Friday, May 27, 2016

"Trump sent his plane to transport 200 stranded marines"

American Military News:  After hearing about 200 Marines left stranded after returning home from Operation Desert Storm back in 1991, Donald J.Trump came to the aid of those Marines by sending one of his planes to Camp Lejuene, North Carolina to transport them back home to their families in Miami, Florida.
Corporal Ryan Stickney was amongst the group that was stuck in North Carolina and could not make their way back to their homes. Stickey told that he had spent nearly six months serving in Operation Desert Storm between 1990 and 1991 and was eagerly awaiting his return home. 
Here is a picture from that day:


edutcher said...

And he wasn't running for anything 25 years ago.

So we mark the last of Pissy's apologias with a "Good Riddance".

PS While the brahmins of the Democrat party partake of Waygu steak and arugula, Trump shows why he will win.

Trooper York said...

Trump is a lot like George Steinbrenner in that he did things like this many times without fanfare and trumpets.

Of course the press will not dig out those stories. They will try and twist everything into a negative. So the only way positive stories like this will come out is through the internet.

That is the big difference in this election over prior ones. The press is no longer the gate keepers.

AllenS said...

Trump loves America.

Trooper York said...

There seems to be some controversy as to whether or not this actually happened. Trump had already lost his airline before this incident. So the question is did he send his own personal jet. There was another case where he sent his jet for a very sick Orthodox Jewish baby that was flown from Cali to New York. Of course the Trump haters are feverishly trying to debunk these stories so it will continue to be a point of controversy.

Trump is smart to not talk about this one way or another. If he did it and he knows it he can just let it stand. If he didn't he obviously shouldn't take credit for it. Nor should he take the blame if someone told a story that wasn't true if he didn't tell the story himself.

Trooper York said...

The contention is that the government contracted for his jet and he did not do it out of his own pocket. If only we had a free press to investigate this matter that we could trust to tell the truth.

Chip Ahoy said...

Please. I'm still trying to process a grown ass man being stranded.

Like on an island where there is no transportation in or out.

Please. Both my little sisters could have handled this one on their own at ten years of age. Stranded. Without cash, without resourses, both little sisters would be back in Miami before the end of the day.

And these grown ass men are stranded for what, let's see, 2016 minus 1991 equals, um, six minus one is 5, so hold that to the right, and 201 minus 199 equals equals 2 and that goes on the left so boink 2 boink 5 equals 25 f'n years. Grown ass men cannot make it from, where? NORTH f'n Carolina to Miami Florida on their own in 25 years.

Maybe I had best read the article before commenting. But I don't know. The numbers. The smell.

Conclusion. What you got here is a plane full of straight up retards.

I'm sorry, but I must be frank. I'm thinking of my little sisters in this dire situation and all I get out of the visualization is, "Good job, Girls! Glad you made it home in one day and all in one piece."

That was Mum's favorite phrase, "And you're still in one piece!" After telling her how badly I'm broken. Such a putdown. She was hard.

Trooper York said...

I don't know if the story is true or not. So I would caution about believing it just because there is a photo. It should be easy enough to check. I could see Trump doing it like he did for the sick kid. But I don't know for sure. I know we will never get a reliable answer from the corrupt mainstream media so I would leave it alone for now.

It might just be some Trump fans trying to gild the lily and nothing more than that. As long as the Trump campaign is not taking credit for it I would be skeptical. That's all.

Trooper York said...

I do know that no one would ever believe that Hillary or Bernie would do something like that. Never in a million years.

Hillary wouldn't even give a vet her used Depends to put out a fire if they were burning to death.

Bernie would spit on them and call them baby killers.

Of course nobody would have the balls to say that out loud. But it is the truth.

ndspinelli said...

The only true way to be charitable is to not do so w/o fanfare. However, being generous anonymously also has a practical side to it as well. It keeps all the moochers from hitting you up for shit.

The Dude said...

"is to not do so w/o fanfare" - one too many negatives in there, I suspect...

ndspinelli said...

Thank you. "Is to do so w/o fanfare."

Trooper York said...

I think the fact that this is not coming from the Trump campaign is significant. In one way or another. I just don't know yet what it is.

Is it because he didn't do it and doesn't want to take credit for it. If that is the case he would be smart to say it didn't happen.

If he did do it and is not publicly trumpeting it .....well that tells you something.

Trooper York said...

I am a little suspicious that this is coming out right before Memorial Day. It might just be the guy who is pushing the story is confused and doesn't have all the facts. It the plane had Trump markings maybe he just assumed that Trump sent it. It could be an honest mistake on his part.

The media and the internet run on emotion not facts. The fact is you could see this as something that Trump might do. He is impulsive and could certainly be impulsively generous. I think the most important fact is that you would never believe that Hillary Clinton would do something like this for our veterans. Not in a million years.

She would just lie to their families about why they couldn't be home on time. And laugh about it with Huma as she transmits her emails to the mullahs in Iran.

Trooper York said...

I wouldn't let Bernie off the hook this Memorial Day. I want some journalist to ask him if he ever spit on a soldier when he was protesting Vietnam. I would ask him if he ever burned an American Flag. I would ask him if he referred to our troops as "Baby Killers."

Why not ask him those questions this Memorial Day Weekend?

edutcher said...

That's a good point.

People forget the guys who fought the good fight in 'Nam were Boomers, too, as were the guys who went to college to actually get an education.

That's why our guys are honored today, not because of the phony "celebrate America" out of Commies like the Ozark Mafia or Bernie.

Trooper York said...

That's the thing ed. They want to make it a phony "Celebrate the Diversity of America." Instead of celebrating heroes like AllenS who went over when they were called.

Let's celebrate the United States Navy which was formed to kill Muslims when they attacked as the Barbary Pirates who were the great great grandfathers of ISIS. Let's get back to celebrating the things that made America great.

"Millions for defense not one cent for tribute."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Chip pours cold water on the pro Trump propaganda.


edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

That's the thing ed. They want to make it a phony "Celebrate the Diversity of America." Instead of celebrating heroes like AllenS who went over when they were called.

This was back in Willie's first year as PUS and some Vietnam vets were protesting him going to the Wall to lay a wreath on Memorial Day and he gave them some nonsense about letting, "us all celebrate America", not honor dead soldiers or mark the day or anything like that.

The very idea sticks in their throats.