.

Trump is never going to win over a Susana Martinez for veep, not should he try.

Trooper York said...

Newt was an early Trump supporter. When other people were attacking him and saying he had no chance and more importantly had no "right" to run he was the voice of reason. Newt is a great strategist. He was brought down by the pedophile Denny Hasbert and John Boner who wanted to see out to the lobbyists.

I don't think Newt is the perfect choice. But if he is going to pick an old guy he should go with Newt instead of Sessions. Newt has the smarts. Just listen to him speak. He has done it before by leading the Republican takeover of Congress and passing legislation in concert with a Democratic President. Unlike someone like Cruz he can help make deals. That is what Trump is going to do. Make deals. Deals that are in America's best interest.

Whatever you do don't listen to know it alls who think they know everything about everything. People like Karl Rove and George Will and the wheelchair guy and other self important know it all braggers who pollute the discourse with their nonsense. They are a cancer.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, I like those cab picks at the end.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I agree with Sixty's R. Lee Ermey suggestion.

Trooper York said...

He could work. Isn't he making commercials these days?

edutcher said...

Agree on most - Sessions was born for the Pentagon, although I'd like Rudy as AG and Christie in something like vote fraud.

He was a crime-busting US Attorney (like Rudy) so he could make a name for himself and rehab his rep.

Sixty has a point with the VA, it needs a good manager with military cred. Too bad Wayne Downing isn't alive; somebody like that, Mattis, maybe. He has the fore in the belly.

Carson would be better as Surgeon General, I think.

I'd like to see DHS disbanded (I can dream) and HHS, HUD, and Ed merged, then disbanded (I can hallucinate). In any case, the latter three need managers, not SJWs.

PS If Miss Sarah was offered it, I'll bet she'd rather be RNC chair. She's got the soul of a reformer and I think she could really clean house.

ricpic said...

Preet Bharara Justice!

Trooper York said...

I like Sarah as head of the DNC. That would be awesome.

It would be the end of the cuckservative neocon Bush cabal.

ndspinelli said...

I have become a big fan of Reno and will choose it over Vegas every chance I get. They had a great car show there this past weekend. We also attended a great car show in Santa Barbara the weekend prior. I think I saw some of the same cars. The people who go to Reno are down to earth. They don't get all pimped and whored up, just blue collar people, most from the West. They know how to gamble. None of the roaming hordes of 20 something entitled assholes. And didn't run into one NYer.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I still like Senator Joni Ernst - she softens the ticket but can cut Dems to pieces while flashing a dazzling smile.

The Dude said...

Reno was better when Harrah's car collection was there - 1,400 cars, including a Fords from every year up to '53, Packards from every year they were produced, Franklins, 2 Bugatti Royales, and obviously, hundreds of others. I went there every time I was in town.

Harrah was married to my aunt's coworker's daughter. It's almost as if we were family.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Reno is fun. I like Tahoe because I like the lake. Vegas is fun too, but I know what Nick is referring to as the roaming hordes.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Troop, think you mean RNC, although she'd do a number of the DNC, too.

ricpic said...

Preet Bharara Justice!

You just might have something there. Looks like a good man, although that he served as chief counsel to Chuckie Schumer and was appointed by Black Narcissus gives one pause.

If The Donald wanted a bipartisan guy, he might be the one.

edutcher said...

PS Something to consider. Trump's opponents spent 41 times as much as he did.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I was not aware of the Harrah's car collection. You seem to know a lot about Nevada. We discussed Elko in January when I was headed west. I was planning on driving past Elko. But, I got food poisoning Saturday night. I hoped to drive to Twin Falls on Sunday, but only made it to Elko.

Trooper York said...

We don't want a bi-partisan guy at Justice. We want someone to punish the other side. To the max!

ndspinelli said...

Evi, I love local vernacular. As you may know, local Reno folks call the Donner Pass, "The Hill." I was playing craps Saturday afternoon and an unexpected storm hit. It was in the 40's in Reno. A local talked about it snowing on "The Hill" and needing chains. I do plan on taking in Virginia City next time I'm there, as you suggested. I was in more of a rush to get to Minneapolis. I have my 7 month old granddaughter perched on my lap as I type. I love being a grandpa.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

There is still a nice car museum in Reno. It is nowhere as big as the one that used to be at Harrah's. That was an awesome collection! I'll ask the Dumbplumber what the name of the little one is ,when he gets up from his nap :-)

The Reno police don't take any shit from anyone. You heard don't mess with Texas. Well, that's a motto for RPD. A few years back there were some hispanic type yutes who wanted to create some problems at Hot August Nites. Old gear heads, hot rodders versus the low rider types. They did some vandalism on some cars. Then, the Reno Police knocked a few heads and probably more than that. That was the last year of any type of ruckus. I heart the Reno Police.

Virginia City is still interesting, but the last time we were there it was pretty dead. Hardly any restaurants open. Not much in the way of shops for tourists to go into. And even a couple of the saloons with small casino action were closed. This was on a weekend. Maybe we were there in the off season. It was nothing like I remembered.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It has been a while since I have been in Virginia City, about 15 years. There were shops and stuff going on then (and it was off season). Maybe things are going down hill, but it should be season now. Elko is fun too.

The Dude said...

It's called the National Automobile Museum and it was created after Harrah died and his collection was broken up. Obviously, cars like the Royales were sold - in those days they would bring 10 million dollars each, but hey, the new place needed an endowment, right?

They have 200 or so cars, and some of them are very nice - Auburns, Cords, Chrysler concept cars and so on.

But these days, if I am going to walk around, it better be in the woods.

The Dude said...

I got caught in a hail storm in Carson City once. That's apropos of nothing, but it was notable at the time.

ndspinelli said...

Even if Virginia City is boring, I can say I went to where Hop Sing would go for provisions. I ate a damn good steak dinner @ the El Dorado in Reno. I like cops that don't take shit. I lived in Chicago.

ndspinelli said...

When I first went to Vegas 40 years ago, downtown was like Reno. But now it's a tranny freak show.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yes!! Sixty. That is it. Thanks.

They do have a nice indoor display of a replica old time garage and a street scene of building fronts like you would have seen in a peaceful 1950's small town. The sound effects of the garage are pretty neat too.

ndspinelli said...

Good teamwork.

I'm Full of Soup said...

You should check out the railroad engines in a museum in Virginia City [that is the capital of Nevada right?] The museum is across the street from the state house. The museum is small but has some engines from Baldwin Locomotive manufactured just outside Philly in Chester, PA [a long long time ago].

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

AJ Lynch, Carson City is the capitol of Nevada. I don't recall a RR museum in Virginia City.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ok. So then, where are they going? Because I really get awfully sick and tired of the way you guys keep jerking my chain like this. I mean, maybe living in a state of perpetual Hillary indictment gets your rocks off. But I've got to tell you, the suspense literally kills me. You guys are like are like the sluttiest prom dates to never put out. Spending weeks beforehand detailing your fantasies. Can we get some reality? Can we? I'm reduced to arguing with Clintonian family members about the corruption of a woman whose many investigations never went anywhere. There is only so much "potential" evil and illegal activity I can ever rely expounding on in a debate. Sure, she's bad enough for me not to like. But that's not a convincing argument for them. And now just yesterday the NYT had a nice little piece on Ken Starr praising Bill.

Get ready for the 1990s all over again.

ndspinelli said...

Starr just got his ass fired for covering up sex scandals w/ the Baylor football team. Gee, I wonder if praising a sexual predator and trying to keep his job in a sex scandal have any linkage?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Possibly, but I never had any more of a reason to like him than I never really did for Bill, either.

But here they all come again - marching right into our lives, our news headlines, our teevees, etc. Come feel the nasty, dishonest, lukewarm mediocrity. Same cast of characters, different scenes.

I anticipate 4 - 8 years of heavy vomiting, for myself at least. I guess the rest of you will cope in your own ways.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So now that a disgraced congress critter actually named "Weiner" got deposed for a bulge in sweatpants photo, can we be honest about how much we dread the return of President Curvy Dick into the white house?

I'm serious. I'd rather see him deposed to that predatory sex island than have to put up with him on Pennsylvania Avenue. Surely a few virgins are worth sacrificing just to keep him out of everyone else's lives, and pulling the strings in Hillary's empty head to keep her just politically viable enough to not drown and keep her head above the waters of ordinary public scrutiny.