Tuesday, May 24, 2016

There goes Obama, trashing his own country for the benefit of dictators


edutcher said...

I'm reminded of a great line from one of Louis L'Amour's Sackett novels where one of the brothers is asked to be reasonable and the rejoinder is, "Every time somebody's asked me to be reasonable, what they really mean is they want me to turn my back on my principles".

I'm surprised he didn't apologize for the US trying to save the South from something like 3 million dead among the Montagnards, the boat people, and in the re-education camps.

Not to mention all the dead VC in Stallone and Chuck Norris movies.

Of course, all the top Commies in Hanoi spit on him, too.

Methadras said...

Obama is such a douchebag. He really is.

edutcher said...

Maybe we can exchange him, good little Commie that he wants to be, and Lurch for any of our guys the NVA still holds.

ricpic said...

I don't doubt in the least that when Hussein instructed his followers to "punish your enemies" he was, by his lights, acting reasonably. This is not peculiar to Obama, it is the mark of every ends justify the means-er. Reasonable, to literally millions of Americans, means clearing the field by any means necessary of neanderthals, i.e. traditionalists. Who are by definition unreasonable. In the case of TPP a concern for American sovereignty is traditional, therefore unreasonable.

AllenS said...

Obama made sure to let the Vietnamese know that he would lift the arms embargo on them. Nothing says Peace Prize like lifting an arms embargo.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

I honestly do not know, but is VietNam seeking arms to deter China? Or do they have other reasons?

Leland said...

Vietnam is a bit pissed with China's new found airfield in the Spratley's or as Obama might say, the NanSha Islands.

edutcher said...

'Nam and China have hated each other for millennia.

Idiot Boy shipping arms to Charlie will do nothing to discourage the Reds from taking more liberties in the South China Sea.

ndspinelli said...

He lifted the arms embargo and got NOTHING. This guy is the worst negotiator ever.

Amartel said...

That's unreasonable.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

He lifted the arms embargo and got NOTHING. This guy is the worst negotiator ever.

Did he lift his arms like Raul Castro lifted his arms to get rid of the arms embargo.